4 Tips on how to have clutter free and joyful Holidays

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  1. Be a role model- De-clutter your own stuff first and make sure your kids see what you are doing and start a conversation about the purpose of de-cluttering (ex: getting rid of worn clothes, making room for things that fit better and donating good items to people that can’t can’t afford new things). Don’t go though your kids room and de-clutter your children’s room without them present. Make sure to include them, ask them what their favorite toys/ clothes are and which ones they would like to pass on to children that don’t have toys (don’t just make it about them, but also include reasons of giving, kindness and responsibility). Also do not get sentimental if your child is ready to let go of their first stuffed animals but you are not. Teach them to thank their belongings and say goodbye, which is a great ritual for letting go with gratitude and you might even want to take your kids with you when you your drop off the donation box at Goodwill, SalvationArmy or your local second hand store.

  2. Do not keep gifts that don’t spark joy- Once you have received a gift or a card, it has fulfilled it’s purpose. Say thank you and appreciate the gesture. You are free to donate the item and not hold onto it because of feelings of guilt. Remember you only want to own items that support your perfect lifestyle and make you happy.

  3. Make a list before you go shopping- If you buy gifts make sure you know exactly what you are buying and for who.For children I reccomend asking what they want or have them write a list to Santa and share that with your family members/friends, so they actually get something they really wanted, not just a bunch of plastic junk. I am also a big supporter of consumable and experience gifts. For example a bottle of wine and some home made cookies for the host of the Christmas Party. I also love experience gifts, as they are usually more memorable that material ones. Take your kids ice-skating or your loved one on a dinner cruise. For your friends how a bout an escape room experience? Groupon has some great deals for Things to do in your neighborhood.

  4. Lastly, donate money to your favorite charity/church, volunteer or take part of a toy drive to support the community, because after all giving is always feels better than receiving and according to AARP lowers stress, boosts self confidence and decreases depression.

Copyright © 2019 by Janine Morales, Professional Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and Imperial Valley, CA

Notes: If you are in need of motivation or guidance in your KonMari™ journey you can find a Certified KonMari™ Consultant in your area on the official KMI webpage