5 Spring Cleaning Tips

San DIego Konmari Consultant Janine Morales

Spring time is here, which means the days are getting longer, the sun is coming out more often and flowers are blooming. Get done cleaning big maintenance items now, so you come home to and effortlessly tidy home and not worry about the things that still have to be cleaned for the season.

1.Clear your counters

The less stuff you have on your counter tops, the less you have to clean in the first place. When counters are clear, it’s quick to wipe them off with soap and water for a sparkle clean feeling.

2. Deep clean the fridge

Take out every single item and assess if it is still going to be used. Check expiration dates. Take out shelving and drawers. Wash them with soap and water. If they are made of glass, use glass cleaner or disinfectant.

3. Kids toys

Wash plush animals. Lego’s and other plastic toys can be put in a Mesh bag and cleaned in the dishwasher. Have your child choose what their favorite toys are and donate the rest to make room for new toys (Birthdays/Christmas etc).

4.Sinks and faucets

Sinks and faucets tend to get calcium stains and build up. Lime Away will help break down the gunk and hard to reach corners can be scrubbed with the help of a toothbrush.

5. Ceiling Fans

Clean your ceiling fans and other light fixtures with a damp microfiber cloth or a Microfiber Ceiling fan duster with expandable arm to get all the dust off.

Copyright © 2019 by Janine Morales, Certified KonMari™ Consultant, San Diego, CA

Notes: If you are in need of motivation or guidance in your KonMari™ journey you can find a Certified KonMari™ Consultant on the official KMI webpage https://konmari.com/pages/consultants