What will a tidy home enable you to do?


One of Konmari’s most important philosophies is to envision your perfect lifestyle. What are your plans after you are done with your tidy festival?

For me personally it was starting a business. Some of my clients visions were; more time with family, travel or going back to school to get that degree. Whatever your reason is for tidying, figure it out before you start and when the organizing gets exhausting, (believe me it will) remember WHY you are doing it.

The KonMari Method™ should only be done once and you should never again have to repeat it. Of course editing is allowed, but through this process you will learn to make decisions based on your values. “Does it spark joy?” is such a simple question that you can use it for all aspects of life. For example you might have heard the saying “surround yourself with people that lift you higher”. The same should be said for your belongings. They should reflect who you are now and who you are striving to be in the future and only support that vision of yourself.

So before you tidy, ask the WHY, then start organizing your home. Many of my most disorganized clients say after even the first organizing session “this method is life-changing”, and I agree. When you remove the negative mindset and change your thinking to surrounding yourself with (things you) love, everything will fall into place.

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Copyright © 2019 by Janine Morales, Certified KonMari™ Consultant, San Diego, CA

Notes: If you are in need of motivation or guidance in your KonMari™ journey you can find a Certified KonMari™ Consultant on the official KMI webpage https://konmari.com/pages/consultants