My story

I have a confession to make!
I wasn’t always super organized. Before I became a Professional Organizer I had my own struggle with clutter. Don’t believe me?
This is my story:

I am originally from Germany where I grew up in a 700sqft. home with my Parents and a Bernese Mountain Dog. We only had one car and no Garage. I rode my bike to school everyday and we did not have dial up internet until I was a teenager. It was a simple life where we spend most of our free time outside with friends when the weather was good. We never bought a lot of stuff, we had everything we needed.

When I came to San Diego as an adult I experienced the freedom of making my own money and being able to purchase whatever I wanted. Also there was always something on sale. I started to accumulate lots of stuff as well as debt. I was under a tremendous amount of stress, being a working mom and full-time student, juggling career, family-life and self care. Even though I loved my job, there was no potential for growth or promotions possible. I felt burned out in my career and overwhelmed with all the stuff at home that I had to maintain, clean and take care of.

When I came across Marie Kondo’s book “the life-changing magic of tidying up” I just wanted to organize my home to get my mind clear. When I was going trough all my belongings, I found so many things that still had tags on them. I found items that were never used or have forgotten I even had them. I used shopping as a temporarily fix for happiness. With the help of the the KonMari Method™ I discovered what I truly valued in my life by asking the question “does it spark joy?” and the WHY behind every single item I owned.

I purged about 80% of my belongings including a car. I felt lighter, calmer and happier. My husband and I had paid off all of our consumer debt by selling unwanted stuff and learning to say no to spending temptations. After experiencing what an improvement this lifestyle change has made for my home, my family and my mental health, I quit my job and became a certified KonMari Consultant, so I can help others become more organized, productive and happy. Through the process of de-cluttering the KonMari way, I learned that my true values are my Family, Education and Travel. So now, I spend my time and money accordingly. I would have never been able to to figure this out on my own, I was so distracted by all the clutter, physically and mentally.

My KonMari journey has led me to my true potential. I became better at organizing, as well as more confident in making decisions that help me live a joyful life on my terms. I no longer engage in activities that don’t spark joy or hold to things because of feelings of guilt. I only make time for people that treat me well and I try to be very intentional about what I bring into my house.

I feel very grateful for the roof over my head, running/clean water and a fridge that’s filled. I really learned to appreciate the ordinary things in life, like having an afternoon tea with my husband or playing board games with my 6 year old.

San Diego Professional home Organizer El Cajon San Diego Konmari Consultant Marie Kondo

The KonMari Method™ is about having or creating a vision of your perfect lifestyle, regardless of your current circumstances. It’s like creating a roadmap to happiness. Once you have figured out where you want to go you just have to follow the steps to get there. Marie Kondo’s Philosophy is applicable to all aspects of life and therefore learning to make decisions about joy, happiness and gratitude is an essential skill that will lead you to succeed in organizing your home and your life.

If you have finished your tidying Marathon I would love to hear your story! Send me an email or contact me on Social Media! If you enjoyed this blog post please leave me a comment.

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.