How to stay organized during holidays: 5 tips to keep all your holiday décor tidy

Guest Blog by Flavia Roman: Flavia is the founder of Alter Decorum and a KonMari Consultant in San Diego, CA. She has a passion for home staging, organizing and helping her clients find joy in their homes.

tips to keep holiday decor tidy home organization

1.Sort by color and category and use clear boxes for easy identifying.

This will prevent you from grabbing and carrying decorations you’ll choose not to use. Especially if you’re into color schemes you most probably have at least 2-4 different color decorations for your Christmas tree.  Decorations and lights for outdoor use should be in a separate clear storage bin from indoor ones.

2.Use labels for miscellaneous tools and gadgets

If you have gadgets such as timers or three outlet extension power cords, you might want to label and store it together with the lights you’ll be using it for. You don’t want to take your extension cord from your bedroom or office where you already have other gadgets plugged in. Or better yet, save yourself a trip to the store for every useful item you should have in handy every year.

 Related: 21 ways to have a clutter-free home in 2021

3.Toss any decorations that are broken or simply don’t spark joy anymore.

Perhaps you changed your decorating style over the years. Translation: You stopped using cheap shiny garland or anything that screams snobbish or too tacky for your taste. If they are gently used, thank them for their service and donate them to charities that will give it to less fortunate families. Also think green and try keeping items out of landfills.

4.Don’t buy any items that you don’t really love just because they were on sale. Guilty as charged again?

 As always, sales can add clutter to your house. The same goes for after-holiday sales when you find yourself purchasing anything just because it was on sale and not because it was a rare find. A rare find like vintage decorations from your mom’s attic are probably more valuable and chances are you’ll proudly display them.

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5. Don’t scatter storage, keep everything in one designated area so you know where to find it next year.

You want to store all your holiday décor in one place, by category, not location. Chances are you won’t remember until next year where you randomly stored your Christmas lights if you choose to store them in a different location where the rest of the holiday décor is. This way you’ll also avoid unwanted possible arguments with the family members from blaming each other for ‘’storing and forgetting’’.