How to hire someone to organize your closet
/If you’re thinking about hiring someone to organize your closet but you’re feeling a little unsure, this is the article for you. In the sea of information known as the internet, where to start can be daunting. How do you begin? How will you know who the right organizer is? Can you afford it? Is it even worth it? These are all questions that might give you pause but we believe hiring someone to organize your closet is one of the best decisions you’ll make for yourself this year. So, where do you begin?
1. Decide you’re worth the investment. Deciding to hire a professional to help you organize your closet is synonymous to deciding you are worth investing in. Hiring a professional will require both an investment in time and a financial investment, but the end goal is an organized, joy-sparking place that makes getting dressed fun, easy and fabulous. Just as with any other self-care activity including pedicures, travel and cute journals, hiring a professional organizer is about making your life better and it’s worth it. Why? “Self-care encourages you to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself so that you can transmit the good feelings to others,” according to Premier Healthcare.
2. Start with the end in mind. Before you begin, have a very clear goal of what you want out of the process. Why are you eager to change your closet? What do you want your space to look like at the end of your journey? Having this vision in mind will help you find the right person to help you execute it. A professional organizer will be able to take your vision to the next level, but it’s important to have your goals clearly defined before you begin.
“A professional organizer will be able to take your vision to the next level, but it’s important to have your goals clearly defined before you begin”
3. Use the KonMari network. The KonMari Method™ has swept the nation for a reason: it’s the best way to organize your items. Marie Kondo has sold over 11 million copies of her book which eventually led to her own TV show. In fact, the month of the release of the popular Netflix series “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,” thrift stores reported major spikes in donations. Some even had to limit donations because they ran out of room! That means it works!
KonMari is popular because it promotes a do-able lifestyle change that doesn’t focus on what to get rid of but rather which joy-sparking items to keep! The popularity of KonMari is not a coincidence. This method has helped millions of people tidy up and spark joy to date. The demand led to Kondo creating her own certification program in order to help as many people as possible. Every KonMari consultant has been through KonMari training, has had hours and hours of experience and has testimonials from happy clients you can request. The KonMari consultant database is searchable by location and is a great place to begin your hunt for a professional organizer.
Related: The Biggest Misconceptions regarding the KonMari Method™
4. Social Media Stalk. One trick to help you decide who to call is to check out what your potential professionals are doing on social media. Many are sharing photos of their work or have videos that give you a glimpse into their personality, their style and their work. Most professionals link right to their social media on their website.
5. Get in touch. Now that you’ve decided you’re worth it, set the vision and found a few candidates it’s time to get in contact with a few professional organizers. Using the KonMari Consultants database to help you. Consider contacting more than one organizer in order to find the one that is perfect for you. Pay attention to the process of communication your candidates have. Is it easy to get a hold of them? Do they respond in a timely manner? Did they make time for you? Are they clear in their communication? These are important things to take note of because how they act in the beginning of your professional relationship is indicative of how they will act as your relationship continues. Another key question to ask is whether your potential professional organizer has any openings in their schedule that align with your timeline.
6. Set your budget. You can expect to pay around $100 per hour of home organization, give or take. When you talk with your potential consultants about your particular space, they may be able to give you an estimate. With that number in mind, set aside the amount you need in a separate account so that when you’re ready, you can hit the ground running. Having the money set aside will allow the entire experience to be fun and enjoyable without being financially burdensome.
Related: How much does a KonMari Consultant cost?
7. Get excited. Clutter increases stress, it can reduce our ability to focus, make us more likely to reach for junk food and even make falling asleep harder. If that’s true, imagine your life after clutter! Making the commitment to hire a professional should be exciting! Your life is going to get better and you’re going to be surrounded by things that spark joy!