Unsubscribe to get your email inbox organized

If you are annoyed by never-ending spam emails, subscriptions and constant dings from your notifications, consider unsubscribing to declutter your mailbox and take your peace back. To manage your inbox and organize it, means to divide it into categories and start tidying, just like physical stuff. You want to say goodbye to clutter and only keep things that are important or spark joy. Ideally, your email inbox is empty and only has new emails that have not been read and/or emails that need to be answered. Here are some tips to get your email inbox organized:

Unsubscribe from subscriptions. Remember that one time you signed up at a store or inline to receive a discount? Well, the company has automatically subscribed you to their email list and is not authorized to send you advertisements daily. You can manage your subscription preferences either in your customer account by the company or unsubscribe through your email provider.

Spam emails. Mark as spam and delete them right away. If there is not an unsubscribe button and the sender keeps sending you unsolicited offers, you can block the email and/or flag them, so they won’t show up in your inbox anymore.

Archive Important emails. Emails that are important, such as order confirmations, client correspondences or anything else that you need to get back to in the future . The Archive action removes the message from view in the inbox and puts it in the All Mail area, in case you ever need it again. When you archive an email, you file it away for future reference. And if someone responds to an email that was archived, it will reappear in your Inbox. Archiving is the best solution for emails that you want out of the inbox but for which there's a good chance you might need them later.

Maintaining your inbox. Be cautious about revealing your email address. It is a piece of personal information that scammers like to get a hold of, some even sell it to third parties that keep the spam coming. Alternatively, you can create a “throwaway” email account to sign up for offers and discounts or use a temp email service to keep your personal information safe. Schedule some time (15-30min) each month to edit and organize your inbox to keep it neat and tidy.

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas