Time Blocking for a Sparkling Home: One Monthly Mission at a Time

Do you ever find yourself gazing longingly at those immaculate, clutter-free homes on Instagram, wondering how on earth people maintain such cleanliness and order? Well, the secret isn't just magic; it's the art of time blocking. Imagine breaking down your cleaning tasks into bite-sized, manageable chunks, tackling one major mission per month. It's like a cleaning challenge, but without the overwhelm! So, grab your cleaning supplies, put on your superhero shirt, and let's dive into why time blocking for cleaning is your ticket to a sparkling home.

Fridge Fandango

Bid farewell to those forgotten, fuzzy leftovers and mystery condiments. Scrub those shelves and drawers till they gleam. Your fridge will thank you with fresher, longer-lasting groceries, and you'll thank yourself for a cleaner, more organized kitchen. Don’t forget to clean the outside of the fridge and recycle all the kid’s art, reminders and coupons that are probably hung up on a magnet. This is my go-to cleaner for stainless-steel.

Window Wonders

Time block a weekend to tackle those windows. Start with a warm, soapy water cleanse, followed by a vinegar-based solution to banish streaks. You'll be amazed at how much brighter your home feels, and you'll have a newfound appreciation for the world outside.

Pantry Party

Donate non-perishables you won't use, and toss expired items. Invest in clear containers for better visibility, and arrange your pantry like a grocery store shelf. Your culinary adventures will be more delightful when everything's easy to find.

Related: Conquering the Chaos: 10 Bathroom Organizing Products You’ll Totally Love

Closet Crusade

Bid adieu to old, ill-fitting clothes and accessories. Donate or sell items in good condition. You'll be left with a curated wardrobe full of pieces you love and actually wear. My extra tip to stay organized; use the “one in-one-out” rule; For every item you buy, get rid of one. That way your closet space never feels too overwhelming.

Basement Blitz

Time blocking for basement cleaning will help you reclaim this space for practical use or hobbies. Say goodbye to forgotten clutter or have a garage sale if you have many large items that can be sold. I recommend storage shelving for vertical storage and clear bins.

Fantastic Floors

Sweep, mop, and, if necessary, wax or polish. Pay attention to corners, baseboards, and edges where dirt tends to accumulate. Avoid using excessive water, especially on hardwood floors, as it can cause damage. For stubborn spots or stains, use a microfiber cloth or mop with a bit of extra cleaner. Be gentle on delicate floor surfaces. If your floors have grout, use a grout brush to scrub the lines between tiles. Remember that the frequency of floor cleaning can vary depending on factors like household traffic and the type of flooring you have.

Related: Use this, not that for organizing your home

Copyright © 2022 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer and Virtual Assistant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

7 Hacks To Be Productive and Organized at the Same Time

Are you currently struggling to stay organized and productive at work? Most people find it challenging to stay on track with responsibilities, especially when they have so many things on their plate. Extreme disorganization can lead to stress and anxiety, which may slow your productivity and impact your physical and emotional health. 

Finding ways to manage time and organize responsibilities is the key to work efficiency. But before we can find a solution to your unproductivity, we must first find the root of the issue. 

What Hinders Productivity

Several things may interfere with your productivity. Most of these issues aren’t so noticeable because society has accepted them as the norm. If you regularly do the following, you’re probably not living up to your potential at work. 


Productivity is not simply finishing dozens of tasks in a short period. It’s finishing tasks as efficiently and accurately as possible without wasting valuable resources like time. Multi-tasking will only make you feel busier but it won’t help you get your responsibilities done faster. It can negatively affect your quality of work, increase your stress levels, and even cause memory problems. 


Multiple studies have shown that sleeplessness can compromise a person’s alertness, memory, problem-solving skills, and decision-making. These elements play important roles in achieving optimal productivity. 


Exercise is an often overlooked factor in a healthy and productive life. Physical activity releases serotonin in the brain which helps alleviate stress and elevate mood. Productively dealing with stress can help you overcome barriers in your workflow. 

Tips To Be More Productive and Organized

Ready to be more productive and organized? Here are seven tips that you can use to get started:

Tip 1: Create a schedule.

Know what you want to achieve for the day and the week. Write everything in your calendar so you can monitor your progress. It can be easy to forget tasks and responsibilities when you don’t have them written down. A schedule will keep you accountable and ensure you don’t forget your goals. 

Tip 2: Automate repetitive tasks. 

Replying to emails, sending quotes, and responding to customer FAQs are just a few examples of repetitive tasks that you can automate. If you haven’t already adopted automation in your work operations, now is the time to start. AI technologies can now achieve all sorts of tasks, from creating content that helps boost conversion to writing templates to politely decline a business offer

Tip 3: Delegate efficiently. 

You can’t expect to complete all your responsibilities alone. Productive people know when it’s time to delegate tasks to more capable people. 

For instance, when washing laundry, you want to tackle the simpler items like t-shirts and socks at home and leave the more complicated items such as dresses and tuxedos to the professionals. Doing everything alone can result in errors that may cost you your entire wardrobe. You can save money on laundry by knowing when to delegate your tasks. 

The same thing goes for the rest of your responsibilities.

Tip 4: Avoid procrastination. 

Most people procrastinate as a way to cope with challenging and negative emotions such as insecurity, self-doubt, anxiety, and boredom. The best way to defeat procrastination is to find the cause of your negative emotions. Once you’ve identified what’s causing you to feel this way, you can manage it and respond to it in a new way. 

Tip 5: Schedule breaks.

Rest plays a major role in workplace productivity. Studies show that scheduled work breaks can help lower stress and increase productivity. While there are merits to pushing your limit, some tasks can be too overwhelming. Breaks will give you space to calm down and collect your thoughts. It can be as short as five to 15 minutes — nothing too excessive. 

Tip 6: Change your routine when necessary.

It’s natural for people’s habits and routines to change over time. If some elements of your current routine aren’t working for you anymore, consider replacing them with other habits that can boost your productivity. 

For instance, you used to work out in the mornings but recently you’ve found that it leaves you feeling drained later in the day. You may consider moving your workouts to the afternoon or evening. That way you still have enough energy to tackle tasks at work.

Related: 10 ways to become more organized and efficient

Tip 7: Learn to say ‘no.’

Productive and organized people know that their time is precious. You need to be critical about giving it away to people and activities. Otherwise, you’ll end up wasting your time on unnecessary things. Learn to say no to things that won’t ultimately add value to your life or that won’t help you achieve your goals. 

Final Thoughts

Everybody desires to be productive and organized. Some people have a knack for organizing while others struggle to find a suitable setup to encourage productivity. Luckily, there are methods and hacks you can use to simplify the process. Above are just a few techniques that can help you organize your days better. Give them a go and see how easily you can change your life for the better. 

What is toxic productivity

There's a difference between being productive and being toxic in the workplace. While we all want to be more productive, it can often come at the price of our health or relationships. Toxic productivity is when you're working so hard, you start to negatively impact your health or your work environment. In this post, we'll explore what exactly toxic productivity is, how it affects you long-term and what causes it in the first place.

What is toxic productivity?

What exactly is toxic productivity, and how can you tell if it's a problem?

  • Working too hard. Working long hours, taking work home with you on the weekends and generally feeling that no task is ever done—toxic productivity comes from being obsessed with work.

  • Not taking time off. Giving into the temptation of working all weekend because there's something left to do can lead to a lack of balance in your life and stress overload as well as burnout over time.

  • Not getting enough sleep. It may seem obvious that getting enough rest will help us be more productive at work, but many people fail to realize that proper sleep habits are just as important for health as eating well or exercising regularly (and maybe even more so). Lack of sleep can lead to feelings of malaise during the day and will make it harder for your brain to focus on complex tasks like analyzing data or writing code or designing an app prototype. In fact, studies have shown that people who get seven hours of sleep each night perform better than those who don't get any shut-eye at all!

Is toxic productivity only about working too hard?

You might have heard of toxic productivity, but you're probably not sure what it is. It's the idea that you can work hard, but if your working style isn't sustainable or healthy, then it's not really productive at all.

Let's start with the basics: toxic productivity is about working too hard in a way that doesn't help you achieve your goals. But let's go a little deeper and look at some examples of how this happens and why it matters.

What are the signs of being overly productive?

  • You work long hours, even on weekends.

  • You’re working through your lunch break.

  • Your relationships with colleagues, friends and family are strained and you have no time for collaboration, relaxation or team meetings.

  • Your personal life is a mess, and you don’t know how to fix it because you are always working on something at work.

  • Your work life is also a mess, because you've never had time for organization or planning ahead of time (or even later in the day).

    Related: 10 Ways to become more organized and efficient

You find that it's hard to get anything done without feeling like there isn't enough time in the day to do it all—and this makes you feel guilty and stressed out constantly!

How does toxic productivity affect you long-term?

If you're experiencing signs of toxic productivity, it's time to take action. It can lead to burnout and other negative health effects, including:

  • Poor sleep quality. If you're working long hours but not taking time for yourself, you may be skipping out on quality sleep. Instead of sleeping for eight hours at night, your body will become exhausted and start shutting down in the middle of the day when it realizes there's no way that it can get enough rest if it goes straight into another workday. This leads to a vicious cycle where fatigue causes poor health habits throughout the day that then lead to more fatigue the next day—and so on.

  • Low energy levels and bad nutrition habits. When we don't get enough sleep or eat well during the day due to our busy schedule, we feel tired and lethargic during work hours because our bodies are too sluggish from stressors like lack of sleep/nutrition balance (which is why so many people turn towards caffeine). But once we’ve had our fill of caffeine through coffee or energy drinks throughout the shift—and maybe even some sugary snacks later on—we'll crash later that afternoon instead of being able to enjoy a healthy dinner with family members after work! In fact, some workers skip meals altogether but that can lead to hunger cravings, especially for sugars and carbs.

Toxic productivity can lead to burnout and other negative health effects.

According to WebMD “Burnout is a form of exhaustion caused by constantly feeling swamped. It's a result of excessive and prolonged emotional, physical, and mental stress. In many cases, burnout is related to one's job. Burnout happens when you're overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to keep up with life's incessant demands”.

It can also cause stress because you're constantly running around trying to get things done in order to meet deadlines before they occur or complete tasks so they'll be done faster than if you took your time doing them. This leads us back into our first point about accomplishing things simply for the sake of accomplishing them - that's not always necessary!

Related: What does living sustainably mean?

It's important to be productive, but it's also important to take care of yourself. If you feel like you're taking on too much or getting burned out, look for ways to reduce your workload and take breaks throughout the day. Remember that there is no way to be super productive without being healthy—and vice versa!

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Organizer, Educator, and Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Is Minimalism for you?

If you want to live a minimalist lifestyle and be happier in the process, there are many things you can do. You don’t have to get rid of everything immediately—just start with one thing at a time! The point is not to spend so much money or take up so much space that it makes life miserable. Minimalism means living mindfully with what we have, sharing resources responsibly and valuing experiences over possessions.


The most obvious benefit of minimalism is that it's good for the planet. The less you own, the lighter your footprint on the environment. By reducing your carbon footprint, you're reducing your impact on global warming and other environmental issues like deforestation and water pollution.

Minimalism also reduces wastefulness: less stuff means less garbage to toss out after its useful life has ended. Minimalists can spend more time with their families instead of waiting in line at stores or sitting at home cleaning their house (or both). They have more money left over after paying bills each month because they don't have as much debt due to credit card purchases or payments for large items like cars or houses that depreciate over time. This frees up money for things like traveling experiences, which are far more valuable than possessions anyway!

Related: What does living sustainably mean?

Effortlessly tidy

Minimalism helps you to be tidy. It’s all about keeping things simple, and the less stuff you have, the easier it is to keep everything neat and tidy.

Minimalism helps you to be organised. By having fewer things, there are fewer options for where to put them – so it becomes easier to find a home for each item in your home or office when organising it.

Minimalism helps you to be more efficient because there is less clutter around your home or workspace which can increase productivity as well as make life simpler by reducing stress levels due to the constant need for tidying up after yourself throughout the day

Save money

Have you ever gone to the mall and looked at all the different things in the stores? Or gone online and looked at all the different options for a product? It can be overwhelming, especially when you don't really need anything.

But it's not just about having less stuff. It's also about saving money. When there's less stuff to buy, that means there are fewer items on your wishlist! With fewer items on your wishlist, that means there will be less money spent on unneeded products or services. This has a two-fold effect: one is that it helps keep costs down; two is that it reduces clutter and makes life easier overall (especially if you're short on space).


  • When you simplify your life, you have more time to focus on what is important.

  • Minimalism can help you live in the moment. You’ll be less distracted and more present with those around you.

  • If minimalism helps create a calm environment, then it may also inspire creativity, which can lead to more productivity at work or home.

Minimalism can help you live in a way that’s better for the planet, better for you, better for your budget and better for the future

Minimalism is a way of living that helps you focus on what’s important. It's not about having less stuff, it's about having less and focusing on what's important. Minimalism is about living a meaningful life, being present in the moment, and feeling at peace with yourself and with the world around you.

Minimalism can help you live in a way that’s better for the planet, better for you, better for your budget and better for the future.

Minimalism is a way of living that helps you focus on what’s important. It's not about having less stuff, it's about having less and focusing on what's important. Minimalism is about living a meaningful life, being present in the moment, and feeling at peace with yourself and with the world around you.

Minimalism can help you live in a way that’s better for the planet, better for you, better for your budget and better for the future.

Related: Tips when searching for and hiring a professional organizer

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Ten clutter free mother's day gift ideas mom really wants

When it comes to Mother's Day, the thought that counts is a good way to go. There are many ways to make your mom happy without adding more clutter to her house. From breakfast in bed, to a surprise meal out at her favorite restaurant, here are some ideas for how you can show Mom that you care:


If you want to give a massage as a gift, you can either give the gift of healing hands in person or give a massage voucher. Getting a massage is great for mental and physical health and San Diego offers many great options.

Massage therapy works by increasing blood flow and oxygenation in muscles and soft tissues, which allows them to repair themselves faster after injury or overuse. It also releases endorphins (natural pain medication), decreases stress hormones like cortisol, improves sleep quality and increases energy levels. But don't worry: there aren't any adverse effects from receiving massages! Massage therapists will work with you on making sure they are working within your comfort zone.

There are many types of massage techniques out there such as Swedish relaxation techniques used for stress relief; deep tissue massage which focuses on specific areas; hot stone therapy (my personal favorite) which uses warm stones placed strategically on the body while being massaged by skilled hands; myofascial release therapy where small knots commonly found in tight muscles are released gently over time with heat applied directly onto them through touch (electric heating pads). Unless specifically requested otherwise by client preference only one type may be performed at any given session time frame but always ask before booking an appointment just so there's no confusion later down the line."

Alone Time

Alone time is essential for all moms. She deserves some time to herself, and her family should respect that.

Alone time can be used in several ways:

  • Visiting a yoga studio or spa to relax the mind and body.

  • Going for a run or bike ride to clear thoughts before heading back home.

  • Sleeping in on the weekend with no alarm clock set, so that she can wake up when it feels right (and not because everyone else needs breakfast).

Fun Outing

One of the best things about a fun outing is that it doesn’t have to be expensive. It can also be something you do with your mom, or you can invite other family members. If you are on a budget, make sure that you book ahead because popular places will get booked out quickly and their prices go up as well.

If she has never been there before, then take her somewhere new! This could include:

  • A museum or art gallery (examples have been given above)

  • A planetarium show

  • A concert (theatre / music)

Breakfast In Bed

If mom is still sleeping, you can wake her up with a breakfast in bed. Prepare the table with a menu and even create a gift to accompany the meal. Don't forget to clean up after yourself, and don't forget mom's favorite beverage or flowers! Take a picture to remember the moment.

Family Photo Session

This year, give your mom the gift of a family photo session. It's a great way to capture memories with your loved ones and create new ones while you're at it.

To make sure your family photo session goes off without a hitch, here are some tips to consider:

  • Who will be in the photos? Do they need to wear nice clothes? If so, what kind of outfits should they wear?

  • Where will you take the pictures? How many can fit into one frame? Is there anything else that should be included in the background of the picture for it to look good when printed out on paper or displayed digitally (i.e., trees, flowers)?

  • How much time do you have before everyone has moved on with their lives; meaning: how long will this photo last before someone moves away because they got married/got divorced/had children of their own etc.? This will determine how much effort needs put into finding professional photographers who specialize in getting quality shots quickly using only natural light sources such as windows provided by whoever owns whatever house is used as backdrop for these types of things."


If you're looking for a last-minute gift, Botox is the way to go. As we all know, moms are busy and it's hard to find time to get appointments with their dermatologist. This Mother's Day, they'll be thrilled that you've made their life easier by booking an appointment at a local spa so that they can look younger without having to do any legwork! Botox is a non-invasive treatment for wrinkles or lines around the face and forehead. It temporarily paralyzes specific muscles in your skin which causes them not contract when under stress (i.e., frowning). The result is less visible lines on the face that last up until 4 months after treatment!

Eating Out

If you're really stumped on what to get your mom this Mother's Day, why not let her pick the restaurant? Letting Mom pick the place will make her feel like she has control over this whole day, which is important in a life where she probably feels like there are very few things she can control.

There are a few ways you can do this:

  • Restaurant gift card

  • Make the reservation (you'll need to call ahead) and pick up the tab altogether. But if you're feeling fancy, consider skipping traditional restaurants and going with something more unique—like ethnic food or a cocktail bar!

  • Let Mom pick any restaurant she wants—and then go along with it!


Consumables are products that are used up, like foods or drinks. They're often perishable and have a short shelf life. Examples of giftable consumables include candy or wine.

Consumables are one of the most popular presents for any occasion. Consider an edible arrangement such as -my favorite- chocolate-covered strawberries or a charcuterie plate with a fancy drink.

Home Cleaning Service

This is the gift that keeps on giving. You can hire a home cleaning or professional organizing service to come by and make the house sparkle for mom. After all, mom deserves a day off - or a month.

Mom gets a boost in her emotional well-being while also saving time and effort. This is an easy way for everyone else in your family to say thank you without saying anything at all!

Related: How to get started with tidying


Who doesn't like to have a beautiful set of nails and perfectly painted toenails? Not to mention the foot massage mom will enjoy. If you've never booked an appointment at a nail salon before and want to find one that ticks all boxes, here's what to look for:

Cleanliness: The first thing you should do is check out the facility itself. Does it look clean? Are there signs of wear and tear on the furniture or walls? Is it dark inside (this can be good if it's bright outside, but watch out for dirty windows)? Does it smell like chemicals—or better yet, like fresh flowers? Tools: Make sure their tools are new and sterile. They should be appropriately stored between clients so there's no risk of contamination from previous customers' germs (eew!). You'll need all five senses when deciding if a nail salon is right for Mom!

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Why an organized space is important, especially when you work from home

Our environment influences our mood and mental health

It’s not a mystery that when we work and live in a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment we feel happy and productive. Whether you work from home or in an office environment/cubicle, make sure you keep your space tidy and neat. You can personalize your space by decorating it with items that inspire and motivate you. Try to digitize as much as you can (paperwork,bills, subscriptions etc) and not bring in the clutter in the first place such as ads, other people’s stuff and things that don’t belong in your office space.

Minimizing distractions leads to better productivity

Decluttering your space has many benefits such as being able to easily access everything you need, without having to spend a long time looking for it. If possible, have your workspace away from main traffic areas in your home such as the kitchen or living room. If you do not have a separate room for an office, creating an office nook in your bedroom is more ideal.

Optimize your lighting to keep your eyes healthy

Working in a low lit area can be detrimental to your eyes and health. Staring at a computer screen for hours at a time is harmful to your eyes and causes headaches and fatigue. Did you know blue light glasses can help filter out blue light to effectively block the transmission of a range of wavelengths emitted from devices? Make sure you have adequate lighting during evening hours and try to open your blinds during the day to allow natural light to enter the room. Sunlight has an effect on preventing depression and anxiety. Natural lighting also helps with visibility during zoom calls. Ideally, your screen faces a wall behind you (so you don’t have people walking through) and the lighting is coming from the front of you (or behind your computer screen).

A clear desk allows for a better workflow

Psychological Flow captures the positive mental state of being completely absorbed, focused, and involved in your activities at a certain point in time. If your desk is cluttered, it can cause distraction and stress. When you have to stop working on something because you are looking for an item you need , that is not readily available, it costs you precious time and takes away focus. For optimal workflow, your desk should be completely clear from clutter. If you have a desk drawer add dividers or small clear open containers to separate items by category. For example; pens, papers, measuring tools, cutting tools, clips, etc. That way all things have a home and you know where to put things back at the end of the day. On your desk, you should only have your most necessary items such as a planner or laptop, phone or whatever project you are working on.

Add personality

Instead of only having useful things on your desk or shelving in your office, I suggest you add some beauty. This can mean different things for different people. You can have one or two sentimental items displayed such as a photo of your family/dog or an award. Looking at these items should bring you joy. Think about adding a plant or two to your work area. Have it close to natural light or get species that do not need a lot of sun. Plants purify the air and can help lift moods, studies show.

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

20 Affirmations for when you are shopping compulsively

Clutter affects our mental, physical and emotional health. Often clutter is created by compulsive shopping or mindless spending. Many of us use shopping as a coping mechanism to combat stress, trauma or abuse. 56% of Americans do not have enough money in the bank to pay for a $1000 emergency. Most wouldn’t be able to pay for something as simple as needing new tires, a root canal, or a speeding ticket. Debt and physical clutter have a direct link. Income is an important aspect of financial freedom, but so are spending habits. Impulsive spending, especially if it exceeds income levels and creates debt, often leads to feelings of guilt, insecurity and becomes a financial strain. Affirmations are a powerful tool to change negative thinking patterns. Here are 20 Affirmations that will help you challenge compulsive spending:

  1. I have everything I need

  2. Things don’t define me

  3. Less stuff means less cleaning and maintaining

  4. There will always be another sale

  5. Paying off credit will give me more financial freedom

  6. My time and money are valuable

  7. Relationships and experiences bring me more joy than material things

  8. Stuff does not love me back

  9. I am creating a life of abundance without excess ”stuff”

  10. I can achieve financial independence

  11. I can pay off my credit cards

  12. I am getting better at saying “no” to mindless shopping

  13. I am learning to let go of toxic habits

  14. I am happy with the life I have built

  15. My home feels peaceful when it is simply tidy

  16. I have the choice to choose peace over clutter

  17. I will go for a walk when I feel stressed instead of going shopping

  18. My bank account will thank me for not spending money on stuff today

  19. I am smart, healthy and financially savvy.

  20. I will use coping strategies that don’t require spending money

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

15 Experts Explain What to Get Rid of Around Your Apartment Today

Figure out what to get rid of this year with these 15 tips from some of the top professional organizers around.

With 2021 officially in the rearview mirror, now is the time to purge the unnecessary items lying around your apartment, create more space and approach this new year with plenty of room to grow. Who better to break down the process of what to get rid of and what to keep than a selection of some of the top professional organizers in the industry?

Without further ado, here are 15 quick tips from some industry experts on entering 2022 with a clean space and a clear mind, void of all your outdated and unnecessary items and ideas.

1. Be honest with yourself

Steph, a Columbus-based certified KonMari consultant and professional organizer at Find Your Tidy suggests that you, "Look for areas in your apartment that are overstuffed or collecting dust to start decluttering." She goes on to say that, "Clothes and papers tend to be the main culprits, especially if you've inherited a belief that you need things just in case or because it's still good."

Being both a professional organizer and someone who has moved seven times in the past nine years, Steph also recommends, "Clearing out that sweater with the hole in the seam, those pants that have been too tight for a while or the backlog of college essays and textbooks that you haven't cracked open in years."

"Be honest with yourself about where you are in your life now, and let go of the things that don't support your current lifestyle and goals."

2. Reduce, reuse, recycle

"A good rule of thumb is, if you haven't worn or used the item in a year, it's likely you won't use it again," suggests Fort Collins-based organizer, AJ of Organized by AJ.

"With my clients, I utilize my company pillars: reduce, reuse, recycle. If the items are in great condition, consider reselling them on an app or in person at your local resale shop."

3. Optimize and organize

"Apartment clutter will undoubtedly make an already small space feel even more cramped, and it can contribute to a high-stress level," says the Cleanzen Cleaning Services Team.

"Because storage in apartments is usually very limited, optimizing the use of that space is essential. If you are like many other renters, your closet floor may be covered in shoes that you have not worn in months. As a rule of thumb, if you have not worn a pair of shoes in the last year, it is time to throw them out."

"To optimize space in your closet, consider investing in a tall shoe rack or a door-mounted rack. You could also hide a flat storage bin of shoes underneath your bed if you need to find more storage space."

4. Stay in line with your lifestyle

San Diego-based professional organizer, Janine Morales of Tidy Closet suggests that "One thing you need to get rid of today is clothes that don't spark joy or have served their purpose. A quick wardrobe edit can make a significant impact on how your closet looks and feels."

"Saying goodbye to the items that do not reflect your ideal life anymore serves for closure and starts a new beginning with only outfits that spark joy and make you feel good about yourself."

5. Embrace your current situation

"I see a lot of people that hold on to clothes that don't fit," explains Sydney, an Austin-based organizer and founder of Organize With Sydney.

"Whether the clothes are too small or too big, people like to keep every item in their closet just in case. I encourage my clients to embrace where they are in life by helping them make space in their homes for the clothes that fit and make them feel good. In the end, they stress less about their clothes because they know they can grab any piece when getting dressed and it will fit!"

6. Toss the trendy kitchen items

Professional organizer Aileen, of Aligned by Aileen, often tells her clients to remove "any duplicate items. Whether you have blended households or have collected items over the years, you only need one of everything. When it comes to single-purpose kitchen gadgets and appliances, if you're only using an item once a year or only bought it for a trendy diet (looking at you, spiralizer), you probably don't need it."

"Consider borrowing items from a neighbor or getting multipurpose tools and appliances."

7. Ditch the outdated items

"Get rid of unused or outdated computer accessories and kitchen gadgets," suggests Darra McClendon of Simply Darra.

"These items may seem helpful at the time of purchase or gifting, but they just take up valuable counter and storage space."

She encourages her clients to always, "Think of functionality and let go of the things that are just sitting there."

8. Donate your old bottles

Victoria Willard, founder of Organize Design Create, talks about one of her most common cuts while helping her clients organize by saying, "I've worked with clients in the past who have tons of reusable water bottles throughout their space. I've had one client who collects them because she finds them cute or unique. My rule of thumb is to keep two water bottles per family member and donate the rest to a women's or men's shelter."

9. Don't let paper pile up

"Even though we live in a digital age, we still need to deal with paper clutter," says Karen Elaine Olson of Organized Lane.

"To reduce paper clutter, sort your mail as it's received. Put junk mail in the recycling bin or trash. Sort bills and file them away, don't pile them on the table. Same with magazines or books. Once you've read them, pass them on to someone else or donate them."

10. Ask yourself the difficult questions

Sherri Monte of Elegant Simplicity claims that "The best way to go about ridding yourself of excess stuff is to simply ask yourself a series of questions that help you determine the significance of this particular belonging to you:"

Do I need this?

Do I love this?

Do I want to keep this?

"Determining the significance of each of your belongings takes time but you don't have to tackle everything at once."

She also encourages people to "map out a logical approach to working through the things in your apartment. Visually seeing the progress is another strategy of ensuring you maintain perspective as you work towards a more intentional way of living."

11. Don't hold on to unused hand-me-downs

Nova Scotia-based professional organizer, Cindy Wezenbeek works a lot with renters and notices that, "Renters are usually short on space and storage so it's important to sort through things in order to maximize every square foot."

"They often hang on to all the hand-me-downs they were given like furniture, dishes, etc."

She tells her clients to "Take the time to go through these hangers-on and donate what no longer serves a purpose. Odds are, someone else can use them more!"

12. Free yourself from unused furniture

Lauren of This Simplified Home suggests that you "take a look at your rarely used furniture. This includes chairs you don't sit in or side tables that gather nothing but dust and clutter. Minimizing the amount of rarely used furniture you have in your home can greatly add to a feeling of spaciousness (even in a small space)."

13. Ditch the excess emotional items

Figuring out what to get rid of is as simple as, "streamlining your space by getting rid of anything you don't love or has outlived its usefulness. This includes items such as unused gifts, unworn clothing and excess coffee mugs," explains Jenn of Intentional Spaces Organized.

As for sentimental items, Jenn goes on to say that, "We all have emotional physical clutter. These are unused gifts, expired or aspiring hobbies and old childhood relics. Believe it or not, seeing these items, or even just knowing they are buried at the bottom of a closet somewhere, causes negative emotions. Pick your favorite three to six sentimental items that contain joyful memories and lovingly release the rest."

14. Cherish memories, not items

"Anything that was gifted or given to you that you have never used, wanted, or loved, donate it or give it to someone who will," say Matina and Kristina of Two Tidy Tinas.

The Tidy Tinas go on to suggest that, "It's okay to let go of items that hold emotional significance even if someone you care about gave them to you. Someone else will be able to love and cherish those items when you let them go."

At the end of the day, they assert that the most important thing is that you "Hold onto the meaningful gesture, not the unwanted gift."

15. Reduce redundancies

"Having lived in an apartment for the majority of my adult life, I have found that I do not need these items in my space for they create unnecessary clutter," explains Jess Green of Green Mountain Space.

"If you live on your own, with a partner or family, I highly recommend keeping three sets of plate ware and flatware per person."

Another reliable way to figure out what you need to get rid of is by "purging your closet every season. This leaves you with room to be creative and grow as a person. You are not the same person you once were 10 years ago. So why keep your 10-year-old band shirt or your high school sweatshirt?"

It's up to you

At the end of the day, there's no one-size-fits-all solution to decluttering your apartment and figuring out exactly what to get rid of. If any of the tips above resonate with you, give them a try. If the end result is a more streamlined space and a clearer mind, great. If you regret the cuts you make, you can always find something new online to fill the void left behind.

Article written by Carson Sperry, find the original Blog here>>>

 Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

The importance of taking a break and how it can help with motivation and focus

When was the last time you took a break?

Taking a break is more important than ever as we approach year-end deadlines, vacations and a new year. Many of us are also working from home which has distrubed many of the daily rhythms that might trigger taking a break. With that in mind, let’s take a look at why it’s important to take a break when it comes to your mental and physical health. Then we will learn how taking a break boosts motivation and focus.

Taking a break is important for your health

When you’re working, you slowly lose concentration and focus. In fact, studies show our attention span really only lasts anywhere from 15 to 40 minutes. We also slowly develop decision fatigue.

“Willpower and focus and concentration and working on problem-solving are all coming from the same pool of cognitive resources. More significantly, it’s really a scarce resource that’s easily depleted,” said expert Kathy Sierra.

Taking a break resets your baseline. When you take a break, your body can refuel your levels of concentration, problem-solving and focus. Without breaks, your brain is running on fumes.

While you’re working, you are under stress. Sometimes that’s healthy stress, sometimes it’s more severe. Either way, it’s clear that you, your body and your brain are not relaxed while working. Researchers have found that breaks can reduce stress and even prevent it if done right.

Related: Tips for a happy and productive home office

Taking a break is perhaps as important for you physically as it is mentally. For example, ​​your eyes operate differently when looking at a computer screen for a prolonged amount of time. That means less blinking and more strain. So, taking a break allows the eye muscles to relax. Likewise, your wrists and arms from typing and using the mouse can become fatigued in unnatural positions and prolonged usage. Sitting too long is hard on certain muscles and can even raise the risk of a heart attack. On the contrary, if you can make active breaks a habit, you can really help your health.

It’s clear that you, your body and your brain are not relaxed while working. Researchers have found that breaks can reduce stress and even prevent it if done right.

Taking a break is a motivation hack

When you’re working, your brain is constantly engaged to help you achieve the task or goal at hand. That’s very taxing so when you take a break and let your mind rest, it renews your motivation all on it’s own. You gain motivation by switching your brain into a different mode. Our brains have two modes: “focused mode” and “diffuse mode.” The focus mode is where our brains are on a set path and mode of thinking. In diffuse, we allow our minds to wander and follow natural trains of thought. Both modes are good and necessary, but diffuse mode is often when we have breakthroughs (think of how often you’ve had a great idea in the shower or on a walk), improved creativity and when we solve problems. When something like that happens on your break, you’re more likely to go back into focus mode motivated and ready to tackle the task at hand!

Breaks can also motivate many people to focus and finish in order to earn a brief respite.

Need help focusing? Breaks are the answer

As we’ve seen, our brains and bodies do not have an endless supply of energy and power. They need breaks to reset and refresh. By mindfully planning and engaging in breaks, you are giving your brain the ability to focus by taking it off task, letting it wander a bit and then allowing it to refocus with renewed energy.

Taking a break is defined simply as “a brief cessation of work, physical exertion, or activity.” With that in mind, don’t over-complicate taking breaks, but be sure to work them into your day. If you need ideas for taking breaks, try the five ideas listed here.

Related: Take a break to get more motivation & focus

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas

Unsubscribe to get your email inbox organized

If you are annoyed by never-ending spam emails, subscriptions and constant dings from your notifications, consider unsubscribing to declutter your mailbox and take your peace back. To manage your inbox and organize it, means to divide it into categories and start tidying, just like physical stuff. You want to say goodbye to clutter and only keep things that are important or spark joy. Ideally, your email inbox is empty and only has new emails that have not been read and/or emails that need to be answered. Here are some tips to get your email inbox organized:

Unsubscribe from subscriptions. Remember that one time you signed up at a store or inline to receive a discount? Well, the company has automatically subscribed you to their email list and is not authorized to send you advertisements daily. You can manage your subscription preferences either in your customer account by the company or unsubscribe through your email provider.

Spam emails. Mark as spam and delete them right away. If there is not an unsubscribe button and the sender keeps sending you unsolicited offers, you can block the email and/or flag them, so they won’t show up in your inbox anymore.

Archive Important emails. Emails that are important, such as order confirmations, client correspondences or anything else that you need to get back to in the future . The Archive action removes the message from view in the inbox and puts it in the All Mail area, in case you ever need it again. When you archive an email, you file it away for future reference. And if someone responds to an email that was archived, it will reappear in your Inbox. Archiving is the best solution for emails that you want out of the inbox but for which there's a good chance you might need them later.

Maintaining your inbox. Be cautious about revealing your email address. It is a piece of personal information that scammers like to get a hold of, some even sell it to third parties that keep the spam coming. Alternatively, you can create a “throwaway” email account to sign up for offers and discounts or use a temp email service to keep your personal information safe. Schedule some time (15-30min) each month to edit and organize your inbox to keep it neat and tidy.

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas

Six Eco-friendly gift ideas for your enterpreneur, mom or zero waste friend

Only two more weeks until Christmas and if you still have some gifting to do, look no further. We made a list of six sustainable and green gifts to give this season that won’t break the bank and do good for the planet. These gifts are great for the hardworking entrepreneur, busy mom or your zero waste-oriented friends. Whether they live in San Diego or Chicago using these items will reduce waste and make sure to spark joy.

  1. Laundry detergent sheets. Say goodbye to single-use plastic jugs and packaging that pollute our landfills and oceans; even the package is made from natural materials, is recyclable, and is septic safe. The concentrated sheets have strong cleaning power and are biodegradable. They work in all water temperatures and are compatible with front and top-loading, high-efficiency washing machines.

  2. Reusable straws. Whether you choose metal or bendable silicone straws, they are both eco-friendly alternatives to one-use-only plastic straws. One set of reusable straws can be used for years, replacing hundreds or thousands of plastic straws. They usually come with a travel bag, cleaning brush and are dishwasher safe.

  3. Mesh produce bags. Skip the plastic bag in the produce isle and use these lightweight high-grade organic cotton bags with double stitching that can carry over 20 pounds. These kitchen reusable grocery bags are zero waste and fully biodegradable. Forget about any plastic or heavy metal toggles and closure beads. Use these drawstring mesh bags hundreds of times and they will still retain their quality. Each reusable bag is safe for the storage of food. The mesh allows for easy identification of contents and provides excellent air circulation. You can hang full bags of onions, potatoes, and garlic by the drawstring for extra pantry space.

  4. Reusable Make up remover pads. Ever wonder what happens to all the disposable cotton rounds when you throw them in the garbage? They take several years to degrade and impact our environment. These washable cotton rounds not only save you money but make a substantial reduction in waste. 

  5. Beeswax food wrap. These reusable food wraps are ideal for any family that packs a lunch for school or work. They are not only environmentally friendly and highly sustainable but also make sure your food stays fresher for longer. 

  6. Eco-friendly beauty bars. Over 40% of the plastic comes from product packaging; 80 Billion plastic bottles disposed of around the world each year are from shampoo & conditioner alone. Beauty bars are made for the hair, face and use biodegradable ingredients and compostable packaging so all solid bars leave no trace.

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas

How to organize your Stamp Collection Step by Step

One box might not seem like a lot to organize, but when it comes to stamps it can be overwhelming, especially if you have a lot. It does not have to be. There are many ways you can organize your stamp collection and here is some guidance for a step by step tutorial:

1. What is the goal?
Make sure you have a vision for what you have in mind for your stamps. Do you want to display them in a special way? Do you want to have them in order so you can navigate and have easy access to them when you need to or are you planning on selling/auctioning them off?
Once you have decided what type of “life” you want to have for your stamps you can move on to the next step.

2. Preparation
To be able to effectively organize and store your stamps you do need a few things. First you need to make some time to organize and just that. No doing two or three things at the same time, you will get distracted from your goal and it will feel like you will never get done. The best time to organize is when you are by yourself and have no distractions (turn your phone on silent). Second, find a clear space that you can use for sorting. Once you gather all your belongings it can feel overwhelming to see how much you have and how much work you have to get done. Remember it will always seem worse before it gets better. It’s part of the process. If you don’t have a proper storage system for your assortment yet, I suggest to get a pocketbook and stamp storage sheets.

3. Gather all your stamps in one place
Make sure to get your entire stamp collection from all the corners of your home, if they are scattered. Collect them on a flat, hard surface such as the dining table. You might have to do this in sections if you have a large amount of stamps. I suggest to work in blocks of 2-3 hours per session to not get too overwhelmed. Also keep an open mind about hiring help if you feel like it is too much work or have a hard time doing this without guidance. A professional organizer can counsel you through the process and show you how to efficiently organize your belongings.

4. Sort
Start anywhere you would like and sort into categories; keep, duplicate, discard. For the keepers, you can sub categorize these as well by collection, date or value. The duplicates can be stored in a separate pocketbook or stamp sheet protector. The ones that you don’t want to keep anymore you can either sell, trade or discard.

5. Storing your Stamps
Once you have finished sorting and kept the ones that spark joy, it is time for proper storage. Like I mentioned in the introduction, Pocketbooks or stamp protector sheets are best for Stamp storage. They come in different sizes and colors, so make sure you pick something that reflects your style. Put the pocket book somewhere where you have easy access to it. Collections are often sentimental items and should be displayed so they can give you joy every time you see them.

6. Discarding the rest
If you are planning on selling all or some of you stamps check out your local stamp collector shop or auction them off online

Now that you know the basics you can go to your favorite philatelic store and get some quality supplies and stock them with your beautiful collection. When you treat your items with respect you will get great pride and joy out of them and it makes collecting so much more fun when everything has a place.

organizing stamps professional san diego organizer tips

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

I am challenging you to a 10 WEEKS OF DECLUTTERING CHALLENGE!!

San Diego Professional Organizer Konmari Consultant 10 Week tidy home challenge folding el cajon lakeside marie kondo

Is Corona virus leaving you stuck at home? Now is the time to get organized and stay that way. Join us on our 10 week spring de-cluttering challenge, where we as a community get organized together. No matter if you live in San Diego, Antarctica or Germany, this is for everyone that is willing to give it a try.

During these 10 weeks you will:

Figure out what your ideal lifestyle looks like
learn to decide what sparks joy and what does not
learn to let go with gratitude
organize in an efficient and practical way
create a effortlessly tidy home
be able to apply these principles to all aspect of life

Pre-Organization: Create a Vision for your ideal Life
WEEK ONE: CLOTHES: (timeline 3-6 hours)
WEEK TWO: Books: (Timeline 1-4 hours)
WEEK THREE: Papers/Office supplies (Timeline 4-6 hours)
WEEK FOUR: Bathroom/Beauty supplies (Timeline 3-6 Hours)
WEEK FIVE: Electronics (2-4 Hours)
WEEK SIX: Kitchen (Timeline 4-8hours)
WEEK SEVEN: Cleaning Supplies/Linens (Timeline 2-3 hours)
WEEK EIGHT: Toys/Pets (Timeline 2-4 hours)
WEEK NINE: Hobbies (2-6 Hours)
WEEK TEN: Sentimental's (Timeline 2-4 Hours)
Post-Organization: Permanent Storage Solutions

This Challenge will start on May 4tth. I will guide your through all the categories and give you helpful tips on how to de-clutter and organize efficiently and permanently.

If you would like to accept this challenge and get your home in order once and for all come join our 10 Week Challenge Facebook group to participate via our online platform.

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

The Biggest Misconceptions regarding the KonMari Method™

Guest Blog: Sandy from Tidy with Spark is a Certified KonMari™ Consultant located in Irvine, CA. She loves to share her knowledge of the transformative powers of the KonMari Method™ with her clients and her social media following on Facebook and on Instagram.

Sandy from Tidy With spark

Sandy from Tidy With spark

As a Certified KonMari™ Consultant and professional organizer, I have heard many misconceptions about the KonMari Method™. Upon the release of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, written by Japanese tidying guru Marie Kondo, the method created a massive craze as the world was introduced to the idea of decluttering your home through a lens of joy.

Mixed in with the wave of popularity from the book came a tidal wave of misconceptions about what the KonMari Method™ really is. Let’s dig in to deconstruct the myths revealing the real truths behind the ever-popular home organization method.

Misconception #1: The KonMari Method™ is Minimalism in disguise.

People often confuse the method as Minimalism because the method emphasizes decluttering and reducing the number of items actually owned. While there are similarities between Minimalism and the KonMari Method™, the two concepts are very different. The central idea around KonMari™ is to live a joyful life through surrounding yourself with items that spark joy for you. Minimalism emphasizes reducing consumerism through purchasing decisions based on necessity and essentialism rather than through a lens of joy. Both explore the idea of reducing first before making an assessment of what is required to live surrounded by joy or simply to live with less.  My own journey of home organization borrowed heavily from both KonMari™ and Minimalism.  These two ideas can coexist together, complimenting one another, giving life to intentional living which I feel is the goal for both.

Misconception #2: Only wealthy individuals can use the method.

Marie Kondo encounters criticism about her method for being inaccessible for individuals below a certain socioeconomic status. Critics claim application of the method can only benefit those who have wealth and therefore excess amounts of things that can be discarded or donated without a batted eyelash. Across America, homes are stuffed to the gills with excess whether the homeowner brings in low or high income. Whether an individual has more or less disposable income is not an accurate indicator of the number of items stored in a household.  With rampant debt across all income brackets, consumerism is at an all time high.  In the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo expressly discourages purchasing organizational supplies prior to decluttering first.  She emphasizes using containers already in existence in the home such as sturdy shoe boxes.  Marie Kondo also dispels the idea that households have to own a typical item for the sake of owning the item. After discarding a hammer that was worn out, rather than replacing, Marie Kondo repurposes a frying pan to fill the need of a hammer.  Finding multiple uses for an item is the KonMari™ way and this creative thinking makes the method accessible to the masses.

Misconception #3: Marie Kondo wants me to get rid of all my things.

Contrary to what many may think, according to Marie Kondo, de-cluttering is part of the KonMari Method™, but “discarding is not the point; what matters is keeping those things that bring you joy.” When we surround ourselves with items that speak to our heart, we are able to live a more joyful life. Marie Kondo explains that “our goal in tidying should be to create a living environment filled with the things we love.”  Some people may get carried away in the de-cluttering process and find that discarding becomes fun. This is a warning sign to be heeded per KonMari™.  Becoming a “discarding machine” will not “on its own will” bring joy to your life. Kondo reiterates that “it’s far more important to adorn your home with the things you love than to keep it so bare it lacks anything that brings you joy.”

Misconception #4: Marie Kondo wants me to talk to my things.

A cornerstone of the KonMari Method™ is gratitude.  Having gratitude for our items and appreciation for how they serve us in our lives is essential to living a joy filled life. It isn’t enough for our possessions to spark joy; an extension of our gratitude towards our items creates a symbiotic relationship where our items return care and support to us. We may not entirely be aware, but “our belongings really work hard for us, carrying out their respective roles each day to support our lives”, according to KonMari.  This appreciation and gratitude can be expressed to our items through care and not necessarily in an audible manner. If this feels odd to you, consider taking a mindful moment, where you purposefully express appreciation for the items that support you in your life.

One by one I’ve dispelled the fake truths surrounding the KonMari Method™. My hopes in writing this piece is to share with you how useful and relevant the method can be in your journey to home organization. With over 12 million copies sold world-wide (as of the writing of this post), the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up has undoubtedly changed many lives across the globe.  By breaking down these misconceptions, we can truly make headway towards the mission to “organize the world™”.

Notes: If you are in need of motivation or guidance in your KonMari™ journey you can find a Certified KonMari™ Consultant in your area on the official KMI webpage