20 Affirmations for when you are shopping compulsively

Clutter affects our mental, physical and emotional health. Often clutter is created by compulsive shopping or mindless spending. Many of us use shopping as a coping mechanism to combat stress, trauma or abuse. 56% of Americans do not have enough money in the bank to pay for a $1000 emergency. Most wouldn’t be able to pay for something as simple as needing new tires, a root canal, or a speeding ticket. Debt and physical clutter have a direct link. Income is an important aspect of financial freedom, but so are spending habits. Impulsive spending, especially if it exceeds income levels and creates debt, often leads to feelings of guilt, insecurity and becomes a financial strain. Affirmations are a powerful tool to change negative thinking patterns. Here are 20 Affirmations that will help you challenge compulsive spending:

  1. I have everything I need

  2. Things don’t define me

  3. Less stuff means less cleaning and maintaining

  4. There will always be another sale

  5. Paying off credit will give me more financial freedom

  6. My time and money are valuable

  7. Relationships and experiences bring me more joy than material things

  8. Stuff does not love me back

  9. I am creating a life of abundance without excess ”stuff”

  10. I can achieve financial independence

  11. I can pay off my credit cards

  12. I am getting better at saying “no” to mindless shopping

  13. I am learning to let go of toxic habits

  14. I am happy with the life I have built

  15. My home feels peaceful when it is simply tidy

  16. I have the choice to choose peace over clutter

  17. I will go for a walk when I feel stressed instead of going shopping

  18. My bank account will thank me for not spending money on stuff today

  19. I am smart, healthy and financially savvy.

  20. I will use coping strategies that don’t require spending money

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Fifty Tidying Affirmations

Lately, there has been an increased awareness of the power of affirmations. We hear them in songs, podcasts and see them on Billboards and Social Media. Therapists and researchers have long known that practicing affirmations on a regular basis can help reduce depression and increase self-esteem. But what are Affirmations? Affirmations are positive statements you tell yourself by either reading, saying them out loud, or by writing them down. Affirmations are a powerful tool to challenge negative or sabotaging thoughts. If you have been struggling with clutter in your home and creating lasting organizing habits, consider practicing positive affirmations for productivity. Here are 50 examples of what a Tidy Affirmation might look like, feel free to change or personalize them to your own liking:

  1. I can learn the skills to be tidy

  2. I believe in myself and trust in my abilities

  3. Being productive brings me joy

  4. Action is the foundation of success

  5. An organized space makes me feel calm

  6. I will not allow impulse spending to ruin my finances

  7. I am good at setting and accomplishing my goals

  8. I can solve any challenge this day brings on

  9. I will finish what I started

  10. I am productive, motivated, and highly driven

  11. I am goal-oriented

  12. I am becoming the person I want to be

  13. Being productive comes effortlessly to me

  14. My mind is focused and free from distraction

  15. I make great decisions

  16. I am focusing on my ideal lifestyle

  17. I put my energy into things that spark joy

  18. Good energy is flowing through me

  19. I am an achiever

  20. An organized space is cleaned easier and faster

  21. Being organized saves me time

  22. Less debt equals less stress

  23. I can achieve financial independence

  24. Instead of spending money on x, I will put it in my savings/investment account

  25. Mastering organization makes me feel like I can do anything

  26. Tidying is a way of showing affection to my belongings

  27. Time management comes easy to me

  28. I keep my workspace tidy

  29. I always show up on time

  30. I am learning to become more organized each day

  31. I organize my life so I can relax, knowing everything is in order

  32. Consistent planning and organizing helps me to succeed

  33. I envision a clutter-free life

  34. Staying organized and on top of things makes my life run smoother

  35. Having the space in my home, office, and car in order helps me think clearly

  36. I have the discipline and stamina to declutter my home, one step at the time

  37. I choose gratitude for the things in my home and say goodbye to the things that no longer serve me

  38. I can appreciate things without possessing them

  39. I have everything I need

  40. Being organized allows me to do more in life

  41. I attract abundance in life by being organized

  42. I am in control of my life and belongings

  43. Only good emotions are allowed to stay in my home

  44. Owning too many things weighs me down

  45. I welcome abundance rather than fear scarcity in my life

  46. Being organized makes me feel empowered

  47. Tidying is a form of self-care for me

  48. I make progress every day by choosing to practice tidying for 30 minutes

  49. I never have to look for things because all my belongings have a home

  50. I feel peaceful and happy because I only own things that I cherish or that are useful

Do you have a favorite affirmation that is not listed here? Feel free to share in the comments :)

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas