Smart Strategies for Storing Your Holiday Decorations

As the holiday season winds down, many of us face the challenge of organizing and storing our festive decorations. With January 6th (in my homeland of Germany)- often celebrated as the end of the Holiday season - just around the corner, it's time to think about packing away our holiday cheer. Here are some tips on how to efficiently organize and store your holiday decorations, ensuring they stay safe, clean and ready for the next season.

Planning and Decluttering: The first step in this post-holiday ritual is planning. Begin by assessing all your decorations. Lay them out and categorize them. This process helps you understand what you have, what needs repair, and what might not be worth keeping. The mantra here is decluttering. If you come across broken lights or an ornament that no longer brings joy, consider letting it go. This not only frees up storage space but also simplifies your decorating decisions next year. Remember, effective organization is as much about removing the unnecessary as it is about neatly storing the essential.

Organizing Decorations: Once you've streamlined your collection, it’s time to organize. Group your decorations by type – ornaments, lights, wreaths, figurines. If certain items are specific to rooms or certain display areas, group them accordingly. This categorization makes unpacking next year intuitive and quick. Labeling is your best friend here. Clearly mark each storage box with its contents. It’s a simple step that saves a lot of time and guesswork in the future.

Packing Tips: Packing decorations properly is crucial for their longevity. For delicate ornaments, use tissue paper or bubble wrap to prevent breakage. Specialized compartmentalized boxes can offer additional protection. String lights, notorious for tangling, can be neatly wound around a piece of cardboard. For your artificial tree, if the original box is no longer an option, a tree storage bag is a great investment. Compressing and securing branches minimizes space and protects the tree’s shape.

Choosing Storage Containers: The right storage containers can make a world of difference. Opt for durable, moisture-resistant options to protect your decorations from environmental factors, especially if they're stored in places like basements or attics. Space efficiency is another consideration. Stackable containers maximize storage space and keep your decorations organized and accessible.

Storing Your Decorations: Selecting the right spot to store your decorations is as important as the packing process. Choose a cool, dry area to prevent any damage from humidity or temperature fluctuations. If you’re using spaces like basements or attics, ensure they are free from potential water damage or extreme heat. Also, think about the order of storage. Place items that you’re likely to use first next season in more accessible spots. This thoughtful placement will save you time and effort.

Storing holiday decorations might seem like a daunting task, but with a bit of planning and organization, it can be managed efficiently. The effort you put in now not only preserves your treasured decorations but also sets the stage for a smoother, more enjoyable holiday season next year.

Copyright © 2024 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer in San Diego and surrounding areas.

How Organization and Cleanliness Foster Mental Well-being

In our fast-paced world, the sanctity of our home can significantly impact our mental health. An organized and clean living space is not just about aesthetics; it's a foundation for a clearer mind and a more peaceful life. As a professional organizer with a background in psychology, I've seen firsthand how the state of our homes can mirror and influence our mental state.

The Psychology of a Clutter-Free Space: Clutter isn't just physical. It creates mental clutter as well. A study from the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute found that clutter overloads our senses, making us feel stressed and impeding our ability to think creatively and clearly. When we clear our space, we're also clearing our minds, allowing for better focus and productivity.

Organization as a Stress Reliever: Living in an organized space can significantly reduce the stress and anxiety that comes from feeling overwhelmed by our environment. A study by Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that individuals with cluttered homes experienced higher cortisol levels, a stress hormone. By organizing our spaces, we can create a sense of calm and control, which is especially crucial for those experiencing anxiety. Coming home to a clear kitchen counter can make all the difference in feeling motivated to cook a healthy meal vs. buying takeout because the kitchen clutter is in the way of a working space.

The Power of a Clean Home: Cleanliness goes hand-in-hand with organization. Regular cleaning not only maintains the physical health of our homes but also contributes to a more serene and mentally restful environment. The smell of your home can also contribute to feeling comfortable in it and some ways to keep a fresh smelling home are:

1.Open windows to let fresh air in and circulate throughout your home. This helps in reducing stale air and any associated odors.

2.Regularly clean the garbage disposal, fridge, and oven, and take out the trash promptly to avoid food-related odors.

3. Frequently wash linens, blankets, and pillows, as fabrics can harbor odors. If you have a fabric sofa or carpet, I recommend hiring a professional carpet cleaner to shampoo them at least twice a year to avoid lingering odors from pets.

Creating Mindful Spaces: Organizing and cleaning our homes is more than a physical act; it's a practice in mindfulness. It's about making intentional choices about what we keep in our lives and why. This mindfulness can extend to other areas of our lives, encouraging us to live more intentionally and in the present moment.

The connection between a clean and organized home and our mental well-being is undeniable. As we strive for a balanced and fulfilling life, let's not overlook the power of our physical spaces. Remember, an organized home is not just about tidiness; it's a step towards a more peaceful and mentally healthy life.

Copyright © 2022 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer and Virtual Assistant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

How a Virtual Assistant can help you get organized as an entrepreneur

If you're a small business owner, it's likely that you've considered hiring a virtual assistant (VA). A VA can help with many of the day-to-day tasks that take up your time and energy. They can also provide valuable insight into how to improve your business processes and operations.

Data Entry

Data entry is a common task for virtual assistants to perform. It involves entering data into a computer, such as names, addresses, phone numbers and other information. A virtual assistant can do this for you in a variety of ways:

  • They may use software that allows them to type out the information directly from your website or social media pages.

  • They may pull information from an Excel spreadsheet you've already created and enter it into your database.

  • They may use Google Sheets to create an automated form where customers can fill out their own details before submitting them directly to you via email or text message (SMS).

Social Media Scheduling

Social media scheduling is a great way to save time for small business owners. This involves setting up a schedule of posts, which can then be shared across multiple social media platforms. A virtual assistant can help you with this process by creating a calendar and scheduling your posts accordingly.
Social media scheduling has many benefits:

  • It allows you to post content consistently without having to worry about missing any deadlines or forgetting when it's time for new content.

  • It allows you to focus on other aspects of running your business instead of spending hours each day posting on different platforms.

  • It saves money because hiring someone full-time would cost more than outsourcing this task.

Content Creation

Content creation is the process of creating content for your website, blog, or social media channels. This can include writing blog posts, creating and editing videos and graphics for social media posts and ads, or even creating emails that will be sent out to your list of subscribers.
Content creation is an important part of any business's marketing strategy because it helps you connect with your audience and build trust in your brand by providing them with valuable information they can use to improve their lives or businesses. But if you're not an expert writer or designer yourself (and most small business owners aren't), it can be hard to keep up with all the different pieces of content you need on a regular basis--especially when there are so many other things demanding your attention as well!

A virtual assistant can help with this by creating compelling blog posts for you based on keywords and topics that are relevant for your business.


Blogging is a great way to increase your business' visibility, build an audience and drive traffic to your website. It can also be time-consuming, especially if you're new to blogging or don't have the experience needed to create high-quality content that attracts readers.
A virtual assistant can help with this by creating compelling blog posts for you based on keywords and topics that are relevant for your business. They'll research keywords so that each post has a chance of ranking highly in search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo! (the "big three"). This will ensure that people who are looking for information about what you do find it when they search online.


Editing is the process of making a written document or recording more concise, cohesive and readable. It can involve:

  • Removing unnecessary words and phrases

  • Making sure that sentences are grammatically correct

  • Checking for consistency in style, tone and format (such as spelling out numbers)
    Editing is one of the most time-consuming tasks for small business owners who write their own content. A virtual assistant can help you by editing your work before it's published so that it meets your standards and will appeal to readers who might be searching online for information about your products or services.

Finding a Virtual Assistant

If you're interested in hiring a virtual assistant, the first step is finding one. There are many places to look for virtual assistants:

  • Online job boards such as LinkedIn and Indeed

  • Your personal network of friends and colleagues (if they have experience with VAs)

  • The VA community on Facebook or LinkedIn
    Once you've identified some potential candidates, it's important to evaluate them carefully before making your decision. Here are some things to consider:

Managing a Virtual Assistant

  • Set expectations.

  • Communicate effectively.

  • Ensure quality.

Tips for Working with a Virtual Assistant

  • Be clear about what you need. It's important to be specific when communicating with your virtual assistant, especially when it comes to deadlines and tasks. If there is any confusion about the details of a project, this can lead to delays in getting things done in a timely manner.

  • Set realistic deadlines for yourself and your VA so that everyone knows what's expected of them at all times, which will help prevent unnecessary stress on both ends of the equation.

  • Have a backup plan in case something goes wrong--this way if one person falls behind or gets sick (or has other commitments), there won't be any missed deadlines or problems completing projects on time!

Virtual assistants can be a great asset for small business owners. They can help you save time, get more done and focus on what matters most to you. The benefits of hiring a virtual assistant are numerous and include: More time for yourself, more money in your bank account and a better quality of life.

Copyright © 2022 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer and Virtual Assistant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

10 ways to be more organized and efficient

Being organized can help you be more efficient and productive in your personal life, as well as at work. There's no one-size-fits-all way to be organized—you just have to find what works best for you. Here are some tips that might help you get started:

Use a timer to pace yourself.

There are many ways to use a timer to be more efficient and organized. If you're working on a project, set the timer for 20 minutes, and make sure you focus on the task at hand. When it goes off, take a break!

If you're trying to get started on something, set a 10-minute timer so that after 10 minutes, you'll know if you're going to keep working or need to stop and do something else.

If your work requires multiple steps (like getting ready), set a kitchen timer for cooking an egg or making toast—this will help keep track of each step without having to stop everything else once everything is done cooking/toasting!

Have a timetable for which you allocate specific tasks for specific times of the day, instead of trying to do everything all at once.

Time blocking is a simple way to make your day more efficient, and it can work for both personal and business tasks. There are many different ways to time block, but the general idea is to allocate specific times for specific tasks. Using this method, you'll be able to stay focused on one task without distraction, which will lead to greater productivity and less stress overall.

For example: If you want to write an article by 2 pm today (and get paid), but find yourself wasting time on social media instead of writing—time blocking can help! Set aside two hours during your workday in which all of your attention is dedicated to writing that article; no checking Facebook or other social media sites is allowed during this period! This allows you only one hour per day when it comes down right now because all other distractions have been eliminated from existence until after those two hours pass by."

Organize your workspace so that everything you need is within easy reach.

The first step to organizing your workspace is to make sure you have everything you need within easy reach. Don’t be afraid of clutter—it’s okay if there are piles of papers on your desk, as long as they don’t get in the way. However, if something not related to the task at hand has no place other than right next to it, move it elsewhere!

Next, consider how much time and effort it will take for someone else (like a coworker) to find something in your workspace once they need it. If a coworker knows where everything is located, they can access it quickly without needing extra help from you. If not... well, I'm sure you can figure out what happens then!

Set up a system for managing clutter and keeping your workspace tidy.

When you're trying to get organized, it's important to have a system in place that works for you. Now, what does working for you mean? It means that your system is easy to maintain and change. You should be able to add new tasks or remove old ones without much thought or effort. Your system should also be easy to explain so others can understand how it works—this way, when someone new joins your team or project, they'll know how things are run with minimal confusion (and possibly resentment).

Developing a good organizational system isn't just about being tidy; it's also about creating an environment where work can thrive by streamlining processes into efficient habits. But remember that these habits will evolve over time as the needs of your business change: ensure that any changes made are agreed upon by everyone involved before making them permanent.

Related: 30 Best Organization Blogs and Websites

Have an "in" box for incoming materials and an "out" box for things that need to be processed or filed away.

  • Use an inbox and outbox.

  • Keep all electronic files in a single folder on your computer or external hard drive and store physical files in labeled file folders or a binder.

  • Use a calendar to manage appointments, meetings, deadlines and other time-sensitive items that aren't filed away elsewhere—make sure it's available on your phone as well so you can check dates while on the go!

Make sure to take breaks from your work. Get up periodically and walk around, get some fresh air, do something different.

  • Make sure to take breaks from your work. Get up periodically and walk around, get some fresh air, do something different.

  • How often? As often as you need to feel refreshed. You won't know how much time you need until you start taking breaks regularly, but individual needs vary wildly. Some people can go for two hours without needing a break; others may need them every 20 minutes or so. Experiment with different amounts of time between breaks until you find what works best for you!

  • What should I do during my break? This is up to the individual—just make sure it's something unrelated to work so that your brain has time off from thinking about anything related to being organized and efficient (or any other task).

  • How should I avoid getting distracted? If it helps, put away all technology during this time (or at least turn off any alerts or notifications), so that no one can reach out and grab your attention unexpectedly. Also, try not to read any emails or messages unless they're urgent; just enjoy yourself by doing anything else!

Related: The importance of taking a break and how it can help with motivation and focus

Plan your day beforehand, first thing every morning, so that you know what needs to be done as soon as possible (and by whom) and what can be put off until later in the day or on another day entirely.

Planning your day in advance is one of the best ways to be more organized and efficient.

Planning your day in advance will help you prioritize tasks, avoid procrastination, and avoid multitasking. It's also a great way to start each morning off on the right foot.

First thing every morning (or last thing at night), sit down with a pen and paper or open up your computer calendar and write down what needs to get done today, who will do it, when they'll do it—and whether there are any exceptions to these plans that need addressing immediately.

This may seem like a lot of work for something so simple-sounding—but if you think about how much time we waste by putting off things until later when they could have been done sooner or doing things out of order because we don't know what else comes next (or worse yet: not doing anything at all), then it starts making sense!

Do not procrastinate! Remember the old saying, "Procrastination is the thief of time."

  • Do not procrastinate! Remember the old saying, "Procrastination is the thief of time."

  • Procrastination is not just a bad habit; it can also be a symptom of a deeper problem. If you are regularly putting off important tasks or ignoring your responsibilities, this may be due to depression (or another mental health issue) and should be addressed by seeking professional help.

Don't be disorganized with the small things; make effort even with things like brushing your teeth, washing the dishes, and taking out the trash. Small habits like these can spread over into other areas of life if neglected.

  • Don't be disorganized with the small things; make effort even with things like brushing your teeth, washing the dishes and taking out the trash. Small habits like these can spread over into other areas of life if neglected.

  • Don't procrastinate. Take care of tasks as they come up or have a schedule that you stick to for cleaning, cooking etc. If you don't want to do something, then delegate it to someone else or set up a system so that others will do it for you (like hiring a house cleaner).

  • Don't let small things pile up! It's better for one big task than five little ones added together because it takes more energy away from more important things in life such as family/friends/traveling/etc.. If something takes less than 5 minutes but still needs doing then just get it done straight away! If not then write yourself a note on an electronic calendar so that when reminded later on you will remember what has been left undone before!

Don't let paper pile up! Try not to touch paper more than once to process it (either accepting it as something that must be done now, or rejecting it as something that can wait until later).

One of the most effective ways to be more organized and efficient is to treat paper as a to-do list. Don't let it pile up! When you have a lot of paper, get rid of it by treating each piece as an individual task that must be completed before moving on. If there's too much for you to handle in one sitting, then break up your task into smaller chunks or delegate some items to other people who can help out.

Before going through papers and deciding what needs action, set aside some time for yourself—even if this is just 15 minutes at lunchtime. This will allow you not only free up space on your desk but also give your brain time off from thinking about work so that when it's back at its desk later (or in bed), it'll be more alert and ready for whatever comes next!

Related: Is minimalism for you?

Being organized will benefit you both personally and professionally

Being organized is something that can be beneficial for both your personal and professional life. Organization means being in control of your schedule, and having the ability to manage it effectively. Being organized will help you get more done because you'll have a clear plan of how to spend your time and stay on top of things. It also helps reduce stress, which can be overwhelming when you're unorganized!

Being less stressed out has been shown to increase productivity, as well as creativity (source). Being more productive means having more free time. And when we're not stressing about things then we can actually enjoy ourselves!

We hope that you've found these tips useful. The most important thing is to remember that organization doesn't happen overnight and it's not easy, but it's worth the effort!

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Three eco friendly and zero waste inspired gift ideas

With the upcoming holidays, we thought a gift guide inspired by the zero waste lifestyle would be a great way to remind ourselves that we are all responsible for keeping our planet clean and healthy. Adding some zero waste items to your everyday routine might sound like a small change but in the long run, can inspire others to do a little more themselves to live a bit more eco-friendly. Here are three gift ideas from professional organizers for creating less waste:

1. Janine from Tidy Closet recommends Reusable Make up Remover Pads and Eco-friendly beauty bars. Ever wonder what happens to all the disposable cotton rounds or face wipes when you throw them in the garbage? They take several years to degrade and impact our environment. Aside from the environmental impact, face wipes are often formulated with preservatives, which can damage the all-important skin barrier too. Many won't actually cleanse your skin and remove make-up effectively, while others are formulated with ingredients that can be abrasive and too harsh on sensitive skin types. Washable cotton rounds not only save you money but make a substantial reduction in waste. They are just as soft, if not softer than single-use cotton pads, and gentle on your skin. Another impact for less waste can be made with beauty bars that can be used in conjunction with reusable Makeup remover pads. 40% of the plastic comes from product packaging; 80 Billion plastic bottles disposed of around the world each year are from shampoo & conditioner alone. Beauty bars are made for the hair, face/body, and use biodegradable ingredients and compostable packaging so all solid bars leave no trace. They will also use less storage room in your closet and in the shower/bath because they are usually smaller than plastic bottles that are filled with liquids.

2. Professional Organizer and Konmari Consultant Kimberly from Tidy Spruce swears by her new favorite cleaning product  L'AVANT Collective :

My new favorite love has been L'AVANT Collective. It may seem odd to give hand soap or dish soap as a gift, but L'AVANT' Collective's products make for a major upgrade to your everyday essentials. L'AVANT Collective is a women-owned small business, and their products include non-toxic, plant and mineral-based candles, hand soap, dish soap, multi-purpose cleaner, cleaning wipes, and eco-friendly refills, that are people, pet, and planet safe. They don't contain any parabens, phosphates, or phthalates, and are cruelty-free.

Ever wonder what happens to all the disposable cotton rounds when you throw them in the garbage?

These luxury products work and are safe to use on your marble, granite, and other stone surfaces. Not to mention, the bottles they use are gorgeous and come in environmentally friendly glass and post-consumer resin (PCR). Their Minimalist Collection nixes all the usual branding and gives a more elevated look to your space. 

The 100% natural fragrances are absolutely HEAVENLY. I will literally spritz my home and car with the multi-purpose cleaner like its perfume because it smells that good. They just launched a new Limited Edition Winter Fir scent for their products, and I already have my order in. Beyond the holidays, they make for wonderful client gifts, housewarming gifts, and hostess gifts, and the company ships them to your door in recyclable and compostable packaging. “

3. Flavia, the owner of Alter Decorum, suggests a non-materialistic gift alternative this season is an E-book subscription; this is an absolute zero waste gift for a friend who is an avid book reader. In this service, there are hundreds of thousands of bestseller titles and constantly new releases to explore. This is a great alternative for people who might end up reading a book only halfway through, but at least it won’t become dormant on their bookshelf like it always happens with physical unread books. We all know how hard it can be to let go of almost any book, just because we paid money for it or once had really intended to read them. By even reading an entire e-book, the readers won’t ask themselves if that book is worth keeping anymore. Some people prefer to read more than one book at a time, which is great for balancing the pleasure of reading with the required reading for work or school. Either way, an E-book subscription is a zero-waste or clutter for someone who wants to stop spending a lifetime accumulating tons of books while continuing to read more. They cost less than printed books obviously because there’s no printing or packaging cost involved, cannot be lost or damaged, can be stored for offline reading when wi-fi isn’t available. The more good news about these e-books is that all the authors are paid when a book is read through this service, based on agreements. Just like Spotify for your eyes!

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas

Fifty Tidying Affirmations

Lately, there has been an increased awareness of the power of affirmations. We hear them in songs, podcasts and see them on Billboards and Social Media. Therapists and researchers have long known that practicing affirmations on a regular basis can help reduce depression and increase self-esteem. But what are Affirmations? Affirmations are positive statements you tell yourself by either reading, saying them out loud, or by writing them down. Affirmations are a powerful tool to challenge negative or sabotaging thoughts. If you have been struggling with clutter in your home and creating lasting organizing habits, consider practicing positive affirmations for productivity. Here are 50 examples of what a Tidy Affirmation might look like, feel free to change or personalize them to your own liking:

  1. I can learn the skills to be tidy

  2. I believe in myself and trust in my abilities

  3. Being productive brings me joy

  4. Action is the foundation of success

  5. An organized space makes me feel calm

  6. I will not allow impulse spending to ruin my finances

  7. I am good at setting and accomplishing my goals

  8. I can solve any challenge this day brings on

  9. I will finish what I started

  10. I am productive, motivated, and highly driven

  11. I am goal-oriented

  12. I am becoming the person I want to be

  13. Being productive comes effortlessly to me

  14. My mind is focused and free from distraction

  15. I make great decisions

  16. I am focusing on my ideal lifestyle

  17. I put my energy into things that spark joy

  18. Good energy is flowing through me

  19. I am an achiever

  20. An organized space is cleaned easier and faster

  21. Being organized saves me time

  22. Less debt equals less stress

  23. I can achieve financial independence

  24. Instead of spending money on x, I will put it in my savings/investment account

  25. Mastering organization makes me feel like I can do anything

  26. Tidying is a way of showing affection to my belongings

  27. Time management comes easy to me

  28. I keep my workspace tidy

  29. I always show up on time

  30. I am learning to become more organized each day

  31. I organize my life so I can relax, knowing everything is in order

  32. Consistent planning and organizing helps me to succeed

  33. I envision a clutter-free life

  34. Staying organized and on top of things makes my life run smoother

  35. Having the space in my home, office, and car in order helps me think clearly

  36. I have the discipline and stamina to declutter my home, one step at the time

  37. I choose gratitude for the things in my home and say goodbye to the things that no longer serve me

  38. I can appreciate things without possessing them

  39. I have everything I need

  40. Being organized allows me to do more in life

  41. I attract abundance in life by being organized

  42. I am in control of my life and belongings

  43. Only good emotions are allowed to stay in my home

  44. Owning too many things weighs me down

  45. I welcome abundance rather than fear scarcity in my life

  46. Being organized makes me feel empowered

  47. Tidying is a form of self-care for me

  48. I make progress every day by choosing to practice tidying for 30 minutes

  49. I never have to look for things because all my belongings have a home

  50. I feel peaceful and happy because I only own things that I cherish or that are useful

Do you have a favorite affirmation that is not listed here? Feel free to share in the comments :)

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas

Simplify and Streamline: Tips for Downsizing Your Home

Downsizing your home can help homeowners in many ways. Whether you’re selling your home or not, downsizing offers many benefits. It’s a great way to simplify your life by unloading the burden of accumulated possessions and creating a new living space. And if you have decided the time is right to start looking for a smaller home, or if you intend to begin researching senior care facilities in the area, shedding unneeded items will make it easier to attract a buyer and allow you to make a fresh start in your new home. If you're planning to sell your home as a means of downsizing, check these items off your list to get the most out of selling your home.

Start purging

Prospective buyers want to see a home with good flow and plenty of space, an environment they can envision making their own. Going room by room, make a list of things you’ll throw away, donate, or give away to others, and arrange everything based on that criteria. Make a point to get rid of anything you don’t need anymore, especially any duplicate items. Don’t forget to move out any excess furniture or decorative items that make it difficult to move around easily or make your home’s interior too busy. Remember, you want buyers to see your space through their eyes, not yours, so do as much as you can to create space. If you keep your interior as simple as possible, you should be in good shape. You can always put things into storage while you’re showing your house.

Ridding yourself of things you no longer use or need shouldn’t limit you to the kitchen, your basement, or attic. Take a broader view and get rid of old clothes and shoes, as well as any worn furniture that doesn’t fit in anymore. Old dresses and suits take up a lot of space and can make your closets look overwhelmed and disordered. Consider giving them to Goodwill or placing them in consignment. And remember, you can do the same thing with the furniture you no longer need or want. A good rule of thumb is to unload anything you can do without or that doesn’t have considerable emotional significance for you and your family.

Related: Living little: Tips for downsizing

Start early and plan ahead

Sorting through your belongings can be a difficult and emotional task. It’s not something you want to be doing at the last minute or if you’re up against a looming deadline. Take your time and do it right by planning ahead and starting as soon as possible. It’s also a good way to avoid making a mistake and purging or losing something you want to keep.


Connect with your agent to check the market conditions before committing to selling. The last thing you want to do is head down that path if it means your chances of getting top value are less than ideal. You may find that you’re unlikely to even cover your current mortgage. Check out recent sales to see if similarly sized and priced homes have sold in your area. That will help you make a final decision and establish a selling price.

Related: How to organize your finances

The condition of your home

Another key criterion is the state of your home. If your roof needs to be repaired or replaced, or if there’s a problem with your foundation, you may need to shift priorities and invest in some needed renovations before you can place your home on the market. It’s a considerable investment, but a new roof will make your home much more attractive to potential buyers who are apt to look elsewhere if they’ll have to pay for repairs later.

Opportunity for a fresh start

Downsizing is an important task if you’re moving to a smaller home or care facility, simplifying your life, or just trying to be environmentally responsible. Do it in your own time and at your own pace, bearing in mind what you want your home to look like once you’ve finished. Whatever your motivation, see it as an opportunity to make a fresh start.

Are you in need of a professional organizer to help tidy up your place? Tidy Closet provides home organization, workshops, retreats and other resources to help declutter and clarify your living spaces. Contact us today

Pocket folding tutorial

Pocket folding is the new trend following vertical folding taught by Marie Kondo. The Konmari Method™ is a great first step to learn how to appreciate one’s belongings and take great care of them. Pocket folding has an added benefit, it does not fall apart when pulling from the drawer. It is a great solution for travel packing as well because we all know how much a suitcase gets tossed around during transport. So how do we pocket fold? For shirts fold both sides with arms in and turn the arm either out or down depending on the sleeve length. Then take the bottom and fold it down3 3-4 inches to create a pocket. The top part will be folded up 2-3 times and the last fold will be tucked into the pocket. For pants it is similar, we want to create a rectangle. One leg will be folded onto the other, and the waist will be folded down to create a pocket. The legs fold up 3-4 times depending on the length and the last fold will be tucked into the pocket. The pocket prevents the piece of clothing to fall apart even when tossed in the air. This folding method prevents messes in the drawer and keeps it tidier than just the vertical fold alone. Watch the video for a visual folding experience and try it next time you fold your own laundry. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments about pocket folding and if it made a difference in your tidying routine!

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas

Marie Kondo is sparking joy again on Netflix

Are you ready for more Marie Kondo and her magic of changing lives? Marie Kondo’s new Netflix series promises to inspire you to get started for yourself. This show goes beyond organizing and teaches the life-changing magic of the KonMari Method to achieve your ideal lifestyle. The road to happiness is not linear, it gets a little messy and emotional in between and it is a lot of hard work, but no one else is going to do it for you. If you loved Marie’s “Tidying up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix, this is a must-see!

Related: Weekly, monthly, and annual cleaning checklist

Wanting to get organized is often the first in making changes in your home, routine, habits, and life. Once you have envisioned your ideal lifestyle it is easier to decide what you want to keep and let go of, this is applicable to household items, hobbies, habits, and relationships as well. When we love something we should take good care of it and this includes self-care. Being mindful of one’s own needs and wants will help make better choices and can also make you a happier person.

Related: Tips for a happy and productive home office

Gratitude is one of important the tools in the KonMari Method™. Oxford dictionary defines Gratitude as “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness”. In tidying, we exercise this practice with our belongings and comes naturally to carry it over to other aspects of life.

I am super excited to see what her new show is all about including her home and office organization tips, wisdom on life, and the change the participants experience in their life when following the Method. The new season will air on August 31st. 2021 on Netflix.

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas

Clutter Free Gift Ideas for Mom

Mothers Day is almost here and you might want to know what to get your mother that shows your appreciation, but won’t clutter up her home. You have come to the right place, here are ten minimalist and clutter-free gift ideas for mom:

  1. Meal delivery service. Give your mom a break from cooking and order her a week worth of freshly cooked meals. This is the gift of more free time and a delicious meal. Get $40 off your first order

  2. Flowers. Flowers are a wonderful reminder of nature's precious beauty. Flowers are a sign of recognition and they add temporary beauty to any space.

  3. Chocolate-covered strawberries. This is my personal favorite! The saying “love goes through the stomach” definitely is true for me. These are a non-guilty and delicious treat for every mother.

  4. Event Tickets. Whether Mom likes to attend an arts and crafts workshop or an outdoor jazz music festival, you can’t go wrong with giving her some fun and enjoyment.

  5. A Class or digital course. There’s a class for anything from yoga to canoeing. Digital courses are able to be accessed from anywhere in the world, regardless if mom wants to learn about history or gardening.

  6. A travel gift card. Airlines, cruise ships and travel websites all have options for travel gift cards. This way you don’t have to plan the trip but support your mother in traveling the world, wherever she wants to go.

  7. Digital Books. If your mom likes to read on a device buy her some extra credits from kindle, audible, or any other audio-book app.

  8. Charity donation. If your mom has everything and does not want anything for mother’s day or any other holidays, consider donating to a charitable foundation in her name.

  9. Spa Day. Invite her to a day at the spa, schedule her a facial or get a Mani/Pedi together. She will love spending time together (or alone) and getting pampered.

  10. Wine tasting/Brewery tour. Take mom out for a day of wine tasting in wine country or the winery. If mom is into beer take her out for flights at the local microbrewery and support small business.

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas

Weekly, monthly and annual cleaning check list

Hi Tidy Friends,

Remembering when to clean and what to clean, can be a daunting task when you don’t have a routine schedule for home management. The biggest lie I tell myself every day is that “I will remember that”. If this reminds you of yourself you might find the lists I created below helpful in scheduling home cleaning tasks. They are suggestions on when to clean what, but of course, they can be personalized to your own needs. Let me know what you think, I hope they will help you stay on top of things!

Happy cleaning,


All time management begins with planning
— Brian Tracy

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas

How to create a visionboard and get inspired for your ideal life

Have you ever set yourself a goal at the beginning of the year and then life happened and you forgot all about it? You are not alone. Just mentally taking a note on something that you would like to accomplish someday is not very convincing to your brain or your memory. Studies show that writing down your goals and creating a vision board often lead you to actually accomplish them. If you have never made a vision board here are some important tips on how to create one that reflects your ideal life:

  1. Things you’ll need

    I highly recommend making a physical vision board (a virtual one will do too if you keep it in sight) and there are some things you’ll need: Foam Board or Poster Board, (old) Magazines, Construction or Scrapbook paper, Scissors, stickers, markers, glue stick, washi tape, etc

  2. Get creative

    There is no wrong or right way to organize your vision-board, it can be collage-style or have borders, it can be goal-specific or have goals from different aspects of life, it can be colorful or monochrome, whichever sparks most joy for you. Cut out words and pictures that speak to you and that align with the goals you have in mind.

  3. Hang it somewhere where you can see it

    Oftentimes our craft projects end up somewhere stored in our closets or garages until we find “the perfect place” to put them. Do not put off hanging your vision board up right away. I recommend hanging it in your closet where you can see it at least twice a day so you will be reminded subconsciously and you can manifest your goals in your daily life.

Now that you have step by step instructions on how to create your vision board get on it. I have made one every year and it is amazing to see how far you have come when you look at it year from now. I would love to see your board; tag me on your social media account @tidyclosetsd to share your creation if this article inspired you <3

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Fifteen Kitchen Organization Ideas

The center of every home is the kitchen. That’s because people have to eat and food is a fun, celebratory, communal and ritualistic part of our human experience. So, whether you’re a world-class chef or just have a world-record in being hangry, having your kitchen organized is essential to maximizing this memory and meal-making space.

There’s a lot going on in the kitchen between food, prepping, cooking and storing so there are many ways to tackle getting it organized. Let’s look at 15 ideas that will help you get your kitchen organized. 

1. Decide what to keep category by category. You might instinctively choose to organize your kitchen drawer by drawer or cabinet by cabinet. Instead, consider tackling each and every item according to the category it belongs to all at once. In this way, you’ll go through all your utensils at once. You’ll go through all of your appliances at once. You’ll even go through all of your food items category by category. When doing so, gather every like-item and create the pile so that you can use the “Power of the Pile” when deciding what to keep. The “Power of the Pile” happens by seeing all items in one category at a time, piled together. It helps lessen the pang of getting rid of stuff because there is so much visually apparent, but the pile also helps you to see and eliminate duplicates.

2. Store things category by category. You’ll also do well to store your items category by category. In this way, when you go to choose a pot, tupperware container, spice or condiment, you’ll see all of your options at once. Storing things this way helps you and your family to be more efficient when using things and reduces the effort needed to put things away. That’s because everything in each category goes with all of it’s category members, making it a “no-brainer.”

3. Don’t use surfaces for storage. The temptation can be to store appliances or other items on your counters, but you need that surface space for the art of cooking and preparing food! If you can find a home for everything in your kitchen while keeping your counters clear, you’ll be amazed at how much easier and freely you’ll be able to work. By keeping your counters clear, your kitchen will be more functional and you’ll have less visual clutter. An added bonus is your kitchen will be easier to keep clean if the surfaces are clear. A clean kitchen is a happy kitchen! Plus, studies have shown we eat more the more clutter and messes there are in the kitchen! 

Related: How to organize your kitchen step by step

4. Remove unnecessary visual clutter. Speaking of visual clutter, consider purchasing items to house your soaps, oils, and other items that will allow you to eliminate the unnecessary visual clutter and will instead spark joy. Visual clutter competes with your ability to focus on what’s important and it wears us out. If you can’t purchase items for your kitchen liquids yet, you may consider removing labels from these items while they are in use in your kitchen until you can afford to replace them with containers that add to your delight while in your kitchen.

5. Simplify the gadgets and appliances. Take a look at the tools and kitchen gadgets you have. Is there a simpler way that you perform a task than what your gadgets and tools call for? For example, do you actually use the apple slicer or do you use a knife? Do you need the grilled-cheese sandwich maker or do you cook them on your cast iron skillet? If you prefer to perform a task in a simpler way than what your gadgets or tools call for, it’s time for them to go.  

6. Ditch the duplicates. Many times we have more than one thing that we don’t need. You might have two can openers, five round pie pans and three crock pots. If you’re honest with yourself, you probably have a favorite of every duplicate that is your go-to, the one that you always reach for, even though you have options. While you’re being honest with yourself, you probably can admit you don’t need more than one. Ditching the duplicates will give you the space to store things easily and eliminate the need to make decisions about which of the duplicates to use! It’ll be a win-win.

7. Make things easy to put away. When organizing your items in cabinets and drawers consider Marie Kondo’s advice that storage should reduce the effort needed to put things away. Situate your cabinets and drawers in such a way that everything is easy to put away when clean. That means every item has a specific home that is easy to get to.

8. Give the most used items the best real estate. Store things that you use daily in the easiest-to-get-to spots. While you’re at it, make sure those spots are close to where you’re going to use them, i.e. pots near the stove and coffee cups near the coffee machine. Save the step-stool-needed spots for items you’re only going to use just once or twice a year.

9. Maximize drawer space. Drawers are useful and helpful in a kitchen but it is up to you to ensure you use your drawers to their full potential. This means no drawers with loose items! Instead, each drawer should have containers or separators allowing the space to be organized and functional.

10. Consider vertically folding your kitchen linens. Speaking of drawers, consider folding your kitchen towels, napkins and other linens vertically inside drawers. Doing so allows you to see everything at once when opening the drawer and it better maximizes the space in the drawer. When folding vertically, you will fold an item width-wise in thirds, then in-half lengthwise and finally in thirds. This will allow you to find the perfect rectangle shape that will balance in your drawer.

11. Keep things that spark joy. Everything in your kitchen should spark joy. Is that surprising? Well, it’s true. Your dishes, appliances, foods and containers should contribute to the peace and happiness you feel when in your kitchen. As you go through items from your kitchen category by category, feel free to let go of items that do not make you feel that way. In some cases, you might have to keep items that are important and functional but do not spark joy. Keep those only until you can afford to replace them with items that serve the same function but spark joy.

12. Don’t be a Monica. You may remember Monica from friends keeping separate special dishes for guests. If your special dishes bring you joy, consider using them everyday. We are looking to spark joy in our home, in our kitchen and at mealtimes. If the special dishes do that, why wait for a special occasion to use them? Life is short, every day is a special occasion, so use the dishes you love and ditch the ones you don’t! Consider downsizing any dishes that don’t spark joy.

13. Consider clear storage containers. Clear storage containers for your spices, bulk items and any other applicable food item are a great way to organize your kitchen. The matching clear containers reduce visual clutter and “word pollution” from labels and logos. They also allow you to see clearly what’s in the container and how much remains which will help when grocery shopping. Consider adding small, neat and matching labels with the names of items inside.

 14. Help the kids help you. If there are kids that are consuming food from the kitchen and contributing to the mess and they’re able, we want to enlist their help. That means storing their items like snacks, dishes and lunchboxes in places that are easy for them to get out and easy for them to put away. Consider that concept when assigning homes to your items in cabinets, drawers, pantries and fridges.

Related: Managing Your Kids’ Distance Learning Worksheets

15. Remember, space is okay. As you minimize then organize your kitchen, feel free to leave margin and space in the drawers, cabinets, pantry and fridge. In your cabinets, it’ll mean it’s easy to put things away and get things out. In your pantry, it’ll mean you can see what you have when you get ready to go grocery shopping. In your fridge, it will mean you have room for leftovers and meal prep. Overall, it’ll mean your kitchen is spacious, enjoyable to be in, easy to use, and easy to maintain

Most of us have fond memories in the kitchen and all of us have reasons to be in the kitchen. If that’s true, why not strive to make the kitchen a joyful and functional place to be? These 15 organizing ideas can help you do just that. By being mindful about what we keep, how we keep it and where we keep it, we can all make our kitchens places we want to be.

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.


Get Your Fire Evacuation Quick Grab Checklist

Fire season is fully underway in California and if you live in a high fire zone like me, you have to be prepared to evacuate. Los Angeles Fire Department shared a list of items to take if you have to evacuate in a hurry. I only live a couple of miles away from the current #valleyfire and want to educate as many people as I can about this quick procedure. It’s called the 6 P’s and is a great quick grab list. The whole evacuation process should not exceed thirty minutes.

What are the six P’s?

  1. Persons and Pets:

    Make sure to get every person and all your pets out from your home; children and elderly family members that can’t drive. Take your pets if they fit in the car. Have one driver per car (if possible). If you have large animals like horses or livestock call your local Humane Society to get assistance.

  2. (Important) Papers and Documents:

    If you have finished the KonMari Method this should be an easy task. All your papers are best stored in a clear plastic bin or cardboard box to be able to quickly take them with you in an emergency (instead of a file cabinet).

    Related: Why the KonMari Method is right for you

  3. Prescription Drugs

    If anyone in the household (including pets) are taking medications don’t forget to take those with you as well.

  4. Personal Computers and Flash drives

    Take your Laptops, hard drives and flash drives with important information such as usernames and passwords for your online accounts.

  5. Photographs and other sentimental items

    Have a cardboard box ready for box for photo albums and other sentimental items take those and put them in your trunk.

  6. Plastics (credit/ATM cards)

    Most importantly make sure you take payment methods with you such as credit and ATM cards, so you can pay for a temporary stay at a hotel and/or food while you are not able to go to your home.

    Related: How to organize your finances

Feel free to contact me here>>> to receive a free printable version of this list and as always stay safe San Diego!

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Time Management Tips from Organizing Professionals

Time-Management is one of the most rewarding skills you can invest in, both in your personal and professional life, but what exactly is time management? Time management is the coordination of tasks and activities to maximize the effectiveness of an individual’s efforts. Essentially, time management is enabling people to get more work done in less time. Here are some useful Time-Management tips from organizing and management professionals.

Sandy Park

Tidy with Spark

Write it down.

Ever since a young age I wrote a to-do list. The act of extracting lists from my head onto a structured list on paper made perfect sense and seemed essential to getting things done. But inevitably as the lists grew more complete, my system of list making needed modification. This is when I started to group like tasks and items together. Batch processing is not a new concept, but for my note taking and list making process, it was a game changer. 

Instead of shifting from unlike tasks to another losing focus and all the economies of scale of starting over with a new task, I grouped like items together, batching them up so that I would benefit from being in the frame of mind of completing a similar task.

For example, any emails that need to be sent or read were grouped together. I would answer emails one right after the other and then move on to the next subcategory on my list of making phone calls. Grouping all calls together allowed me to knock out all the calls in one sitting. All return calls or appointments are handled together, whereas longer length calls to a friend or a family member are reserved for a later time when I could devote more time to the task at hand.

Batching up tasks on my to-do list saved a great deal of time for me and organized my day in a way that was manageable and productive.

Annmarie Gustafson

Annmarie Gustafson

Prioritize with Time Blocking.

Have you ever noticed how much harder you’ll work to fit something into your schedule if it’s something you really want to do? Chances are if you’re starting up your own business, the things you’ll tend to work on first are the fun, exciting tasks that you want to do. When it comes to the repetitive administrative tasks or projects you find boring, you’ll procrastinate doing them for as long as possible. Somehow though, it all still gets done.

The only chance we have at any semblance of work-life balance, is to decide how much time we are willing to devote to each of those things, in an ideal world, each week. Time Blocking is one of the best ways to put into perspective how much time you actually have each day to get things done. Initially, you may be surprised at how much or how little “free” time you have. You’ll begin to more closely analyze how you’re spending (or wasting) your days and figure out what should stay and what can go.

My favorite benefit of Time Blocking is that it eliminates any guilty feelings. If you tend to think, “I really should reply to that email,” or “I probably need to take a break and go play with the kids,” you’ll be freed of those pesky, interrupting thoughts. You’ll know that there is a time set aside for doing all those things, but right now, you’re working on whatever is in your current time block.

Of course there are hundreds of ways you can get started with Time Blocking. You can use an app, your digital calendar, a pencil and paper, or a simple spreadsheet.

Flavia Roman

Alter Decorum

Don’t leave  what you can do today for tomorrow.

Once I’m done utilizing an item, I put it back where it belongs. I maintain a certain organized household balance by returning all objects where they belong, and by making sure everything already has a designated place. 

I keep my bathroom vanity neat by depositing some of my skin care and dental products in the order of which will be used.  This way not only the vanity will always look organized, but also my next skin or dental routine will save me time by not having to search around for the products that I’m supposed to be using.

I prioritize based on what needs immediate attention by assessing the benefits that I might be getting from accomplishing a certain task.  Each benefit always improves a different aspect of my life.

Alexandra Kozak

Living Simply PGH


I let myself rest. Or at least do something I want to do. Whether that’s a calling a friend or working out, it’s important to build time into your day to decompress. Most of us feel compelled to make sure our day is as productive as possible, which can lead to feelings of guilt over taking a break. But these short rest periods can help reset your focus and recharge your energy to continue to tackle your list.

Set a timer if you need to. I schedule my workouts as if they were meetings. This holds me accountable but also ensures this break is built into my day. I also use my Apple watch to remind me to stand at least once every hour. That gets me away from the computer and walking around. It helps so much to just get up and stretch.

Annie Allen

Annie The Organizer

Set a specific time for responding to emails.

 Email management. We often get side-tracked while reading and responding to emails, wasting valuable time and getting off-task.  An interesting article catches our attention, a seemingly quick response becomes a research project and before you know it, an hour or two has been lost on emails. It’s important to schedule email time each day; put it in your planner.  

When viewing email, determine what is urgent vs. important - urgent emails require immediate action whereas important emails can wait 24-48 hours or a stated deadline. If emails generate a new task or action, consult your planner and determine if/when you can complete that task; put the new task in your planner rather than dropping everything and completing it right away.  

Set an alarm five minutes before your allotted time is up, so you can begin closing down your email session and not lose track of time.  The same idea applies to managing social media accounts; schedule a specific time to connect, post, respond to all social media.

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.


How to organize your clothes

donate clothes organization home business san diego professional organizer konmari consultant home business productivity

Before you start organizing you must ask yourself why. What is the goal of organization? Do you want to minimize your distractions, have more time for playing with the kids or maybe you just want to be able to find your keys in the morning. I got you! But I invite you to look further down the road and imagine your ideal life! If you want to stay organized for the long run you need a long term goal to be able to create everyday tidy habits. Some of my clients envision their ideal lifestyles such as traveling more, working less (or changing careers), going back to school or spending more time (really being present) with loved ones. Once you have figured out your long term goals and ideal lifestyle then you are ready to get started.

We start by
organizing our clothes because we want to learn to make easy decisions before we make hard ones (It is easier to decide about a stained shirt than it is about grandmas old china). Making good decisions about your belongings will train your brain to make good decisions about your life.

Step 1: Gather all your clothes in one place (the bed or bedroom floor are great)

The reason we want to do this is to see how much we really own. For many of my clients surprise it’s often much more than they anticipated.

Step 2: Touch every single Item and ask if it sparks joy!

Yes I know it sounds cheesy, but we have been trained to make decisions based on other peoples opinion all the time. We have to re-learn to make decisions based on our own well being and happiness. So, if you touch your favorite shirt you will feel happy and warm and you will have an emotional reaction to it. Make your decisions based on how your clothes make you feel and if these items are something you would want to wear in your ideal life.

Related: Minimalist Closet: Practice Minimalism with Your Wardrobe

Step 3: Sort you items into a keep, donate or discard pile

If the answer to the question “does it spark joy” is yes, keep it. If the answer is no, make sure you thank the item (yes gratitude is important to let go and to appreciate what the item has done for and meant to you in the past). Then either donate it if it is in good shape or discard it if it is stained or ripped or too old to be reused.

Step 4: File fold your clothes to save space

When you are finished sorting, my advice is to fold as much as you can. Most modern fabrics don’t wrinkle anymore and folding will safe you tons of space. The neat thing with file folding is, that you can see every single item and are able to pull them out from the dresser, without making a mess. Here is a tutorial on how to fold your clothes vertically:

Step 5: Store items back in the closet

Folded Items should be stored in a dresser, from light to heavy. Lighter items such as bras, panties or socks should be stored in the top drawer and heavier items like jeans should be stored on the bottom. When hanging up items make sure o hang them up in an angle from long to short or sort them by color.

Step 6: Discard your trash and drop off your clothes donations at your favorite non-profit or second hand store

I recommend to make a donations drop of the same day you finished organizing your clothes, or the bags might be laying around in your home and becoming a nuisance for weeks. Also do not leave them in the garage or they might be forgotten forever. The sooner you can take the responsibility to donate/ discard them is when you have finished the clothes category of organization.

san diego professional organizer home business konmari consultant productivity workshops virtual classes

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Organizing a schedule while being confined at home

San Diego professional organizer KonMari Consultant organizing tidying virtual sessions el cajon

With many San Diego schools, businesses and events being cancelled, we are now getting the gift of time. Time at home with our kids, time to finish the one or two projects we have started or maybe even to organize and deep clean our homes.

Here are some tips from a local San Diego professional organizer and KonMari Consultant on how to handle scheduling and hire help during the social distancing period.

  1. Set yourself (and your kids) some goals for the day:

    Clean out the fridge or getting your daily steps in by taking a walk, make sure you give yourself a goal to accomplish to feel productive. Your kids should have their goals too; finishing homework, doing their chores and maybe work on a project together (maybe learning how to prepare a meal?)

  2. Make sure to get some sun:

    One hour per day should be set aside for outside time. Play some soccer with the kids or take your bike out for a ride. Research shows that going outside is good for your health, lowers depression and it gives us a break from these overwhelmingly negative news on TV.

  3. Time out for screens:

    Make sure to turn off the screens and read a book that you have been wanting to read or play a board game with your family. Puzzles can be a great alternative for activating your memory and increasing focus.

  4. Support small business:

    Especially in times like these it is more important than ever to keep supporting small business. Even though we can’t physically go into crowded places and attend events, we can still order a to go meal from a local restaurant, buy a gift card from a local store online or take advantage of online classes/ virtual sessions offered.

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

3 Ideas on how to make de-cluttering fun

Getting organized when you feel overwhelmed can be hard. Finding time to start, when you are busy is challenging. An organizing marathon is not for everybody. If you are like me, challenges make it fun. Get together with a friend or join an online community like the KonMari+Dave Ramsey Facebook Group to find motivation, inspiration and accountability. Here are some ideas and fun challenges to help you enjoy the process.

  1. Make a vision Board of your perfect lifestyle and hang it up in your closet to remind you of the why.

    When you have a visual of the things that you value and desire, you are more likely to think about them. Make sure you create your vision board around how you want to feel in all areas of your life such as home, career, relationships, money, travel or personal growth. Once you know what’s important to you, you can delegate your time into achieving your goals. Visualization can be one of the most powerful exercises you can do and there is research to prove t too. Psychology Today reported that a study looking at brain patterns in weightlifters found that the patterns activated when a weightlifter lifted hundreds of pounds were similarly activated when they only imagined lifting.  In some cases, research has revealed that mental practices are almost effective as true physical practice, and that doing both is more effective than either alone.

  2. Play the Min-Game Challenge!

    The rules are easy. You have 30 days to de-clutter and it starts with one item on day 1, then two items on day 2, three items on day 3 and so on. The further you get into the moth the more challenging it gets. At the end of the Month you have gotten rid of about 465 items! The great thing about this challenge is that it does not take a lot of time and once you get into it, it is hard to stop. There is also a whole community playing this game online and sharing their progress, you can find them on Instagram with the hashtag #minsgame to join.

  3. Make Money!

    It does not matter if you are moving, just moved in or have lived in your home for a couple of decades, making money is always helpful. Many of my clients plan to hold a yard sale at the end of their organizing journey. Make sure you set yourself a date and advertise it to hold yourself accountable. Through the process of de-cluttering your home you might even come across some unused gift cards, gift certificates or even checks that have not been deposited. The thing to remember is to price your items that they will sell. The money is already gone and you have decided that all these items are going, so remembering that all of it is going to donations afterward anyways, should give you a realistic outlook on money goals. Any money you make is going to be a profit.

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.