Smart Strategies for Storing Your Holiday Decorations

As the holiday season winds down, many of us face the challenge of organizing and storing our festive decorations. With January 6th (in my homeland of Germany)- often celebrated as the end of the Holiday season - just around the corner, it's time to think about packing away our holiday cheer. Here are some tips on how to efficiently organize and store your holiday decorations, ensuring they stay safe, clean and ready for the next season.

Planning and Decluttering: The first step in this post-holiday ritual is planning. Begin by assessing all your decorations. Lay them out and categorize them. This process helps you understand what you have, what needs repair, and what might not be worth keeping. The mantra here is decluttering. If you come across broken lights or an ornament that no longer brings joy, consider letting it go. This not only frees up storage space but also simplifies your decorating decisions next year. Remember, effective organization is as much about removing the unnecessary as it is about neatly storing the essential.

Organizing Decorations: Once you've streamlined your collection, it’s time to organize. Group your decorations by type – ornaments, lights, wreaths, figurines. If certain items are specific to rooms or certain display areas, group them accordingly. This categorization makes unpacking next year intuitive and quick. Labeling is your best friend here. Clearly mark each storage box with its contents. It’s a simple step that saves a lot of time and guesswork in the future.

Packing Tips: Packing decorations properly is crucial for their longevity. For delicate ornaments, use tissue paper or bubble wrap to prevent breakage. Specialized compartmentalized boxes can offer additional protection. String lights, notorious for tangling, can be neatly wound around a piece of cardboard. For your artificial tree, if the original box is no longer an option, a tree storage bag is a great investment. Compressing and securing branches minimizes space and protects the tree’s shape.

Choosing Storage Containers: The right storage containers can make a world of difference. Opt for durable, moisture-resistant options to protect your decorations from environmental factors, especially if they're stored in places like basements or attics. Space efficiency is another consideration. Stackable containers maximize storage space and keep your decorations organized and accessible.

Storing Your Decorations: Selecting the right spot to store your decorations is as important as the packing process. Choose a cool, dry area to prevent any damage from humidity or temperature fluctuations. If you’re using spaces like basements or attics, ensure they are free from potential water damage or extreme heat. Also, think about the order of storage. Place items that you’re likely to use first next season in more accessible spots. This thoughtful placement will save you time and effort.

Storing holiday decorations might seem like a daunting task, but with a bit of planning and organization, it can be managed efficiently. The effort you put in now not only preserves your treasured decorations but also sets the stage for a smoother, more enjoyable holiday season next year.

Copyright © 2024 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer in San Diego and surrounding areas.

How Organization and Cleanliness Foster Mental Well-being

In our fast-paced world, the sanctity of our home can significantly impact our mental health. An organized and clean living space is not just about aesthetics; it's a foundation for a clearer mind and a more peaceful life. As a professional organizer with a background in psychology, I've seen firsthand how the state of our homes can mirror and influence our mental state.

The Psychology of a Clutter-Free Space: Clutter isn't just physical. It creates mental clutter as well. A study from the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute found that clutter overloads our senses, making us feel stressed and impeding our ability to think creatively and clearly. When we clear our space, we're also clearing our minds, allowing for better focus and productivity.

Organization as a Stress Reliever: Living in an organized space can significantly reduce the stress and anxiety that comes from feeling overwhelmed by our environment. A study by Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that individuals with cluttered homes experienced higher cortisol levels, a stress hormone. By organizing our spaces, we can create a sense of calm and control, which is especially crucial for those experiencing anxiety. Coming home to a clear kitchen counter can make all the difference in feeling motivated to cook a healthy meal vs. buying takeout because the kitchen clutter is in the way of a working space.

The Power of a Clean Home: Cleanliness goes hand-in-hand with organization. Regular cleaning not only maintains the physical health of our homes but also contributes to a more serene and mentally restful environment. The smell of your home can also contribute to feeling comfortable in it and some ways to keep a fresh smelling home are:

1.Open windows to let fresh air in and circulate throughout your home. This helps in reducing stale air and any associated odors.

2.Regularly clean the garbage disposal, fridge, and oven, and take out the trash promptly to avoid food-related odors.

3. Frequently wash linens, blankets, and pillows, as fabrics can harbor odors. If you have a fabric sofa or carpet, I recommend hiring a professional carpet cleaner to shampoo them at least twice a year to avoid lingering odors from pets.

Creating Mindful Spaces: Organizing and cleaning our homes is more than a physical act; it's a practice in mindfulness. It's about making intentional choices about what we keep in our lives and why. This mindfulness can extend to other areas of our lives, encouraging us to live more intentionally and in the present moment.

The connection between a clean and organized home and our mental well-being is undeniable. As we strive for a balanced and fulfilling life, let's not overlook the power of our physical spaces. Remember, an organized home is not just about tidiness; it's a step towards a more peaceful and mentally healthy life.

Copyright © 2022 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer and Virtual Assistant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

10 ways to be more organized and efficient

Being organized can help you be more efficient and productive in your personal life, as well as at work. There's no one-size-fits-all way to be organized—you just have to find what works best for you. Here are some tips that might help you get started:

Use a timer to pace yourself.

There are many ways to use a timer to be more efficient and organized. If you're working on a project, set the timer for 20 minutes, and make sure you focus on the task at hand. When it goes off, take a break!

If you're trying to get started on something, set a 10-minute timer so that after 10 minutes, you'll know if you're going to keep working or need to stop and do something else.

If your work requires multiple steps (like getting ready), set a kitchen timer for cooking an egg or making toast—this will help keep track of each step without having to stop everything else once everything is done cooking/toasting!

Have a timetable for which you allocate specific tasks for specific times of the day, instead of trying to do everything all at once.

Time blocking is a simple way to make your day more efficient, and it can work for both personal and business tasks. There are many different ways to time block, but the general idea is to allocate specific times for specific tasks. Using this method, you'll be able to stay focused on one task without distraction, which will lead to greater productivity and less stress overall.

For example: If you want to write an article by 2 pm today (and get paid), but find yourself wasting time on social media instead of writing—time blocking can help! Set aside two hours during your workday in which all of your attention is dedicated to writing that article; no checking Facebook or other social media sites is allowed during this period! This allows you only one hour per day when it comes down right now because all other distractions have been eliminated from existence until after those two hours pass by."

Organize your workspace so that everything you need is within easy reach.

The first step to organizing your workspace is to make sure you have everything you need within easy reach. Don’t be afraid of clutter—it’s okay if there are piles of papers on your desk, as long as they don’t get in the way. However, if something not related to the task at hand has no place other than right next to it, move it elsewhere!

Next, consider how much time and effort it will take for someone else (like a coworker) to find something in your workspace once they need it. If a coworker knows where everything is located, they can access it quickly without needing extra help from you. If not... well, I'm sure you can figure out what happens then!

Set up a system for managing clutter and keeping your workspace tidy.

When you're trying to get organized, it's important to have a system in place that works for you. Now, what does working for you mean? It means that your system is easy to maintain and change. You should be able to add new tasks or remove old ones without much thought or effort. Your system should also be easy to explain so others can understand how it works—this way, when someone new joins your team or project, they'll know how things are run with minimal confusion (and possibly resentment).

Developing a good organizational system isn't just about being tidy; it's also about creating an environment where work can thrive by streamlining processes into efficient habits. But remember that these habits will evolve over time as the needs of your business change: ensure that any changes made are agreed upon by everyone involved before making them permanent.

Related: 30 Best Organization Blogs and Websites

Have an "in" box for incoming materials and an "out" box for things that need to be processed or filed away.

  • Use an inbox and outbox.

  • Keep all electronic files in a single folder on your computer or external hard drive and store physical files in labeled file folders or a binder.

  • Use a calendar to manage appointments, meetings, deadlines and other time-sensitive items that aren't filed away elsewhere—make sure it's available on your phone as well so you can check dates while on the go!

Make sure to take breaks from your work. Get up periodically and walk around, get some fresh air, do something different.

  • Make sure to take breaks from your work. Get up periodically and walk around, get some fresh air, do something different.

  • How often? As often as you need to feel refreshed. You won't know how much time you need until you start taking breaks regularly, but individual needs vary wildly. Some people can go for two hours without needing a break; others may need them every 20 minutes or so. Experiment with different amounts of time between breaks until you find what works best for you!

  • What should I do during my break? This is up to the individual—just make sure it's something unrelated to work so that your brain has time off from thinking about anything related to being organized and efficient (or any other task).

  • How should I avoid getting distracted? If it helps, put away all technology during this time (or at least turn off any alerts or notifications), so that no one can reach out and grab your attention unexpectedly. Also, try not to read any emails or messages unless they're urgent; just enjoy yourself by doing anything else!

Related: The importance of taking a break and how it can help with motivation and focus

Plan your day beforehand, first thing every morning, so that you know what needs to be done as soon as possible (and by whom) and what can be put off until later in the day or on another day entirely.

Planning your day in advance is one of the best ways to be more organized and efficient.

Planning your day in advance will help you prioritize tasks, avoid procrastination, and avoid multitasking. It's also a great way to start each morning off on the right foot.

First thing every morning (or last thing at night), sit down with a pen and paper or open up your computer calendar and write down what needs to get done today, who will do it, when they'll do it—and whether there are any exceptions to these plans that need addressing immediately.

This may seem like a lot of work for something so simple-sounding—but if you think about how much time we waste by putting off things until later when they could have been done sooner or doing things out of order because we don't know what else comes next (or worse yet: not doing anything at all), then it starts making sense!

Do not procrastinate! Remember the old saying, "Procrastination is the thief of time."

  • Do not procrastinate! Remember the old saying, "Procrastination is the thief of time."

  • Procrastination is not just a bad habit; it can also be a symptom of a deeper problem. If you are regularly putting off important tasks or ignoring your responsibilities, this may be due to depression (or another mental health issue) and should be addressed by seeking professional help.

Don't be disorganized with the small things; make effort even with things like brushing your teeth, washing the dishes, and taking out the trash. Small habits like these can spread over into other areas of life if neglected.

  • Don't be disorganized with the small things; make effort even with things like brushing your teeth, washing the dishes and taking out the trash. Small habits like these can spread over into other areas of life if neglected.

  • Don't procrastinate. Take care of tasks as they come up or have a schedule that you stick to for cleaning, cooking etc. If you don't want to do something, then delegate it to someone else or set up a system so that others will do it for you (like hiring a house cleaner).

  • Don't let small things pile up! It's better for one big task than five little ones added together because it takes more energy away from more important things in life such as family/friends/traveling/etc.. If something takes less than 5 minutes but still needs doing then just get it done straight away! If not then write yourself a note on an electronic calendar so that when reminded later on you will remember what has been left undone before!

Don't let paper pile up! Try not to touch paper more than once to process it (either accepting it as something that must be done now, or rejecting it as something that can wait until later).

One of the most effective ways to be more organized and efficient is to treat paper as a to-do list. Don't let it pile up! When you have a lot of paper, get rid of it by treating each piece as an individual task that must be completed before moving on. If there's too much for you to handle in one sitting, then break up your task into smaller chunks or delegate some items to other people who can help out.

Before going through papers and deciding what needs action, set aside some time for yourself—even if this is just 15 minutes at lunchtime. This will allow you not only free up space on your desk but also give your brain time off from thinking about work so that when it's back at its desk later (or in bed), it'll be more alert and ready for whatever comes next!

Related: Is minimalism for you?

Being organized will benefit you both personally and professionally

Being organized is something that can be beneficial for both your personal and professional life. Organization means being in control of your schedule, and having the ability to manage it effectively. Being organized will help you get more done because you'll have a clear plan of how to spend your time and stay on top of things. It also helps reduce stress, which can be overwhelming when you're unorganized!

Being less stressed out has been shown to increase productivity, as well as creativity (source). Being more productive means having more free time. And when we're not stressing about things then we can actually enjoy ourselves!

We hope that you've found these tips useful. The most important thing is to remember that organization doesn't happen overnight and it's not easy, but it's worth the effort!

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Is Minimalism for you?

If you want to live a minimalist lifestyle and be happier in the process, there are many things you can do. You don’t have to get rid of everything immediately—just start with one thing at a time! The point is not to spend so much money or take up so much space that it makes life miserable. Minimalism means living mindfully with what we have, sharing resources responsibly and valuing experiences over possessions.


The most obvious benefit of minimalism is that it's good for the planet. The less you own, the lighter your footprint on the environment. By reducing your carbon footprint, you're reducing your impact on global warming and other environmental issues like deforestation and water pollution.

Minimalism also reduces wastefulness: less stuff means less garbage to toss out after its useful life has ended. Minimalists can spend more time with their families instead of waiting in line at stores or sitting at home cleaning their house (or both). They have more money left over after paying bills each month because they don't have as much debt due to credit card purchases or payments for large items like cars or houses that depreciate over time. This frees up money for things like traveling experiences, which are far more valuable than possessions anyway!

Related: What does living sustainably mean?

Effortlessly tidy

Minimalism helps you to be tidy. It’s all about keeping things simple, and the less stuff you have, the easier it is to keep everything neat and tidy.

Minimalism helps you to be organised. By having fewer things, there are fewer options for where to put them – so it becomes easier to find a home for each item in your home or office when organising it.

Minimalism helps you to be more efficient because there is less clutter around your home or workspace which can increase productivity as well as make life simpler by reducing stress levels due to the constant need for tidying up after yourself throughout the day

Save money

Have you ever gone to the mall and looked at all the different things in the stores? Or gone online and looked at all the different options for a product? It can be overwhelming, especially when you don't really need anything.

But it's not just about having less stuff. It's also about saving money. When there's less stuff to buy, that means there are fewer items on your wishlist! With fewer items on your wishlist, that means there will be less money spent on unneeded products or services. This has a two-fold effect: one is that it helps keep costs down; two is that it reduces clutter and makes life easier overall (especially if you're short on space).


  • When you simplify your life, you have more time to focus on what is important.

  • Minimalism can help you live in the moment. You’ll be less distracted and more present with those around you.

  • If minimalism helps create a calm environment, then it may also inspire creativity, which can lead to more productivity at work or home.

Minimalism can help you live in a way that’s better for the planet, better for you, better for your budget and better for the future

Minimalism is a way of living that helps you focus on what’s important. It's not about having less stuff, it's about having less and focusing on what's important. Minimalism is about living a meaningful life, being present in the moment, and feeling at peace with yourself and with the world around you.

Minimalism can help you live in a way that’s better for the planet, better for you, better for your budget and better for the future.

Minimalism is a way of living that helps you focus on what’s important. It's not about having less stuff, it's about having less and focusing on what's important. Minimalism is about living a meaningful life, being present in the moment, and feeling at peace with yourself and with the world around you.

Minimalism can help you live in a way that’s better for the planet, better for you, better for your budget and better for the future.

Related: Tips when searching for and hiring a professional organizer

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

What does "living sustainably" mean?

Living sustainably is a lifestyle that aims to reduce your impact on the environment.

It is not a one-time thing, but rather a way of living and thinking. Living sustainably means not just buying green products, but also reducing your waste and choosing to live with less in order to leave more room for others. It’s about being aware of what you buy and why you buy it, as well as questioning whether or not those things are really necessary for you at this point in time. When a community practices sustainable living, they help the environmental quality.

It’s about recognizing that there are many ways we can change our lives in order to protect our planet—and then taking steps toward making those changes happen!

People who live sustainably often choose to reduce their energy use, reuse items for various purposes or recycle them when they're no longer useful.

You can try to reduce the amount of energy you use by turning off lights when you're not using them, using power strips and surge protectors to turn off electronics when they aren't in use and unplugging chargers after they've finished charging. Many people also choose to compost food waste rather than throw it away. Composting also helps reduce water pollution and provides a healthy alternative to fertilizing lawns with chemicals.

Related: How a mind map can help you get to your goals faster

If you're recycling items that can't be reused or composted, make sure that you recycle everything that's recyclable! Some cities have curbside pickup services where residents put their recyclables on the curb instead of taking them to the city dump or recycling center themselves; others have drop-off locations for donations, such as Salvation Army or Goodwill, where residents can take their recyclables and other household materials like clothing instead of sending them straight into landfills.

Individuals who practice sustainable living also may choose to eat only locally grown foods in order to further reduce their environmental footprint.

Local farms and gardens are able to grow the freshest products, which means less of a carbon footprint when you're eating your veggies. Plus, it's easier on the environment because they aren't shipped across long distances before they get to your plate and into your stomach!

For example, if you live in the United States, most of your food comes from thousands of miles away by way of trucks and planes that use fossil fuels to transport it. However, if you choose to eat local foods, much less energy is used because the food doesn't have to be transported as far. You can buy local foods at Farmers Markets or have them sent to your home via Farm boxes like Farm fresh to you (Save $15 off your first delivery by using Code: JANI9199 ).

With a little bit of commitment, almost everyone can make small changes in their lives that can greatly benefit the environment over time.

Making small changes in your life that benefit the environment doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. In fact, with just a bit of time and commitment, almost anyone can make positive changes to their daily routines without breaking the bank. Here are some examples of small actions you can take:

  • Try using reusable bags when shopping at the grocery store. This will cut down on waste from plastic bags and help keep them out of landfills and oceans where they may harm wildlife (and us!).

  • Instead of driving everywhere, walk, bike or use an electric scooter. Calculate how much money you'd save by not having to buy gas or insurance for your car (or bicycle). If it's less than what you'd spend on public transportation, consider getting rid of your car!

  • Use energy-efficient light bulbs in lamps around your home instead of traditional ones—they'll last longer and save money on utility bills every month!

  • Use a Refillable Water bottle instead of buying plastic bottles. A reusable water bottle takes less oil to produce, replaces all the plastics that you would have used and thereby reduces both your carbon footprint and helps reduce the plastic burden on landfills, oceans, streams and other places where plastic waste ends up.

    Related: Why an organized space important, especially when you work from home

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Tips when searching and hiring a professional organizer

First impression, is the expert easy to work with and understands what's important to you and what your organizing goals are.

When searching for a professional organizer, the first impression is important. An expert should be easy to work with, understand what's important to you and your organizing goals, and have good time management skills. The expert should also be willing to work with you rather than for you.

Asking questions about the expert's organizing philosophy can help gauge whether or not their approach matches yours. For example: does this person believe in using bins or drawers? Do they think labeling things is important? Is it more important to keep things visible or out of sight?

What kind of experience or credentials does the organizer have, is he/she good at listening and do they have good time management skills

You should ask your potential organizer the following questions:

When interviewing a professional organizer, make sure that he or she understands what’s important to you
  • Are they reputable? Most professional organizers are certified through an organization, which means that they have passed an exam and know what they're doing. If a person doesn't have any certification, you can always do some research into their background or check out their website to see if it looks professional and well-maintained.

  • Is he/she accredited? Many organizers will also be accredited by Marie Kondo or another organization that offers certifications for organizing services. This means that these experts have gone through extensive training on how to properly implement her methodologies, including folding techniques and more efficient ways of sorting clothing items into categories like "keep," "toss," and "give away." If someone has this kind of certification, it's likely their skills are top-notch!

  • How much experience does he/she have? Does this organizer specialize in home office closets, pantries or whole-home decluttering projects? A good organizer should have plenty of experience working with clients who need help getting things under control at home so they can feel more relaxed when spending time there each day (which ultimately leads to less stress).

What if they start packing up everything without asking if it's okay first and then they decide what will go where without consulting you first!Is this someone who will organize things according to your own preferences?

Before you hire an organizer, make sure that you have a clear understanding of your overall goals and needs. You should also be able to describe what kind of environment you want to create in your home or office.

If the professional organizer does not understand these things before starting work, it may end up being a waste of time and money for both parties involved. It's very important to know in advance whether they will arrange items according themselves without asking if they are okay with how they are placed or what will go where beforehand, or if they will listen closely and make changes until their client is satisfied with the result.

If any red flags come up, consider interviewing another professional organizer.

If any red flags come up during the interview, consider interviewing another professional organizer. The last thing you should feel is like your personal belongings are out of control and that someone else is going through everything that's important to you without asking your opinion first.

When interviewing a professional organizer, make sure that he or she understands what's important to you—and how much stuff there actually is. You want an organizer who can help you manage all those boxes of old paperwork for them not to get lost forever under piles of new paper and magazines. You also want someone who can keep track of your progress and keeps you motivated and not make you feel guilty or ashamed.

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

10 Spring Cleaning Tips for a Tidy Home

Spring cleaning is good for your home and your mental health!

Spring cleaning is good for your home and your mental health! A clean house can have a huge impact on how you feel. It's been shown to boost our moods, increase productivity, and improve mental clarity—and it doesn't take much time or effort. You don't have to wait until spring to begin this habit; the sooner you start, the better!

Of course, spring is only one season—but it’s probably the most popular time of the year for cleaning. We've all seen those infomercials featuring celebrities who are “cleaning up their lives" by springing into action with their trusty mops and buckets. Here are some things you can do in order to get started on your own spring cleaning journey:

1 Get rid of clutter

You know the drill. Get rid of stuff you don't need, save sentimental items and let go of things you haven’t used in a year. You wouldn’t buy a new dining room table if you already had one, so why should your spring cleaning routine be any different?

The key to getting rid of clutter is being ruthlessly honest with yourself about what you will use again and what can be donated or recycled. Don't hold onto something just because it was expensive or that someone special gave it to you as a gift — even if they're not living under the same roof anymore!

2 Dust your fans and light fixtures

Dusting your ceiling fans is extremely easy, and it will keep them running smoothly. First, you'll want to turn off the fan and unplug it if possible. Next, use a simple mitt or feather duster (or just your fingers) to gently brush away any dust that has collected on the blades. If there are cobwebs hanging from the fan, use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to gently pull them off before dusting. Finally, plug in and test out your newly dusted fan!

If using just a regular vacuum cleaner isn't cutting it for you (and/or you don't want to get up very high), consider using a ladder instead of standing on tiptoe at all times! Just remember: safety first!

3 Organize Your Closets

It's time to organize your closets. Use the Konmari Method and color-code your hangers, or try out a closet organizer. Meanwhile, use clear bins and boxes to make sure you can see what's inside without having to pull it out every time you want something. If you have the space, consider using shelves and hanging rods instead of just hanging things on hooks!

Just don't forget that most people usually only wear 20% of their clothes 80% of the time--so when it comes down to it, deciding what stays and goes could be as simple as asking yourself: Do I like this item? No? Then let me donate it or sell it online (like eBay).

4 Wash Your Windows Inside and Out

  • Wash your windows inside and out.

  • Start at the top, using a gentle soap and water solution to clean each pane. Rinse between each window, then move on to the next until all of your windows are clean.

  • When finished with a section of windows, use a squeegee or sponge dipped in vinegar to remove streaks.

5 Deep Clean Carpets and Rugs

Step 1: Vacuum all carpets and rugs. Remove any furniture from carpeted areas, then vacuum thoroughly in each room. This step is the most important part of your deep cleaning routine. If you skip this step, it will be nearly impossible to get your carpets as clean as they could be.

Step 2: Use a steam cleaner or rent a machine if needed. If there are stains on your carpet that won't come out with regular vacuuming, use a steam cleaner or rent a professional machine to deal with them before moving on to step three below.

Step 3: Clean up after yourself! After you've cleaned up any remaining messes from vacuuming (there shouldn't be any), remove toys from play areas so kids don't ruin their new bathrooms by leaving toys everywhere again.

Pro Tip: Use a carpet rake after using the above method for extra cleaning power! This will help break down dirt embedded into the fibers of your floors.Bonus tip: Let carpets dry completely before walking/playing on them again; otherwise people may trip over wet spots (and possibly sue).

6 Clean Your Refrigerator – Inside and Out provides the following tips for cleaning your refrigerator:

  • Wipe down the shelves and drawers with a damp cloth or sponge. Rinse if necessary, then dry completely with a clean cloth.

  • Clean out all of your crisper drawers by removing them from their racks and washing them in hot water with dish soap and warm rinse water. Dry thoroughly before returning to the refrigerator.

  • Clean around the gasket on the door by removing it (don't worry about getting it dirty), so you can wipe down both sides of this rubber seal inside and outside of your fridge's door frame to remove dirt buildup and food odors. Replace when finished cleaning or after drying completely if desired - this will make sure that no mold begins growing behind it!

7 Dust, scrub and vacuum as needed.

Dust, scrub, and vacuum as needed.

Don't forget to dust all surfaces of your home, including furniture, ceiling fans and corners. Cleaning the floors will get rid of most dirt and grime but if you want to go above and beyond, take the time to clean other areas that collect dust easily—such as shelves in your closet or bookshelves around your home.

8 Have the carpets professionally cleaned.

>Have the carpets professionally cleaned.

Properly cleaning a carpet is a must-do every few months, and it's worth the money to hire a professional to do it. The pros can remove embedded dirt and stains that you might miss, especially in high-traffic areas where dirt accumulates. They also have specialized machines that help lift stains and restore color to your carpet cushions. If you're planning to sell your home soon, keep in mind that stained or dingy carpets could affect how much money you get for it—and even if prospective buyers are looking at houses with stained carpets or dinged-up walls, they'll probably assume yours has similar issues as well (even if yours doesn't).

9 Wash windows inside and out.

Inside and out, windows are a great opportunity to get your home looking its best. Cleaning them is easy, but make sure you do it right!

  • Use a microfiber cloth or chamois to wipe down the window panes.

  • If you need something more abrasive, use a squeegee to remove excess water from the surface of the glass before removing dirt and fingerprints with a sponge or clean cloth.

  • A brush can be used for cleaning corners and edges where dirt collects most easily.

  • A window scraper is helpful for removing paint residue from frames or for removing built-in screens from windows that don't open to let in fresh air (or burglars!).

  • Use window cleaner as needed—and always follow directions on the bottle!

10 Scrub the kitchen sink.

  • Use a sponge, dish soap, and water to give your kitchen sink a thorough scrubbing. Then rinse it with hot water to remove any remaining residue and dry with a paper towel. If you want to bring out the shine of your sink even more—and if the manufacturer recommends it—you can use a green cleaning product or an abrasive pad like steel wool or an SOS pad (be sure to follow specific instructions).

  • Cleaning stainless steel sinks is easy: they don’t need any special treatment beyond regular cleanings. You may have heard that baking soda will help remove stains from stainless steel sinks, but that doesn’t hold true for most people. If there is stubborn buildup on your sink or if its finish has become dull over time, consider using products specifically designed for this purpose; they should be available at home improvement stores or online retailers like Amazon.

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Ten clutter free mother's day gift ideas mom really wants

When it comes to Mother's Day, the thought that counts is a good way to go. There are many ways to make your mom happy without adding more clutter to her house. From breakfast in bed, to a surprise meal out at her favorite restaurant, here are some ideas for how you can show Mom that you care:


If you want to give a massage as a gift, you can either give the gift of healing hands in person or give a massage voucher. Getting a massage is great for mental and physical health and San Diego offers many great options.

Massage therapy works by increasing blood flow and oxygenation in muscles and soft tissues, which allows them to repair themselves faster after injury or overuse. It also releases endorphins (natural pain medication), decreases stress hormones like cortisol, improves sleep quality and increases energy levels. But don't worry: there aren't any adverse effects from receiving massages! Massage therapists will work with you on making sure they are working within your comfort zone.

There are many types of massage techniques out there such as Swedish relaxation techniques used for stress relief; deep tissue massage which focuses on specific areas; hot stone therapy (my personal favorite) which uses warm stones placed strategically on the body while being massaged by skilled hands; myofascial release therapy where small knots commonly found in tight muscles are released gently over time with heat applied directly onto them through touch (electric heating pads). Unless specifically requested otherwise by client preference only one type may be performed at any given session time frame but always ask before booking an appointment just so there's no confusion later down the line."

Alone Time

Alone time is essential for all moms. She deserves some time to herself, and her family should respect that.

Alone time can be used in several ways:

  • Visiting a yoga studio or spa to relax the mind and body.

  • Going for a run or bike ride to clear thoughts before heading back home.

  • Sleeping in on the weekend with no alarm clock set, so that she can wake up when it feels right (and not because everyone else needs breakfast).

Fun Outing

One of the best things about a fun outing is that it doesn’t have to be expensive. It can also be something you do with your mom, or you can invite other family members. If you are on a budget, make sure that you book ahead because popular places will get booked out quickly and their prices go up as well.

If she has never been there before, then take her somewhere new! This could include:

  • A museum or art gallery (examples have been given above)

  • A planetarium show

  • A concert (theatre / music)

Breakfast In Bed

If mom is still sleeping, you can wake her up with a breakfast in bed. Prepare the table with a menu and even create a gift to accompany the meal. Don't forget to clean up after yourself, and don't forget mom's favorite beverage or flowers! Take a picture to remember the moment.

Family Photo Session

This year, give your mom the gift of a family photo session. It's a great way to capture memories with your loved ones and create new ones while you're at it.

To make sure your family photo session goes off without a hitch, here are some tips to consider:

  • Who will be in the photos? Do they need to wear nice clothes? If so, what kind of outfits should they wear?

  • Where will you take the pictures? How many can fit into one frame? Is there anything else that should be included in the background of the picture for it to look good when printed out on paper or displayed digitally (i.e., trees, flowers)?

  • How much time do you have before everyone has moved on with their lives; meaning: how long will this photo last before someone moves away because they got married/got divorced/had children of their own etc.? This will determine how much effort needs put into finding professional photographers who specialize in getting quality shots quickly using only natural light sources such as windows provided by whoever owns whatever house is used as backdrop for these types of things."


If you're looking for a last-minute gift, Botox is the way to go. As we all know, moms are busy and it's hard to find time to get appointments with their dermatologist. This Mother's Day, they'll be thrilled that you've made their life easier by booking an appointment at a local spa so that they can look younger without having to do any legwork! Botox is a non-invasive treatment for wrinkles or lines around the face and forehead. It temporarily paralyzes specific muscles in your skin which causes them not contract when under stress (i.e., frowning). The result is less visible lines on the face that last up until 4 months after treatment!

Eating Out

If you're really stumped on what to get your mom this Mother's Day, why not let her pick the restaurant? Letting Mom pick the place will make her feel like she has control over this whole day, which is important in a life where she probably feels like there are very few things she can control.

There are a few ways you can do this:

  • Restaurant gift card

  • Make the reservation (you'll need to call ahead) and pick up the tab altogether. But if you're feeling fancy, consider skipping traditional restaurants and going with something more unique—like ethnic food or a cocktail bar!

  • Let Mom pick any restaurant she wants—and then go along with it!


Consumables are products that are used up, like foods or drinks. They're often perishable and have a short shelf life. Examples of giftable consumables include candy or wine.

Consumables are one of the most popular presents for any occasion. Consider an edible arrangement such as -my favorite- chocolate-covered strawberries or a charcuterie plate with a fancy drink.

Home Cleaning Service

This is the gift that keeps on giving. You can hire a home cleaning or professional organizing service to come by and make the house sparkle for mom. After all, mom deserves a day off - or a month.

Mom gets a boost in her emotional well-being while also saving time and effort. This is an easy way for everyone else in your family to say thank you without saying anything at all!

Related: How to get started with tidying


Who doesn't like to have a beautiful set of nails and perfectly painted toenails? Not to mention the foot massage mom will enjoy. If you've never booked an appointment at a nail salon before and want to find one that ticks all boxes, here's what to look for:

Cleanliness: The first thing you should do is check out the facility itself. Does it look clean? Are there signs of wear and tear on the furniture or walls? Is it dark inside (this can be good if it's bright outside, but watch out for dirty windows)? Does it smell like chemicals—or better yet, like fresh flowers? Tools: Make sure their tools are new and sterile. They should be appropriately stored between clients so there's no risk of contamination from previous customers' germs (eew!). You'll need all five senses when deciding if a nail salon is right for Mom!

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

How a mind map can help you get to your goals faster

A mind map is basically a diagram that allows you to organize ideas and help you work toward your goals. You can use it for pretty much anything, from organizing your closet to becoming more productive at work. Here are just a few examples:

girl reading a map
  • Organize your values and beliefs so that you can have clarity in what path to choose moving forward. You can focus on certain areas of well-being such as finances, physical/emotional health, community, career etc..

  • Arrange your thoughts when making a big decision, such as purchasing a big-ticket item, paying for school or planning a wedding

  • Brainstorm all the different tasks involved in preparing for an upcoming interview or presentation at work so that they don't seem intimidating anymore! It's much easier when everything is laid out clearly (and color-coded!) than when they're scattered across dozens of sticky notes on your desk or hanging off various surfaces around the office."

Write the goal in the middle of the page.

  • Write the goal/attribute in the middle of the page.

  • Next to it, write down a list of sub-goals or related items. These will be smaller tasks that need to be completed before you can complete your primary goal.

Organize your values and beliefs so that you can have clarity in what path to choose moving forward.

Draw lines from the center, and label each one with a step toward achieving the goal.

Start by drawing a circle in the center of your map. Now, draw lines from this center point to each of these steps.

Mind map organization

For each line, write down all the steps that are required to get you from where you are now (the center) to where you want to be (wherever the line ends). Make sure that each step is clear and concise; avoid using too many words. For example, if one of your goals is “learn French” then instead of writing “Learn French” or even “Go on Duolingo for five minutes every day for six months until I can say 'Bonjour' without sounding like an idiot…” try something like "Get Duolingo app on phone."

To keep things simple, use just one arrow per step—and make sure it points in a direction toward achieving your goal. If there's more than one way for something to happen or if there are multiple ways for two or more steps to connect then consider adding images (like arrows pointing at other arrows) or symbols next to those connections!

Fill in each step with sub-steps.

Step 1: Define the problem before starting on a solution.

Step 2: Set goals, and don’t worry about what other people's goals are.

Step 3: Be ambitious, but stay realistic. If you have your heart set on landing more clients than you can handle in three months, it may be time to adjust your expectations!

The final step is to fill in each of these steps with sub-steps that will help you achieve your goal faster and more effectively. For example, if your main goal is to get fit by running marathons by December 31st, then under "Set Goals," write down specific training plans and weekly mileage goals for each month leading up until the big race day (December 31st). Don't forget to include rest days and cross-training days too! This way, when those pesky thoughts pop up saying things like "I'm never going to make it!" or "This hurts so much!" they won't derail all of your hard work—and who knows? You just might surprise yourself with how far you've come by December 31st after all!

Related: Why an organized space is important, especially when you work from home

This visual roadmap can help you focus and feel motivated!

The most important thing to remember is that a mind map isn't a quick project. It's not something you can knock out in an afternoon, so I highly recommend setting aside some serious time for it. Start with the center and write down what each step should be. How many steps do you want? What's your timeline? Do you know where this will take you?

Write everything down! Don't worry if it looks like a mess at first—this is only the beginning of your journey, and there are many twists and turns ahead!

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

20 Affirmations for when you are shopping compulsively

Clutter affects our mental, physical and emotional health. Often clutter is created by compulsive shopping or mindless spending. Many of us use shopping as a coping mechanism to combat stress, trauma or abuse. 56% of Americans do not have enough money in the bank to pay for a $1000 emergency. Most wouldn’t be able to pay for something as simple as needing new tires, a root canal, or a speeding ticket. Debt and physical clutter have a direct link. Income is an important aspect of financial freedom, but so are spending habits. Impulsive spending, especially if it exceeds income levels and creates debt, often leads to feelings of guilt, insecurity and becomes a financial strain. Affirmations are a powerful tool to change negative thinking patterns. Here are 20 Affirmations that will help you challenge compulsive spending:

  1. I have everything I need

  2. Things don’t define me

  3. Less stuff means less cleaning and maintaining

  4. There will always be another sale

  5. Paying off credit will give me more financial freedom

  6. My time and money are valuable

  7. Relationships and experiences bring me more joy than material things

  8. Stuff does not love me back

  9. I am creating a life of abundance without excess ”stuff”

  10. I can achieve financial independence

  11. I can pay off my credit cards

  12. I am getting better at saying “no” to mindless shopping

  13. I am learning to let go of toxic habits

  14. I am happy with the life I have built

  15. My home feels peaceful when it is simply tidy

  16. I have the choice to choose peace over clutter

  17. I will go for a walk when I feel stressed instead of going shopping

  18. My bank account will thank me for not spending money on stuff today

  19. I am smart, healthy and financially savvy.

  20. I will use coping strategies that don’t require spending money

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Fifteen Kitchen Organization Ideas

The center of every home is the kitchen. That’s because people have to eat and food is a fun, celebratory, communal and ritualistic part of our human experience. So, whether you’re a world-class chef or just have a world-record in being hangry, having your kitchen organized is essential to maximizing this memory and meal-making space.

There’s a lot going on in the kitchen between food, prepping, cooking and storing so there are many ways to tackle getting it organized. Let’s look at 15 ideas that will help you get your kitchen organized. 

1. Decide what to keep category by category. You might instinctively choose to organize your kitchen drawer by drawer or cabinet by cabinet. Instead, consider tackling each and every item according to the category it belongs to all at once. In this way, you’ll go through all your utensils at once. You’ll go through all of your appliances at once. You’ll even go through all of your food items category by category. When doing so, gather every like-item and create the pile so that you can use the “Power of the Pile” when deciding what to keep. The “Power of the Pile” happens by seeing all items in one category at a time, piled together. It helps lessen the pang of getting rid of stuff because there is so much visually apparent, but the pile also helps you to see and eliminate duplicates.

2. Store things category by category. You’ll also do well to store your items category by category. In this way, when you go to choose a pot, tupperware container, spice or condiment, you’ll see all of your options at once. Storing things this way helps you and your family to be more efficient when using things and reduces the effort needed to put things away. That’s because everything in each category goes with all of it’s category members, making it a “no-brainer.”

3. Don’t use surfaces for storage. The temptation can be to store appliances or other items on your counters, but you need that surface space for the art of cooking and preparing food! If you can find a home for everything in your kitchen while keeping your counters clear, you’ll be amazed at how much easier and freely you’ll be able to work. By keeping your counters clear, your kitchen will be more functional and you’ll have less visual clutter. An added bonus is your kitchen will be easier to keep clean if the surfaces are clear. A clean kitchen is a happy kitchen! Plus, studies have shown we eat more the more clutter and messes there are in the kitchen! 

Related: How to organize your kitchen step by step

4. Remove unnecessary visual clutter. Speaking of visual clutter, consider purchasing items to house your soaps, oils, and other items that will allow you to eliminate the unnecessary visual clutter and will instead spark joy. Visual clutter competes with your ability to focus on what’s important and it wears us out. If you can’t purchase items for your kitchen liquids yet, you may consider removing labels from these items while they are in use in your kitchen until you can afford to replace them with containers that add to your delight while in your kitchen.

5. Simplify the gadgets and appliances. Take a look at the tools and kitchen gadgets you have. Is there a simpler way that you perform a task than what your gadgets and tools call for? For example, do you actually use the apple slicer or do you use a knife? Do you need the grilled-cheese sandwich maker or do you cook them on your cast iron skillet? If you prefer to perform a task in a simpler way than what your gadgets or tools call for, it’s time for them to go.  

6. Ditch the duplicates. Many times we have more than one thing that we don’t need. You might have two can openers, five round pie pans and three crock pots. If you’re honest with yourself, you probably have a favorite of every duplicate that is your go-to, the one that you always reach for, even though you have options. While you’re being honest with yourself, you probably can admit you don’t need more than one. Ditching the duplicates will give you the space to store things easily and eliminate the need to make decisions about which of the duplicates to use! It’ll be a win-win.

7. Make things easy to put away. When organizing your items in cabinets and drawers consider Marie Kondo’s advice that storage should reduce the effort needed to put things away. Situate your cabinets and drawers in such a way that everything is easy to put away when clean. That means every item has a specific home that is easy to get to.

8. Give the most used items the best real estate. Store things that you use daily in the easiest-to-get-to spots. While you’re at it, make sure those spots are close to where you’re going to use them, i.e. pots near the stove and coffee cups near the coffee machine. Save the step-stool-needed spots for items you’re only going to use just once or twice a year.

9. Maximize drawer space. Drawers are useful and helpful in a kitchen but it is up to you to ensure you use your drawers to their full potential. This means no drawers with loose items! Instead, each drawer should have containers or separators allowing the space to be organized and functional.

10. Consider vertically folding your kitchen linens. Speaking of drawers, consider folding your kitchen towels, napkins and other linens vertically inside drawers. Doing so allows you to see everything at once when opening the drawer and it better maximizes the space in the drawer. When folding vertically, you will fold an item width-wise in thirds, then in-half lengthwise and finally in thirds. This will allow you to find the perfect rectangle shape that will balance in your drawer.

11. Keep things that spark joy. Everything in your kitchen should spark joy. Is that surprising? Well, it’s true. Your dishes, appliances, foods and containers should contribute to the peace and happiness you feel when in your kitchen. As you go through items from your kitchen category by category, feel free to let go of items that do not make you feel that way. In some cases, you might have to keep items that are important and functional but do not spark joy. Keep those only until you can afford to replace them with items that serve the same function but spark joy.

12. Don’t be a Monica. You may remember Monica from friends keeping separate special dishes for guests. If your special dishes bring you joy, consider using them everyday. We are looking to spark joy in our home, in our kitchen and at mealtimes. If the special dishes do that, why wait for a special occasion to use them? Life is short, every day is a special occasion, so use the dishes you love and ditch the ones you don’t! Consider downsizing any dishes that don’t spark joy.

13. Consider clear storage containers. Clear storage containers for your spices, bulk items and any other applicable food item are a great way to organize your kitchen. The matching clear containers reduce visual clutter and “word pollution” from labels and logos. They also allow you to see clearly what’s in the container and how much remains which will help when grocery shopping. Consider adding small, neat and matching labels with the names of items inside.

 14. Help the kids help you. If there are kids that are consuming food from the kitchen and contributing to the mess and they’re able, we want to enlist their help. That means storing their items like snacks, dishes and lunchboxes in places that are easy for them to get out and easy for them to put away. Consider that concept when assigning homes to your items in cabinets, drawers, pantries and fridges.

Related: Managing Your Kids’ Distance Learning Worksheets

15. Remember, space is okay. As you minimize then organize your kitchen, feel free to leave margin and space in the drawers, cabinets, pantry and fridge. In your cabinets, it’ll mean it’s easy to put things away and get things out. In your pantry, it’ll mean you can see what you have when you get ready to go grocery shopping. In your fridge, it will mean you have room for leftovers and meal prep. Overall, it’ll mean your kitchen is spacious, enjoyable to be in, easy to use, and easy to maintain

Most of us have fond memories in the kitchen and all of us have reasons to be in the kitchen. If that’s true, why not strive to make the kitchen a joyful and functional place to be? These 15 organizing ideas can help you do just that. By being mindful about what we keep, how we keep it and where we keep it, we can all make our kitchens places we want to be.

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.


My five favorite Products for home and office organization

Organizing your home can be fun and energizing, but having the right equipment in hand can also save you space and make all your hard work look even more pleasing. Here are my top 5 picks for organization products:

underwear drawer bamboo.jpg
vevlvet hangers.png

Drawer dividers are great for separating anything from file folded clothes to kitchen products and office supplies. they come in many different materials such as plastic, clear acrylic and bamboo. they are versatile and adjustable to the size of your drawers. Make sure to store similar items together to quickly find what you are looking for. This also gives you an opportunity to stage your belongings just like this underwear drawer.

Buy dividers here:

2. Velvet hangers:

Velvet hangers are great because they not only save space, but also make your hanging clothes look more uniform and upscale. The velvet material that covers the hangers makes them non slip and perfect for even the most silkiest of materials. Make your closet look like you are walking into a boutique with this easy upgrade. Learn how to organize your clothes efficiently here>>>

Find hangers here:

basket storage kitchen pantry san diego professional organizer.jpg

3. Wire or wicker baskets

these are great for kitchen and bathroom organization. Wicker hides products you don’t want to while and clear or wire baskets do. These are great for pantries, open shelves and cabinet storage. They come in different sizes, shapes and heights. Make sure to measure your cabinets/ pantry before buying these. You can mix and match your baskets or buy all the same kind to make it look uniform. You can be creative in how you want to display your storage containers this way.

Buy baskets here:

4. Clear food containers:

For closed containers clear glass or plastic ones are great for pasta, rice and flour storage. They remove the busy labels from your view and you can see, what and how much of things you have. Once you have assigned your food items a fitting container make sure to use labels on them as well so you don’t mix up ingredients.

Find food containers here:

drawer inserts.jpg

5. Drawer inserts

These are great for small things in the office, crafting items or beauty supplies. Sort like wise items together in the containers and place in drawers. this ensures that every item has separation and a place to be. Ready to get your office organized yet? Read more here>>>>

Find drawer inserts here:

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

How to organize your clothes

donate clothes organization home business san diego professional organizer konmari consultant home business productivity

Before you start organizing you must ask yourself why. What is the goal of organization? Do you want to minimize your distractions, have more time for playing with the kids or maybe you just want to be able to find your keys in the morning. I got you! But I invite you to look further down the road and imagine your ideal life! If you want to stay organized for the long run you need a long term goal to be able to create everyday tidy habits. Some of my clients envision their ideal lifestyles such as traveling more, working less (or changing careers), going back to school or spending more time (really being present) with loved ones. Once you have figured out your long term goals and ideal lifestyle then you are ready to get started.

We start by
organizing our clothes because we want to learn to make easy decisions before we make hard ones (It is easier to decide about a stained shirt than it is about grandmas old china). Making good decisions about your belongings will train your brain to make good decisions about your life.

Step 1: Gather all your clothes in one place (the bed or bedroom floor are great)

The reason we want to do this is to see how much we really own. For many of my clients surprise it’s often much more than they anticipated.

Step 2: Touch every single Item and ask if it sparks joy!

Yes I know it sounds cheesy, but we have been trained to make decisions based on other peoples opinion all the time. We have to re-learn to make decisions based on our own well being and happiness. So, if you touch your favorite shirt you will feel happy and warm and you will have an emotional reaction to it. Make your decisions based on how your clothes make you feel and if these items are something you would want to wear in your ideal life.

Related: Minimalist Closet: Practice Minimalism with Your Wardrobe

Step 3: Sort you items into a keep, donate or discard pile

If the answer to the question “does it spark joy” is yes, keep it. If the answer is no, make sure you thank the item (yes gratitude is important to let go and to appreciate what the item has done for and meant to you in the past). Then either donate it if it is in good shape or discard it if it is stained or ripped or too old to be reused.

Step 4: File fold your clothes to save space

When you are finished sorting, my advice is to fold as much as you can. Most modern fabrics don’t wrinkle anymore and folding will safe you tons of space. The neat thing with file folding is, that you can see every single item and are able to pull them out from the dresser, without making a mess. Here is a tutorial on how to fold your clothes vertically:

Step 5: Store items back in the closet

Folded Items should be stored in a dresser, from light to heavy. Lighter items such as bras, panties or socks should be stored in the top drawer and heavier items like jeans should be stored on the bottom. When hanging up items make sure o hang them up in an angle from long to short or sort them by color.

Step 6: Discard your trash and drop off your clothes donations at your favorite non-profit or second hand store

I recommend to make a donations drop of the same day you finished organizing your clothes, or the bags might be laying around in your home and becoming a nuisance for weeks. Also do not leave them in the garage or they might be forgotten forever. The sooner you can take the responsibility to donate/ discard them is when you have finished the clothes category of organization.

san diego professional organizer home business konmari consultant productivity workshops virtual classes

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

I am challenging you to a 10 WEEKS OF DECLUTTERING CHALLENGE!!

San Diego Professional Organizer Konmari Consultant 10 Week tidy home challenge folding el cajon lakeside marie kondo

Is Corona virus leaving you stuck at home? Now is the time to get organized and stay that way. Join us on our 10 week spring de-cluttering challenge, where we as a community get organized together. No matter if you live in San Diego, Antarctica or Germany, this is for everyone that is willing to give it a try.

During these 10 weeks you will:

Figure out what your ideal lifestyle looks like
learn to decide what sparks joy and what does not
learn to let go with gratitude
organize in an efficient and practical way
create a effortlessly tidy home
be able to apply these principles to all aspect of life

Pre-Organization: Create a Vision for your ideal Life
WEEK ONE: CLOTHES: (timeline 3-6 hours)
WEEK TWO: Books: (Timeline 1-4 hours)
WEEK THREE: Papers/Office supplies (Timeline 4-6 hours)
WEEK FOUR: Bathroom/Beauty supplies (Timeline 3-6 Hours)
WEEK FIVE: Electronics (2-4 Hours)
WEEK SIX: Kitchen (Timeline 4-8hours)
WEEK SEVEN: Cleaning Supplies/Linens (Timeline 2-3 hours)
WEEK EIGHT: Toys/Pets (Timeline 2-4 hours)
WEEK NINE: Hobbies (2-6 Hours)
WEEK TEN: Sentimental's (Timeline 2-4 Hours)
Post-Organization: Permanent Storage Solutions

This Challenge will start on May 4tth. I will guide your through all the categories and give you helpful tips on how to de-clutter and organize efficiently and permanently.

If you would like to accept this challenge and get your home in order once and for all come join our 10 Week Challenge Facebook group to participate via our online platform.

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

The Biggest Misconceptions regarding the KonMari Method™

Guest Blog: Sandy from Tidy with Spark is a Certified KonMari™ Consultant located in Irvine, CA. She loves to share her knowledge of the transformative powers of the KonMari Method™ with her clients and her social media following on Facebook and on Instagram.

Sandy from Tidy With spark

Sandy from Tidy With spark

As a Certified KonMari™ Consultant and professional organizer, I have heard many misconceptions about the KonMari Method™. Upon the release of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, written by Japanese tidying guru Marie Kondo, the method created a massive craze as the world was introduced to the idea of decluttering your home through a lens of joy.

Mixed in with the wave of popularity from the book came a tidal wave of misconceptions about what the KonMari Method™ really is. Let’s dig in to deconstruct the myths revealing the real truths behind the ever-popular home organization method.

Misconception #1: The KonMari Method™ is Minimalism in disguise.

People often confuse the method as Minimalism because the method emphasizes decluttering and reducing the number of items actually owned. While there are similarities between Minimalism and the KonMari Method™, the two concepts are very different. The central idea around KonMari™ is to live a joyful life through surrounding yourself with items that spark joy for you. Minimalism emphasizes reducing consumerism through purchasing decisions based on necessity and essentialism rather than through a lens of joy. Both explore the idea of reducing first before making an assessment of what is required to live surrounded by joy or simply to live with less.  My own journey of home organization borrowed heavily from both KonMari™ and Minimalism.  These two ideas can coexist together, complimenting one another, giving life to intentional living which I feel is the goal for both.

Misconception #2: Only wealthy individuals can use the method.

Marie Kondo encounters criticism about her method for being inaccessible for individuals below a certain socioeconomic status. Critics claim application of the method can only benefit those who have wealth and therefore excess amounts of things that can be discarded or donated without a batted eyelash. Across America, homes are stuffed to the gills with excess whether the homeowner brings in low or high income. Whether an individual has more or less disposable income is not an accurate indicator of the number of items stored in a household.  With rampant debt across all income brackets, consumerism is at an all time high.  In the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo expressly discourages purchasing organizational supplies prior to decluttering first.  She emphasizes using containers already in existence in the home such as sturdy shoe boxes.  Marie Kondo also dispels the idea that households have to own a typical item for the sake of owning the item. After discarding a hammer that was worn out, rather than replacing, Marie Kondo repurposes a frying pan to fill the need of a hammer.  Finding multiple uses for an item is the KonMari™ way and this creative thinking makes the method accessible to the masses.

Misconception #3: Marie Kondo wants me to get rid of all my things.

Contrary to what many may think, according to Marie Kondo, de-cluttering is part of the KonMari Method™, but “discarding is not the point; what matters is keeping those things that bring you joy.” When we surround ourselves with items that speak to our heart, we are able to live a more joyful life. Marie Kondo explains that “our goal in tidying should be to create a living environment filled with the things we love.”  Some people may get carried away in the de-cluttering process and find that discarding becomes fun. This is a warning sign to be heeded per KonMari™.  Becoming a “discarding machine” will not “on its own will” bring joy to your life. Kondo reiterates that “it’s far more important to adorn your home with the things you love than to keep it so bare it lacks anything that brings you joy.”

Misconception #4: Marie Kondo wants me to talk to my things.

A cornerstone of the KonMari Method™ is gratitude.  Having gratitude for our items and appreciation for how they serve us in our lives is essential to living a joy filled life. It isn’t enough for our possessions to spark joy; an extension of our gratitude towards our items creates a symbiotic relationship where our items return care and support to us. We may not entirely be aware, but “our belongings really work hard for us, carrying out their respective roles each day to support our lives”, according to KonMari.  This appreciation and gratitude can be expressed to our items through care and not necessarily in an audible manner. If this feels odd to you, consider taking a mindful moment, where you purposefully express appreciation for the items that support you in your life.

One by one I’ve dispelled the fake truths surrounding the KonMari Method™. My hopes in writing this piece is to share with you how useful and relevant the method can be in your journey to home organization. With over 12 million copies sold world-wide (as of the writing of this post), the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up has undoubtedly changed many lives across the globe.  By breaking down these misconceptions, we can truly make headway towards the mission to “organize the world™”.

Notes: If you are in need of motivation or guidance in your KonMari™ journey you can find a Certified KonMari™ Consultant in your area on the official KMI webpage