3 Ideas for Employee development events and why they help everyone grow

Your employees are your company’s most valuable asset. Therefore, the more you increase the knowledge, skills and growth of your employees, the more you increase the value of the company.

What is Employee Development?

Employee development specifically aims to improve an employee’s skills and foster an employee’s growth in both the professional and personal sphere. Many companies have a robust plan that includes training, mentorship programs and more. However, events are a great way to add team building and fun to the development process. We will share a few ideas to get you started below.

Why Employee Development is Important.

Employee development can improve employee performance and enable employees to respond better to unexpected situations according to one source. A great employee development program may also attract high-quality employees. Finally, employee development makes economic sense as it increases employee retention and loyalty, which means companies do not have to pay to replace employees as often.

The only thing worse than training employees and losing them is to not train them and keep them.
— Zig Ziglar

3 Ideas for Employee Development Events.

1. Goal setting and vision casting. Motivation is a key driver to the success of employees and therefore the company. One study published in the DIU Journal of Business and Economics found that “well motivated employees are more productive and creative.” You can increase motivation by taking time with employees to set goals and cast vision for their personal and professional life. Doing so allows everyone to step back from the day to day hustle and see exactly why they’re doing what they’re doing. That motivation may include everything from family goals to sales goals. Casting a vision for their future in the company and in their personal life also gives employees motivation.

Related: How to Organize Your Home Office for Good

Average companies give their people something to work on. In contrast, the most innovative organizations give their people something to work toward
— Simon Sinek

2. Get creative. Events that focus on ways for your employees to be creative can help them to blow off steam. These types of events, like painting, scavenger hunts and escape rooms, can increase innovation and even enhance problem solving skills. Moreover, these activities can be a really fun way for employees to get to know each other and enhance their working relationships.

Related: Tidy Closet Events, Workshops, Presentations and Retreats

3. Learn a new skill. A unique event to consider adding to your employee development plan is a skills-building workshop. You may consider helping employees to sharpen skills they already use on the job like accounting or design. Or, you may consider having employees cross-train and learn a skill that a different department uses in the company. Finally, you may consider an event that helps employees develop an entirely new skill. For example, Tidy Closet teaches a Home & Business Organizing and Productivity workshop that helps your employees get more done by being more organized, focused and productive. Some skills, like organization, can translate at work and home and truly contribute to the overall growth of the employee. 

Boosting morale while boosting business outputs is a win-win for any company. Choosing to incorporate employee development events into your plan can make work more fun and even catapult your organization to the next level.

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas

I am challenging you to a 10 WEEKS OF DECLUTTERING CHALLENGE!!

San Diego Professional Organizer Konmari Consultant 10 Week tidy home challenge folding el cajon lakeside marie kondo

Is Corona virus leaving you stuck at home? Now is the time to get organized and stay that way. Join us on our 10 week spring de-cluttering challenge, where we as a community get organized together. No matter if you live in San Diego, Antarctica or Germany, this is for everyone that is willing to give it a try.

During these 10 weeks you will:

Figure out what your ideal lifestyle looks like
learn to decide what sparks joy and what does not
learn to let go with gratitude
organize in an efficient and practical way
create a effortlessly tidy home
be able to apply these principles to all aspect of life

Pre-Organization: Create a Vision for your ideal Life
WEEK ONE: CLOTHES: (timeline 3-6 hours)
WEEK TWO: Books: (Timeline 1-4 hours)
WEEK THREE: Papers/Office supplies (Timeline 4-6 hours)
WEEK FOUR: Bathroom/Beauty supplies (Timeline 3-6 Hours)
WEEK FIVE: Electronics (2-4 Hours)
WEEK SIX: Kitchen (Timeline 4-8hours)
WEEK SEVEN: Cleaning Supplies/Linens (Timeline 2-3 hours)
WEEK EIGHT: Toys/Pets (Timeline 2-4 hours)
WEEK NINE: Hobbies (2-6 Hours)
WEEK TEN: Sentimental's (Timeline 2-4 Hours)
Post-Organization: Permanent Storage Solutions

This Challenge will start on May 4tth. I will guide your through all the categories and give you helpful tips on how to de-clutter and organize efficiently and permanently.

If you would like to accept this challenge and get your home in order once and for all come join our 10 Week Challenge Facebook group to participate via our online platform.

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.