Marie Kondo is sparking joy again on Netflix

Are you ready for more Marie Kondo and her magic of changing lives? Marie Kondo’s new Netflix series promises to inspire you to get started for yourself. This show goes beyond organizing and teaches the life-changing magic of the KonMari Method to achieve your ideal lifestyle. The road to happiness is not linear, it gets a little messy and emotional in between and it is a lot of hard work, but no one else is going to do it for you. If you loved Marie’s “Tidying up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix, this is a must-see!

Related: Weekly, monthly, and annual cleaning checklist

Wanting to get organized is often the first in making changes in your home, routine, habits, and life. Once you have envisioned your ideal lifestyle it is easier to decide what you want to keep and let go of, this is applicable to household items, hobbies, habits, and relationships as well. When we love something we should take good care of it and this includes self-care. Being mindful of one’s own needs and wants will help make better choices and can also make you a happier person.

Related: Tips for a happy and productive home office

Gratitude is one of important the tools in the KonMari Method™. Oxford dictionary defines Gratitude as “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness”. In tidying, we exercise this practice with our belongings and comes naturally to carry it over to other aspects of life.

I am super excited to see what her new show is all about including her home and office organization tips, wisdom on life, and the change the participants experience in their life when following the Method. The new season will air on August 31st. 2021 on Netflix.

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas

I am challenging you to a 10 WEEKS OF DECLUTTERING CHALLENGE!!

San Diego Professional Organizer Konmari Consultant 10 Week tidy home challenge folding el cajon lakeside marie kondo

Is Corona virus leaving you stuck at home? Now is the time to get organized and stay that way. Join us on our 10 week spring de-cluttering challenge, where we as a community get organized together. No matter if you live in San Diego, Antarctica or Germany, this is for everyone that is willing to give it a try.

During these 10 weeks you will:

Figure out what your ideal lifestyle looks like
learn to decide what sparks joy and what does not
learn to let go with gratitude
organize in an efficient and practical way
create a effortlessly tidy home
be able to apply these principles to all aspect of life

Pre-Organization: Create a Vision for your ideal Life
WEEK ONE: CLOTHES: (timeline 3-6 hours)
WEEK TWO: Books: (Timeline 1-4 hours)
WEEK THREE: Papers/Office supplies (Timeline 4-6 hours)
WEEK FOUR: Bathroom/Beauty supplies (Timeline 3-6 Hours)
WEEK FIVE: Electronics (2-4 Hours)
WEEK SIX: Kitchen (Timeline 4-8hours)
WEEK SEVEN: Cleaning Supplies/Linens (Timeline 2-3 hours)
WEEK EIGHT: Toys/Pets (Timeline 2-4 hours)
WEEK NINE: Hobbies (2-6 Hours)
WEEK TEN: Sentimental's (Timeline 2-4 Hours)
Post-Organization: Permanent Storage Solutions

This Challenge will start on May 4tth. I will guide your through all the categories and give you helpful tips on how to de-clutter and organize efficiently and permanently.

If you would like to accept this challenge and get your home in order once and for all come join our 10 Week Challenge Facebook group to participate via our online platform.

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.