How a mind map can help you get to your goals faster

A mind map is basically a diagram that allows you to organize ideas and help you work toward your goals. You can use it for pretty much anything, from organizing your closet to becoming more productive at work. Here are just a few examples:

girl reading a map
  • Organize your values and beliefs so that you can have clarity in what path to choose moving forward. You can focus on certain areas of well-being such as finances, physical/emotional health, community, career etc..

  • Arrange your thoughts when making a big decision, such as purchasing a big-ticket item, paying for school or planning a wedding

  • Brainstorm all the different tasks involved in preparing for an upcoming interview or presentation at work so that they don't seem intimidating anymore! It's much easier when everything is laid out clearly (and color-coded!) than when they're scattered across dozens of sticky notes on your desk or hanging off various surfaces around the office."

Write the goal in the middle of the page.

  • Write the goal/attribute in the middle of the page.

  • Next to it, write down a list of sub-goals or related items. These will be smaller tasks that need to be completed before you can complete your primary goal.

Organize your values and beliefs so that you can have clarity in what path to choose moving forward.

Draw lines from the center, and label each one with a step toward achieving the goal.

Start by drawing a circle in the center of your map. Now, draw lines from this center point to each of these steps.

Mind map organization

For each line, write down all the steps that are required to get you from where you are now (the center) to where you want to be (wherever the line ends). Make sure that each step is clear and concise; avoid using too many words. For example, if one of your goals is “learn French” then instead of writing “Learn French” or even “Go on Duolingo for five minutes every day for six months until I can say 'Bonjour' without sounding like an idiot…” try something like "Get Duolingo app on phone."

To keep things simple, use just one arrow per step—and make sure it points in a direction toward achieving your goal. If there's more than one way for something to happen or if there are multiple ways for two or more steps to connect then consider adding images (like arrows pointing at other arrows) or symbols next to those connections!

Fill in each step with sub-steps.

Step 1: Define the problem before starting on a solution.

Step 2: Set goals, and don’t worry about what other people's goals are.

Step 3: Be ambitious, but stay realistic. If you have your heart set on landing more clients than you can handle in three months, it may be time to adjust your expectations!

The final step is to fill in each of these steps with sub-steps that will help you achieve your goal faster and more effectively. For example, if your main goal is to get fit by running marathons by December 31st, then under "Set Goals," write down specific training plans and weekly mileage goals for each month leading up until the big race day (December 31st). Don't forget to include rest days and cross-training days too! This way, when those pesky thoughts pop up saying things like "I'm never going to make it!" or "This hurts so much!" they won't derail all of your hard work—and who knows? You just might surprise yourself with how far you've come by December 31st after all!

Related: Why an organized space is important, especially when you work from home

This visual roadmap can help you focus and feel motivated!

The most important thing to remember is that a mind map isn't a quick project. It's not something you can knock out in an afternoon, so I highly recommend setting aside some serious time for it. Start with the center and write down what each step should be. How many steps do you want? What's your timeline? Do you know where this will take you?

Write everything down! Don't worry if it looks like a mess at first—this is only the beginning of your journey, and there are many twists and turns ahead!

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Fifty Tidying Affirmations

Lately, there has been an increased awareness of the power of affirmations. We hear them in songs, podcasts and see them on Billboards and Social Media. Therapists and researchers have long known that practicing affirmations on a regular basis can help reduce depression and increase self-esteem. But what are Affirmations? Affirmations are positive statements you tell yourself by either reading, saying them out loud, or by writing them down. Affirmations are a powerful tool to challenge negative or sabotaging thoughts. If you have been struggling with clutter in your home and creating lasting organizing habits, consider practicing positive affirmations for productivity. Here are 50 examples of what a Tidy Affirmation might look like, feel free to change or personalize them to your own liking:

  1. I can learn the skills to be tidy

  2. I believe in myself and trust in my abilities

  3. Being productive brings me joy

  4. Action is the foundation of success

  5. An organized space makes me feel calm

  6. I will not allow impulse spending to ruin my finances

  7. I am good at setting and accomplishing my goals

  8. I can solve any challenge this day brings on

  9. I will finish what I started

  10. I am productive, motivated, and highly driven

  11. I am goal-oriented

  12. I am becoming the person I want to be

  13. Being productive comes effortlessly to me

  14. My mind is focused and free from distraction

  15. I make great decisions

  16. I am focusing on my ideal lifestyle

  17. I put my energy into things that spark joy

  18. Good energy is flowing through me

  19. I am an achiever

  20. An organized space is cleaned easier and faster

  21. Being organized saves me time

  22. Less debt equals less stress

  23. I can achieve financial independence

  24. Instead of spending money on x, I will put it in my savings/investment account

  25. Mastering organization makes me feel like I can do anything

  26. Tidying is a way of showing affection to my belongings

  27. Time management comes easy to me

  28. I keep my workspace tidy

  29. I always show up on time

  30. I am learning to become more organized each day

  31. I organize my life so I can relax, knowing everything is in order

  32. Consistent planning and organizing helps me to succeed

  33. I envision a clutter-free life

  34. Staying organized and on top of things makes my life run smoother

  35. Having the space in my home, office, and car in order helps me think clearly

  36. I have the discipline and stamina to declutter my home, one step at the time

  37. I choose gratitude for the things in my home and say goodbye to the things that no longer serve me

  38. I can appreciate things without possessing them

  39. I have everything I need

  40. Being organized allows me to do more in life

  41. I attract abundance in life by being organized

  42. I am in control of my life and belongings

  43. Only good emotions are allowed to stay in my home

  44. Owning too many things weighs me down

  45. I welcome abundance rather than fear scarcity in my life

  46. Being organized makes me feel empowered

  47. Tidying is a form of self-care for me

  48. I make progress every day by choosing to practice tidying for 30 minutes

  49. I never have to look for things because all my belongings have a home

  50. I feel peaceful and happy because I only own things that I cherish or that are useful

Do you have a favorite affirmation that is not listed here? Feel free to share in the comments :)

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas