Simplify and Streamline: Tips for Downsizing Your Home

Downsizing your home can help homeowners in many ways. Whether you’re selling your home or not, downsizing offers many benefits. It’s a great way to simplify your life by unloading the burden of accumulated possessions and creating a new living space. And if you have decided the time is right to start looking for a smaller home, or if you intend to begin researching senior care facilities in the area, shedding unneeded items will make it easier to attract a buyer and allow you to make a fresh start in your new home. If you're planning to sell your home as a means of downsizing, check these items off your list to get the most out of selling your home.

Start purging

Prospective buyers want to see a home with good flow and plenty of space, an environment they can envision making their own. Going room by room, make a list of things you’ll throw away, donate, or give away to others, and arrange everything based on that criteria. Make a point to get rid of anything you don’t need anymore, especially any duplicate items. Don’t forget to move out any excess furniture or decorative items that make it difficult to move around easily or make your home’s interior too busy. Remember, you want buyers to see your space through their eyes, not yours, so do as much as you can to create space. If you keep your interior as simple as possible, you should be in good shape. You can always put things into storage while you’re showing your house.

Ridding yourself of things you no longer use or need shouldn’t limit you to the kitchen, your basement, or attic. Take a broader view and get rid of old clothes and shoes, as well as any worn furniture that doesn’t fit in anymore. Old dresses and suits take up a lot of space and can make your closets look overwhelmed and disordered. Consider giving them to Goodwill or placing them in consignment. And remember, you can do the same thing with the furniture you no longer need or want. A good rule of thumb is to unload anything you can do without or that doesn’t have considerable emotional significance for you and your family.

Related: Living little: Tips for downsizing

Start early and plan ahead

Sorting through your belongings can be a difficult and emotional task. It’s not something you want to be doing at the last minute or if you’re up against a looming deadline. Take your time and do it right by planning ahead and starting as soon as possible. It’s also a good way to avoid making a mistake and purging or losing something you want to keep.


Connect with your agent to check the market conditions before committing to selling. The last thing you want to do is head down that path if it means your chances of getting top value are less than ideal. You may find that you’re unlikely to even cover your current mortgage. Check out recent sales to see if similarly sized and priced homes have sold in your area. That will help you make a final decision and establish a selling price.

Related: How to organize your finances

The condition of your home

Another key criterion is the state of your home. If your roof needs to be repaired or replaced, or if there’s a problem with your foundation, you may need to shift priorities and invest in some needed renovations before you can place your home on the market. It’s a considerable investment, but a new roof will make your home much more attractive to potential buyers who are apt to look elsewhere if they’ll have to pay for repairs later.

Opportunity for a fresh start

Downsizing is an important task if you’re moving to a smaller home or care facility, simplifying your life, or just trying to be environmentally responsible. Do it in your own time and at your own pace, bearing in mind what you want your home to look like once you’ve finished. Whatever your motivation, see it as an opportunity to make a fresh start.

Are you in need of a professional organizer to help tidy up your place? Tidy Closet provides home organization, workshops, retreats and other resources to help declutter and clarify your living spaces. Contact us today