3 Ideas on how to make de-cluttering fun

Getting organized when you feel overwhelmed can be hard. Finding time to start, when you are busy is challenging. An organizing marathon is not for everybody. If you are like me, challenges make it fun. Get together with a friend or join an online community like the KonMari+Dave Ramsey Facebook Group to find motivation, inspiration and accountability. Here are some ideas and fun challenges to help you enjoy the process.

  1. Make a vision Board of your perfect lifestyle and hang it up in your closet to remind you of the why.

    When you have a visual of the things that you value and desire, you are more likely to think about them. Make sure you create your vision board around how you want to feel in all areas of your life such as home, career, relationships, money, travel or personal growth. Once you know what’s important to you, you can delegate your time into achieving your goals. Visualization can be one of the most powerful exercises you can do and there is research to prove t too. Psychology Today reported that a study looking at brain patterns in weightlifters found that the patterns activated when a weightlifter lifted hundreds of pounds were similarly activated when they only imagined lifting.  In some cases, research has revealed that mental practices are almost effective as true physical practice, and that doing both is more effective than either alone.

  2. Play the Min-Game Challenge!

    The rules are easy. You have 30 days to de-clutter and it starts with one item on day 1, then two items on day 2, three items on day 3 and so on. The further you get into the moth the more challenging it gets. At the end of the Month you have gotten rid of about 465 items! The great thing about this challenge is that it does not take a lot of time and once you get into it, it is hard to stop. There is also a whole community playing this game online and sharing their progress, you can find them on Instagram with the hashtag #minsgame to join.

  3. Make Money!

    It does not matter if you are moving, just moved in or have lived in your home for a couple of decades, making money is always helpful. Many of my clients plan to hold a yard sale at the end of their organizing journey. Make sure you set yourself a date and advertise it to hold yourself accountable. Through the process of de-cluttering your home you might even come across some unused gift cards, gift certificates or even checks that have not been deposited. The thing to remember is to price your items that they will sell. The money is already gone and you have decided that all these items are going, so remembering that all of it is going to donations afterward anyways, should give you a realistic outlook on money goals. Any money you make is going to be a profit.

Copyright © 2020 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.