Time Blocking for a Sparkling Home: One Monthly Mission at a Time

Do you ever find yourself gazing longingly at those immaculate, clutter-free homes on Instagram, wondering how on earth people maintain such cleanliness and order? Well, the secret isn't just magic; it's the art of time blocking. Imagine breaking down your cleaning tasks into bite-sized, manageable chunks, tackling one major mission per month. It's like a cleaning challenge, but without the overwhelm! So, grab your cleaning supplies, put on your superhero shirt, and let's dive into why time blocking for cleaning is your ticket to a sparkling home.

Fridge Fandango

Bid farewell to those forgotten, fuzzy leftovers and mystery condiments. Scrub those shelves and drawers till they gleam. Your fridge will thank you with fresher, longer-lasting groceries, and you'll thank yourself for a cleaner, more organized kitchen. Don’t forget to clean the outside of the fridge and recycle all the kid’s art, reminders and coupons that are probably hung up on a magnet. This is my go-to cleaner for stainless-steel.

Window Wonders

Time block a weekend to tackle those windows. Start with a warm, soapy water cleanse, followed by a vinegar-based solution to banish streaks. You'll be amazed at how much brighter your home feels, and you'll have a newfound appreciation for the world outside.

Pantry Party

Donate non-perishables you won't use, and toss expired items. Invest in clear containers for better visibility, and arrange your pantry like a grocery store shelf. Your culinary adventures will be more delightful when everything's easy to find.

Related: Conquering the Chaos: 10 Bathroom Organizing Products You’ll Totally Love

Closet Crusade

Bid adieu to old, ill-fitting clothes and accessories. Donate or sell items in good condition. You'll be left with a curated wardrobe full of pieces you love and actually wear. My extra tip to stay organized; use the “one in-one-out” rule; For every item you buy, get rid of one. That way your closet space never feels too overwhelming.

Basement Blitz

Time blocking for basement cleaning will help you reclaim this space for practical use or hobbies. Say goodbye to forgotten clutter or have a garage sale if you have many large items that can be sold. I recommend storage shelving for vertical storage and clear bins.

Fantastic Floors

Sweep, mop, and, if necessary, wax or polish. Pay attention to corners, baseboards, and edges where dirt tends to accumulate. Avoid using excessive water, especially on hardwood floors, as it can cause damage. For stubborn spots or stains, use a microfiber cloth or mop with a bit of extra cleaner. Be gentle on delicate floor surfaces. If your floors have grout, use a grout brush to scrub the lines between tiles. Remember that the frequency of floor cleaning can vary depending on factors like household traffic and the type of flooring you have.

Related: Use this, not that for organizing your home

Copyright © 2022 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer and Virtual Assistant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Weekly, monthly and annual cleaning check list

Hi Tidy Friends,

Remembering when to clean and what to clean, can be a daunting task when you don’t have a routine schedule for home management. The biggest lie I tell myself every day is that “I will remember that”. If this reminds you of yourself you might find the lists I created below helpful in scheduling home cleaning tasks. They are suggestions on when to clean what, but of course, they can be personalized to your own needs. Let me know what you think, I hope they will help you stay on top of things!

Happy cleaning,


All time management begins with planning
— Brian Tracy

Copyright © 2021 by Janine Morales, Professional Home and Business Organizer and Certified KonMari™ Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas