7 Hacks To Be Productive and Organized at the Same Time

Are you currently struggling to stay organized and productive at work? Most people find it challenging to stay on track with responsibilities, especially when they have so many things on their plate. Extreme disorganization can lead to stress and anxiety, which may slow your productivity and impact your physical and emotional health. 

Finding ways to manage time and organize responsibilities is the key to work efficiency. But before we can find a solution to your unproductivity, we must first find the root of the issue. 

What Hinders Productivity

Several things may interfere with your productivity. Most of these issues aren’t so noticeable because society has accepted them as the norm. If you regularly do the following, you’re probably not living up to your potential at work. 


Productivity is not simply finishing dozens of tasks in a short period. It’s finishing tasks as efficiently and accurately as possible without wasting valuable resources like time. Multi-tasking will only make you feel busier but it won’t help you get your responsibilities done faster. It can negatively affect your quality of work, increase your stress levels, and even cause memory problems. 


Multiple studies have shown that sleeplessness can compromise a person’s alertness, memory, problem-solving skills, and decision-making. These elements play important roles in achieving optimal productivity. 


Exercise is an often overlooked factor in a healthy and productive life. Physical activity releases serotonin in the brain which helps alleviate stress and elevate mood. Productively dealing with stress can help you overcome barriers in your workflow. 

Tips To Be More Productive and Organized

Ready to be more productive and organized? Here are seven tips that you can use to get started:

Tip 1: Create a schedule.

Know what you want to achieve for the day and the week. Write everything in your calendar so you can monitor your progress. It can be easy to forget tasks and responsibilities when you don’t have them written down. A schedule will keep you accountable and ensure you don’t forget your goals. 

Tip 2: Automate repetitive tasks. 

Replying to emails, sending quotes, and responding to customer FAQs are just a few examples of repetitive tasks that you can automate. If you haven’t already adopted automation in your work operations, now is the time to start. AI technologies can now achieve all sorts of tasks, from creating content that helps boost conversion to writing templates to politely decline a business offer

Tip 3: Delegate efficiently. 

You can’t expect to complete all your responsibilities alone. Productive people know when it’s time to delegate tasks to more capable people. 

For instance, when washing laundry, you want to tackle the simpler items like t-shirts and socks at home and leave the more complicated items such as dresses and tuxedos to the professionals. Doing everything alone can result in errors that may cost you your entire wardrobe. You can save money on laundry by knowing when to delegate your tasks. 

The same thing goes for the rest of your responsibilities.

Tip 4: Avoid procrastination. 

Most people procrastinate as a way to cope with challenging and negative emotions such as insecurity, self-doubt, anxiety, and boredom. The best way to defeat procrastination is to find the cause of your negative emotions. Once you’ve identified what’s causing you to feel this way, you can manage it and respond to it in a new way. 

Tip 5: Schedule breaks.

Rest plays a major role in workplace productivity. Studies show that scheduled work breaks can help lower stress and increase productivity. While there are merits to pushing your limit, some tasks can be too overwhelming. Breaks will give you space to calm down and collect your thoughts. It can be as short as five to 15 minutes — nothing too excessive. 

Tip 6: Change your routine when necessary.

It’s natural for people’s habits and routines to change over time. If some elements of your current routine aren’t working for you anymore, consider replacing them with other habits that can boost your productivity. 

For instance, you used to work out in the mornings but recently you’ve found that it leaves you feeling drained later in the day. You may consider moving your workouts to the afternoon or evening. That way you still have enough energy to tackle tasks at work.

Related: 10 ways to become more organized and efficient

Tip 7: Learn to say ‘no.’

Productive and organized people know that their time is precious. You need to be critical about giving it away to people and activities. Otherwise, you’ll end up wasting your time on unnecessary things. Learn to say no to things that won’t ultimately add value to your life or that won’t help you achieve your goals. 

Final Thoughts

Everybody desires to be productive and organized. Some people have a knack for organizing while others struggle to find a suitable setup to encourage productivity. Luckily, there are methods and hacks you can use to simplify the process. Above are just a few techniques that can help you organize your days better. Give them a go and see how easily you can change your life for the better.