How to organize your garage

You know what's not fun? A messy garage. It can be a total eyesore, making it impossible to find anything in there. And if you don't have a sound system for organizing your tools and gear, you may even risk damaging them or hurting yourself trying to get to things! So let's get organized! In this article, we'll show you how to sharpen up your garage in no time at all by creating organization out of chaos.

Create a high shelf for boxes.

If you have a high shelf, it's a good idea to use this space to store boxes of items. You can stack the boxes on top of one another if they're not too heavy, but if they are then using box dividers can help keep them from tipping over. Try not to put anything else on your storage containers unless it's lightweight enough not to cause problems (for example, paper towels and toilet paper don't weigh much).

Organize your power tools.

  • Put your power tools in a toolbox, and hang them on the wall where you can easily get to them.

  • For hand tools, consider getting a toolbox or a caddy to store them in. You can also use pegboards (which are great for organizing small tools) or tool belts (which are especially handy if you have a lot of space).

Use clear bins to sort small items.

  • Use clear bins to sort small items. Separate your garage into zones, like one for tools and one for holiday decorations. Then use clear bins to store the things in each zone. If you don't want the contents of your bins to be visible, use solid-color bins instead of clear ones and label them with a label maker so that you can see what's inside when you look at them from afar.

  • Use small tools in a toolbox or on pegboard hooks hanging from the ceiling or wall. Keep screws, bolts, nails and other small tools in labeled plastic bags so they're easy to find when it's time to assemble something new; if you have too many different sizes of screws or bolts lying around without any identifying labels on them (or worse yet—in random drawers), this can lead to confusion later when you go looking for one specific size by sight alone! Pegboard hooks are also great because they allow items like tape measures etcetera hang straight down rather than getting tangled up with other things like buckets etcetera that may be nearby but not intended as part of whatever project is currently underway."

    Related: 7 Hacks To Be Productive and Organized at the Same Time

Add hooks near the door.

  • Add hooks near the door. Hooks are great for hanging coats, hats, bags and backpacks. You can mount them on the wall or ceiling in front of your garage door so that you can grab what you need while walking out of the house.

  • Hooks can be made from metal (like this one), plastic or wood. If you want to add storage hooks in a room of your home where they will be used often (like in a mudroom), it might make sense to invest in some quality ones that will last longer than cheap plastic versions at your local hardware store.

Add a garage workbench.

A work bench is a great place to store tools and supplies, as well as get work done. You can use it for projects like gardening or automotive repair. If you don't have room for more than one toolbox, consider finding an old dresser or chest of drawers to turn into an old-fashioned style tool chest that you can use to house your most frequently used tools.

You can also make your own workbench by building a sturdy platform out of wood planks, bricks and cinder blocks. Be sure that the surface is level and strong enough to support whatever weight you'll be placing on it (and any extra weight from sitting down). For more inspiration on how to build a garage workbench, check out this tutorial by The Family Handyman!

If you need something less permanent than wood but still want something sturdy enough for heavy lifting jobs, metal storage cabinets are another option worth considering since they're often built with enough internal shelving space so that everything inside them has its own little home within their cabinets' walls rather than just floating around all over the place like some kind of jumbled mess

Related: Is Minimalism for you?

Use a wall-mounted tool organizer to de-clutter your toolbox.

To keep tools organized and easily accessible, use a wall-mounted tool organizer to de-clutter your toolbox.

  • Keep your tools in one place, rather than all over the garage.

  • Keep them clean and dry.

  • Get rid of old tools you don't use anymore.

Put your holiday decorations in labeled bins.

  • Label the bins.

  • Use plastic bins and clear bins, as they are easy to move around, stack, and clean.

  • The best way to organize your holiday decorations is by putting everything in labeled bins that you can easily pull out when it's time to decorate or clean. The best place for these items is near the entrance of your garage so that they're handy when you need them during the holidays, but not cluttering up too much space at all other times during the year. If you have room in an out-of-the-way corner where these items would be easy enough to store throughout the year without taking up too much room (like under a stairwell) then consider using this space instead!

Use pegboards to store sports equipment, hardware and tools.

Pegboards are an inexpensive way to store tools and hardware. They're easily found at any hardware store, and they come in a variety of sizes. You can even make your own by cutting pegboard sheets into manageable sizes, then attaching them with screws or nails.

For small items like nails and bolts, use plastic bins drawers that you can find online. These are perfect for storing nuts and bolts in one place so they don't get lost among larger tools and supplies in your garage—and they'll keep your garage organized while saving space!

You can create organization out of chaos with these tips.

One of the most common questions we get from our readers is, "How do I organize my garage?"

Garages are great catch-alls for all the stuff that doesn't really have a home in your house. The problem is that when you try to store things in here, it gets disorganized and messy quickly. But don't worry! You can create organization out of chaos with these tips:

  • Don’t be afraid to get creative! If you don’t like the way something looks or feels, change it! Try putting together a DIY rack or shelf on Pinterest—you might just find yourself with something better than anything store-bought!

  • Don’t be afraid to try new things! Many products are designed specifically for garages and other large storage spaces—like pegboards, hanging hooks (like Command Hooks), bins, and more—so take advantage of them! And if they don’t work out so well? No biggie—you can always change them later on down the road. Whether it's hanging up pegboards or using command hooks instead of screwing into walls directly (which isn't ideal), keep an open mind when making changes around your home; experimentation may lead toward some exciting results--and eventually, lead to success at organizing your garage once and for all!"

There are many ways to organize your garage and make it more efficient. By following these tips, you can start making your garage a space where you love to spend time working and playing.

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Organizer, Educator, and Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.