How to organize your closet

No one likes to think about their cluttered closet. But when it's organized, your closet can be a source of great joy. And when it's messy, you might never find the perfect pair of jeans that make your life complete. So let's get started!

Envision your ideal lifestyle

The first step to organizing your closet is to envision the life you want to live. Where do you see yourself in five years? What activities are most important to you and how much time will they take up? What type of work are you doing and how will you dress? What does your home look like inside and out?

Having a well-ordered closet can help improve your quality of life by making it easier for you to get ready in the morning.

Take all the clothes out of the space

  • Take all the clothes out of the space.

  • Don't worry about folding, organizing or cleaning your closet before you start. Just make sure about 90% of your clothes are washed and clean.

Touch every single item and ask if it sparks joy

To be sure you're getting rid of the right things, physically touch every single piece of clothing in your closet. If you can't remember when you last wore it or what it looks like on your body, take it out and put it on again. Ask yourself if this item still sparks joy in your life and whether or not it's worth keeping around.

Don't worry if some items don't make the cut at first; there's no need to get rid of everything now! You may find that once you start purging items from your closet and donating them to charity, other pieces will be worn more often in their place.

Related: How to organize your garage

Discard, donate and sell unwanted items

Once you've decluttered and organized your closet, it's time to put your newfound space to good use. If you have items that are still in good condition but no longer suit your needs or lifestyle, here are some ways to dispose of them:

  • Donate clothes and accessories (if they're not too stained or broken) to charity or a local shelter—they'll be able to make better use of the items than you will.

  • EBay is another great option if you want quick cash for unwanted belongings. Just do some research beforehand on how much similar pieces go for so you know whether yours are worth selling at all, and then list them accordingly!

  • If neither of those options sound appealing (and let's face it: who really wants their stuff ending up as someone else's treasure?), consider hosting a garage sale instead. You could sell everything from household decor items like vases or picture frames down to clothing and shoes; just set up tables in front of your house where people will come by during designated hours (usually morning), browse through what’s there and buy what catches their eye! This works best during warmer months when people are outside enjoying their weekends but it can also work well during cold winter months if there aren't many indoor events going on nearby.(

Fold your clothes

When you fold your clothes, they're easier to find, take up less space and won't wrinkle as much.

Folding your clothes is one of the easiest and fastest ways to create space in your closet. It involves folding them vertically and storing them in a drawer/dresser. Folding helps keep all of the pieces organized in one place so you can easily see all of your options at once instead of having to root through drawers or piles every time you need something.

Put things back in the closet

Once you've finished folding your clothes, it's time to organize them. When organizing your closet, think about where you'll be putting things. Are you going to hang up dresses and jackets? For dresses, I recommend velvet hangers because they save space and are non-slip. For Jackets, wooden hangers are best because they are sturdy enough to hold up heavy and bulky wear. If so, what about bulky clothes like sweaters and jeans? Do any of your clothes need special care instructions?

Finally, don't forget about shoes! Shoes can be a real pain when it comes to organization but having a designated spot for each pair makes finding the right pair easier. If you have many pairs of shoes and do not have enough space below your hanging clothes, consider getting a shoe rack or behind-the-door shoe organizer.

Related: 10 ways to be more organized and efficient

When you discard, donate, or sell unwanted items from your closet, you make room for new experiences.

Who doesn't want a closet that's easy to navigate, looks good and feels great? The first step towards achieving that is getting rid of the clutter in your life. When you discard, donate or sell unwanted items from your closet, you make room for new experiences. You will be able to see what you have with ease and only own clothes that you love. Your closet becomes a peaceful place where it's easy to find precisely what you're looking for — no more sifting through piles of fabric!

You can also look forward to feeling good about the clothes still hanging in your closet because they are only there because they bring joy into your life.

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Organizer, Educator, and Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.