Organizing Tips for Military Families on the Move

San Diego, with its vibrant military community, has been a backdrop for my journey in assisting numerous military families with their organizing needs. Whether they're transitioning to a new station, settling down in San Diego, or embarking on retirement, I've had the privilege of guiding them through their organizational challenges. The unique lifestyle of military families, marked by frequent relocations, presents a distinct set of needs when it comes to organization. They face crucial decisions about what to pack, what to part with, and how to maintain a sense of calm amidst the upheaval of moving. My role has been to help them navigate these transitions smoothly, ensuring they feel prepared, unburdened, and ready to embrace each new chapter.

Decluttering as a Lifestyle: Regular decluttering is essential for military families. It's not just about preparing for the next move; it's about creating a home environment that feels peaceful and joyful, no matter where you are. Adopting principles from the KonMari method, ask yourself if each item in your home sparks joy. If it doesn't, thank it for its service and let it go. This approach not only simplifies packing and unpacking but also ensures that your home always reflects what's truly important to you.

Related: How organization and cleanliness foster mental well-being

The Joy of Keeping Only What Matters: Each move is an opportunity to reassess what's necessary in your life. Keeping only what sparks joy means your belongings have a purpose, whether functional or sentimental. This practice can significantly reduce the stress associated with moving, as you'll only be handling items that contribute positively to your life. Moreover, it teaches all family members, especially children, the value of simplicity and cherishing what they have.

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint: Moving frequently can have a significant environmental impact, but mindful moving practices can help reduce this. Opt for eco-friendly packing materials, like biodegradable bubble wrap or recycled boxes, and consider the carbon footprint of your moving company. Donate items you no longer need instead of throwing them away, ensuring they find a second life with someone who needs them. This not only declutters your home but also supports a more sustainable lifestyle.

Related: Use this, not that for organizing your home

Why Storing Isn't Always the Answer: While storage units can seem like a convenient solution for what doesn't fit in your current home, they often become out-of-sight, out-of-mind spaces for items that no longer serve us. Before deciding to store something, consider whether it adds value to your life. Frequent moves are an opportunity to live more intentionally, keeping only what you love and need.

Copyright © 2024 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Smart Strategies for Storing Your Holiday Decorations

As the holiday season winds down, many of us face the challenge of organizing and storing our festive decorations. With January 6th (in my homeland of Germany)- often celebrated as the end of the Holiday season - just around the corner, it's time to think about packing away our holiday cheer. Here are some tips on how to efficiently organize and store your holiday decorations, ensuring they stay safe, clean and ready for the next season.

Planning and Decluttering: The first step in this post-holiday ritual is planning. Begin by assessing all your decorations. Lay them out and categorize them. This process helps you understand what you have, what needs repair, and what might not be worth keeping. The mantra here is decluttering. If you come across broken lights or an ornament that no longer brings joy, consider letting it go. This not only frees up storage space but also simplifies your decorating decisions next year. Remember, effective organization is as much about removing the unnecessary as it is about neatly storing the essential.

Organizing Decorations: Once you've streamlined your collection, it’s time to organize. Group your decorations by type – ornaments, lights, wreaths, figurines. If certain items are specific to rooms or certain display areas, group them accordingly. This categorization makes unpacking next year intuitive and quick. Labeling is your best friend here. Clearly mark each storage box with its contents. It’s a simple step that saves a lot of time and guesswork in the future.

Packing Tips: Packing decorations properly is crucial for their longevity. For delicate ornaments, use tissue paper or bubble wrap to prevent breakage. Specialized compartmentalized boxes can offer additional protection. String lights, notorious for tangling, can be neatly wound around a piece of cardboard. For your artificial tree, if the original box is no longer an option, a tree storage bag is a great investment. Compressing and securing branches minimizes space and protects the tree’s shape.

Choosing Storage Containers: The right storage containers can make a world of difference. Opt for durable, moisture-resistant options to protect your decorations from environmental factors, especially if they're stored in places like basements or attics. Space efficiency is another consideration. Stackable containers maximize storage space and keep your decorations organized and accessible.

Storing Your Decorations: Selecting the right spot to store your decorations is as important as the packing process. Choose a cool, dry area to prevent any damage from humidity or temperature fluctuations. If you’re using spaces like basements or attics, ensure they are free from potential water damage or extreme heat. Also, think about the order of storage. Place items that you’re likely to use first next season in more accessible spots. This thoughtful placement will save you time and effort.

Storing holiday decorations might seem like a daunting task, but with a bit of planning and organization, it can be managed efficiently. The effort you put in now not only preserves your treasured decorations but also sets the stage for a smoother, more enjoyable holiday season next year.

Copyright © 2024 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer in San Diego and surrounding areas.

The Art of Maximizing Kitchen Storage: A Professional Organizer’s Guide

In the heart of every home lies the kitchen, a hub of daily activity and culinary creativity. However, it's also a place where clutter can quickly accumulate, making cooking and meal prep more of a chore than a joy. As a professional organizer, I’ve seen how a well-organized kitchen can transform daily routines and enhance the joyment of your home. Let’s explore some effective strategies to maximize kitchen storage and create a more functional and welcoming space.

1. Embrace Clear Containers: One of the simplest yet most impactful changes you can make is to transfer pantry items like grains, pasta, and baking ingredients into clear containers. Not only do these containers make it easy to see what you have (and when you’re running low), but they also provide an aesthetically pleasing, uniform look to your shelves. This approach eliminates bulky packaging and makes use of vertical space, allowing you to store more in the same area.

2. Invest in Adjustable Shelving: Fixed shelves often leave unused space, especially with varying sizes of kitchen items. Installing adjustable shelving solves this problem by allowing you to customize the height of each shelf according to your needs. This flexibility is perfect for accommodating everything from tall appliances to short spice jars, ensuring that no inch of space goes to waste.

3. Categorize and Label: Organization is not just about where things go, but also about how easily you can find them. Categorizing your kitchen items and labeling shelves and containers is a game-changer. This system helps everyone in the household know exactly where to find and return items, reducing clutter and saving time during meal preparation.

4. Utilize Vertical Space: Don’t overlook the potential of vertical space. Wall-mounted racks for utensils, pots, and pans or hanging baskets for fruits and vegetables can free up valuable cabinet and counter space. Just remember to store likewise items together so everyone knows where to find them.

5. Drawer Dividers and Organizers: Drawers often become a catch-all for miscellaneous kitchen gadgets and utensils. By using drawer dividers and organizers, you can designate a specific place for every item, making your drawers as efficient and easy to navigate as your shelves.

Maximizing kitchen storage is more than just a way to keep things tidy; it’s about creating a space that supports and enhances your daily life. With these strategies, you can transform your kitchen into an area that’s not only functional but also a pleasure to use. Remember, the key to effective organization is to tailor solutions to fit your unique space and lifestyle. As you implement these tips, you’ll find that an organized kitchen is the ingredient you need for a more harmonious home.

Copyright © 2023 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer and Virtual Assistant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

How Organization and Cleanliness Foster Mental Well-being

In our fast-paced world, the sanctity of our home can significantly impact our mental health. An organized and clean living space is not just about aesthetics; it's a foundation for a clearer mind and a more peaceful life. As a professional organizer with a background in psychology, I've seen firsthand how the state of our homes can mirror and influence our mental state.

The Psychology of a Clutter-Free Space: Clutter isn't just physical. It creates mental clutter as well. A study from the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute found that clutter overloads our senses, making us feel stressed and impeding our ability to think creatively and clearly. When we clear our space, we're also clearing our minds, allowing for better focus and productivity.

Organization as a Stress Reliever: Living in an organized space can significantly reduce the stress and anxiety that comes from feeling overwhelmed by our environment. A study by Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that individuals with cluttered homes experienced higher cortisol levels, a stress hormone. By organizing our spaces, we can create a sense of calm and control, which is especially crucial for those experiencing anxiety. Coming home to a clear kitchen counter can make all the difference in feeling motivated to cook a healthy meal vs. buying takeout because the kitchen clutter is in the way of a working space.

The Power of a Clean Home: Cleanliness goes hand-in-hand with organization. Regular cleaning not only maintains the physical health of our homes but also contributes to a more serene and mentally restful environment. The smell of your home can also contribute to feeling comfortable in it and some ways to keep a fresh smelling home are:

1.Open windows to let fresh air in and circulate throughout your home. This helps in reducing stale air and any associated odors.

2.Regularly clean the garbage disposal, fridge, and oven, and take out the trash promptly to avoid food-related odors.

3. Frequently wash linens, blankets, and pillows, as fabrics can harbor odors. If you have a fabric sofa or carpet, I recommend hiring a professional carpet cleaner to shampoo them at least twice a year to avoid lingering odors from pets.

Creating Mindful Spaces: Organizing and cleaning our homes is more than a physical act; it's a practice in mindfulness. It's about making intentional choices about what we keep in our lives and why. This mindfulness can extend to other areas of our lives, encouraging us to live more intentionally and in the present moment.

The connection between a clean and organized home and our mental well-being is undeniable. As we strive for a balanced and fulfilling life, let's not overlook the power of our physical spaces. Remember, an organized home is not just about tidiness; it's a step towards a more peaceful and mentally healthy life.

Copyright © 2022 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer and Virtual Assistant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Time Blocking for a Sparkling Home: One Monthly Mission at a Time

Do you ever find yourself gazing longingly at those immaculate, clutter-free homes on Instagram, wondering how on earth people maintain such cleanliness and order? Well, the secret isn't just magic; it's the art of time blocking. Imagine breaking down your cleaning tasks into bite-sized, manageable chunks, tackling one major mission per month. It's like a cleaning challenge, but without the overwhelm! So, grab your cleaning supplies, put on your superhero shirt, and let's dive into why time blocking for cleaning is your ticket to a sparkling home.

Fridge Fandango

Bid farewell to those forgotten, fuzzy leftovers and mystery condiments. Scrub those shelves and drawers till they gleam. Your fridge will thank you with fresher, longer-lasting groceries, and you'll thank yourself for a cleaner, more organized kitchen. Don’t forget to clean the outside of the fridge and recycle all the kid’s art, reminders and coupons that are probably hung up on a magnet. This is my go-to cleaner for stainless-steel.

Window Wonders

Time block a weekend to tackle those windows. Start with a warm, soapy water cleanse, followed by a vinegar-based solution to banish streaks. You'll be amazed at how much brighter your home feels, and you'll have a newfound appreciation for the world outside.

Pantry Party

Donate non-perishables you won't use, and toss expired items. Invest in clear containers for better visibility, and arrange your pantry like a grocery store shelf. Your culinary adventures will be more delightful when everything's easy to find.

Related: Conquering the Chaos: 10 Bathroom Organizing Products You’ll Totally Love

Closet Crusade

Bid adieu to old, ill-fitting clothes and accessories. Donate or sell items in good condition. You'll be left with a curated wardrobe full of pieces you love and actually wear. My extra tip to stay organized; use the “one in-one-out” rule; For every item you buy, get rid of one. That way your closet space never feels too overwhelming.

Basement Blitz

Time blocking for basement cleaning will help you reclaim this space for practical use or hobbies. Say goodbye to forgotten clutter or have a garage sale if you have many large items that can be sold. I recommend storage shelving for vertical storage and clear bins.

Fantastic Floors

Sweep, mop, and, if necessary, wax or polish. Pay attention to corners, baseboards, and edges where dirt tends to accumulate. Avoid using excessive water, especially on hardwood floors, as it can cause damage. For stubborn spots or stains, use a microfiber cloth or mop with a bit of extra cleaner. Be gentle on delicate floor surfaces. If your floors have grout, use a grout brush to scrub the lines between tiles. Remember that the frequency of floor cleaning can vary depending on factors like household traffic and the type of flooring you have.

Related: Use this, not that for organizing your home

Copyright © 2022 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer and Virtual Assistant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

October Organization: Embrace Autumn's Bounty While Staying Tidy and Prepared

As the leaves turn vibrant shades of red and orange, and a crispness fills the air, it's undeniable that autumn has arrived. October brings with it a unique charm and a set of tasks to ensure your home stays cozy, organized, and ready for the season's festivities. So, grab your pumpkin spice latte and let's dive into how to stay organized in October.

Seasonal Home Maintenance

Cleaning Out Gutters: Before the autumn rains arrive in full force, it's essential to clean out your gutters. Leaves and debris can accumulate and clog the system, potentially causing damage to your roof and foundation. Schedule a weekend to safely remove the clutter from your gutters, ensuring they function properly throughout the season.

Heating System Checkup: Don't wait until the first chilly night to discover your heater needs maintenance. Schedule a professional heating system checkup to ensure it's in optimal condition. This not only ensures your comfort but also improves energy efficiency.

Cozy Up Your Space: As the temperatures drop, it's time to cozy up your living spaces. Swap out lightweight summer bedding for thicker, warmer options. Add soft blankets and plush cushions to your living room for a warm and inviting atmosphere. Scented cinnamon spice candles and pumpkin centerpieces for tables will add the a cozy fall flair feeling.

Decorate with Care

Halloween Decorations: Getting your home ready for Halloween is a fun October tradition. To keep your Halloween decorations organized, invest in clear bins or storage containers. Label each container with the contents, so you can easily find your favorite spooky decor next year.

Pumpkin Displays: Pumpkins are the quintessential October decoration. Whether you carve them, paint them, or leave them au naturel, pumpkins add a festive touch. To keep your pumpkin displays fresh, wait to carve until a day or two before Halloween, and consider using battery-operated LED candles for safety.

Front Porch Appeal: Decorate your front porch with autumn-themed items like wreaths, cornstalks, and potted mums. These simple additions add curb appeal and give your home a warm, seasonal welcome.

Family Fun

Pumpkin Patch Adventures: Make time for a family outing to a pumpkin patch. Let the kids pick their own pumpkins, explore corn mazes, and enjoy hayrides. It's a memorable way to embrace the season and create cherished family traditions.

Apple Picking Excursion: Visit a local orchard and go apple picking. You'll not only bring home delicious apples for pies and snacks but also create wonderful memories with your loved ones. Don't forget to check for any special events or activities at the orchard, such as cider tastings or petting zoos.

Fall Nature Walks: Take advantage of the beautiful fall foliage by going on nature walks or hikes. Pack a picnic, explore nearby trails, and enjoy the vibrant colors of the season.

Staying organized in October is all about striking a balance between seasonal home maintenance, festive decorations, and enjoying quality time with family. By taking care of essential tasks early in the month, you'll have more time to savor the joys of autumn and create lasting memories. So, embrace the season, stay organized, and make the most of October's offerings! 🍂🎃🍁

Copyright © 2022 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer and Virtual Assistant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Creating a Capsule Wardrobe: Simplify Your Closet and Elevate Your Style

Guest Blog by Kevin Connors, owner of

In today's fast-paced world, simplicity and efficiency have become key considerations for busy professionals, and this includes fashion. The concept of a capsule wardrobe has gained significant popularity in recent years, offering a solution for those seeking to simplify their closets while maintaining a stylish and versatile wardrobe. By carefully curating a collection of essential pieces, a capsule wardrobe allows you to effortlessly create countless outfits and elevate your personal style. Let's delve into the world of capsule wardrobes and explore how they can transform your approach to fashion.

What is a Capsule Wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe is a thoughtfully curated collection of clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create a wide range of outfits. The idea is to have a smaller number of high-quality, timeless pieces that are versatile, rather than a larger quantity of trendy or seasonal garments. The concept was popularized in the 1970s by Susie Faux, a London boutique owner, and later gained renewed attention through the writings of fashion consultant Donna Karan.

The Benefits of a Capsule Wardrobe

1. Simplify Your Closet: As a professional organizer, I spend a lot of time in people’s closets, and most are about as organized as a storage shed. One of the primary advantages of a capsule wardrobe is that it simplifies the process of getting dressed. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by a cluttered closet filled with clothes you rarely wear, a capsule wardrobe focuses on quality over quantity. With a carefully selected collection of items that you love and feel confident in, you eliminate decision fatigue and save precious time in the morning.

2. Enhance Your Style: Fewer clothes does not mean a lack of style. A capsule wardrobe encourages you to define and refine your personal style by carefully curating pieces that align with your aesthetic preferences and lifestyle. Each item is intentionally chosen to work well with others, allowing you to effortlessly put together stylish outfits that reflect your unique personality.

3. Save Money: While it may seem counterintuitive, a capsule wardrobe can actually help you save money in the long run. By investing in high-quality pieces that are designed to last, you avoid the frequent need to replace cheap, fast-fashion items. A cool belt will collect dust if it’s a color or style that doesn’t go well with anything else in your closet. Additionally, the intentional approach to shopping that comes with a capsule wardrobe means you are less likely to make impulsive purchases, helping you prioritize quality over quantity.

Building Your Capsule Wardrobe

1. Assess Your Lifestyle: Start by evaluating your daily activities and the types of outfits you typically require. Consider your work environment, social commitments, and personal preferences. This analysis will help you determine the types of clothing items you need in your capsule wardrobe. It’s a good idea to keep items that you use for the same parts of your life in the same place. Time is too precious to spend 20 minutes looking for any specific piece of clothing. 

2. Define Your Color Palette: Select a color palette that resonates with you and complements your skin tone. Opt for neutral shades as a foundation, such as black, white, navy, and gray, which can easily be mixed and matched. Add a few accent colors that suit your style and bring variety to your outfits.

3. Choose Versatile Pieces: Look for timeless and versatile pieces that can be dressed up or down. Invest in essentials such as a well-fitted pair of jeans, a classic blazer, a tailored white shirt, a little black dress, and a comfortable pair of shoes. These items serve as the building blocks of your wardrobe and can be paired with different accessories to create various looks.

4. Consider Quality: When building a capsule wardrobe, prioritize quality over quantity. Choose fabrics and materials that are durable, comfortable, and easy to care for. Well-made garments will stand the test of time and continue to look great, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

5. Build Your Collection Gradually: Creating a capsule wardrobe is a gradual process. Don't feel pressured to revamp your entire closet overnight. Instead, start by identifying the items you already own that align with your capsule wardrobe vision. Use the one in one out rule here. If you purchase something, be prepared to donate or throw out a similar item so your clothes don’t outgrow your closet. 

Maintaining Your Capsule Wardrobe

Once you have established your capsule wardrobe, it's important to maintain it effectively:

1. Regularly Assess and Edit: Every season or every few months, evaluate your capsule wardrobe to identify any items that are no longer serving you. If a piece no longer fits, is worn out, or no longer aligns with your style, consider replacing it or removing it from your collection. Also consider file folding clothing to help preserve space and prevent wrinkles. 

2. Embrace Accessories: Accessories are a fantastic way to add variety to your capsule wardrobe without cluttering your closet. Experiment with scarves, belts, jewelry, and shoes to create different looks and refresh your outfits.

3. Tailor to Your Needs: Your capsule wardrobe should reflect your lifestyle and personal preferences. Don't be afraid to tailor it to suit your specific needs. If you have particular requirements for formal occasions or athletic activities, include items that fulfill those needs while maintaining the overall simplicity and versatility of your wardrobe.

A capsule wardrobe offers a practical and stylish solution for simplifying your closet and elevating your personal style. By embracing the principles of quality, versatility, and intentional curation, you can build a collection of essential pieces that effortlessly complement one another, creating a myriad of stylish outfits. So why not embark on the journey of creating your own capsule wardrobe and discover the freedom and creativity that comes with a simplified approach to fashion?

Conquering the Chaos: 10 Bathroom Organizing Products You’ll Totally Love

Attention bathroom hoarders, clutter lovers, and anyone who's ever lost their toothbrush in a sea of bathroom accessories! Let’s talk organization. But don't panic, we're not talking about plain old dull and dreary organizing. We're diving into the world of downright clever bathroom organization that’s sure to make your life easier (and your bathroom prettier!). Buckle up!

1) Acrylic Cosmetic Organizers

Is your makeup collection larger than your local beauty store? No judgment here, beauty lovers. Acrylic cosmetic organizers are your savior! They’re clear, durable, and make finding your favorite lipstick quicker than you can say "pout-perfect".

2) Over-the-Door Racks

When your bathroom floor looks like a storage war zone, look up, my friends! Over-the-door racks are a witty way to utilize that overlooked space. Hang towels, bathrobes, or even your collection of rubber ducks – we're not here to judge!

3) Shower Caddies

Why risk a shampoo avalanche mid-shower when you can get a smart little shower caddy? Pop one in your shower to keep everything within arm’s reach and let the only thing raining down be the warm, relaxing water.

4) Drawer Dividers

Let’s tackle those bathroom drawers filled with who-knows-what. A drawer divider is like a peacekeeper for your bathroom products, ensuring everyone stays in their designated zone. No more toothpaste-tweezer tangles!

5) Wall-Mounted Baskets

Turn your clutter into décor with wall-mounted baskets. They're fun, versatile, and add a rustic charm to your bathroom. Plus, you can finally stop using your bathtub as a storage bin (c'mon, we've all done it).

6) Under-Sink Organizers

It's time to confront that under-sink mess. With a sturdy under-sink organizer, you can turn that black hole into a storage heaven. Find your cleaning supplies faster than you can say “scrub-a-dub-dub”!

7) Toilet Paper Holders with Shelves

Who knew toilet paper holders could be so clever? Models with built-in shelves provide a handy spot for your phone or a book. Because who doesn't enjoy a good read during their...uh, quiet time?

8) Medicine Cabinet Organizers

Turn your medicine cabinet from a game of Jenga into a neat, accessible display with a few handy organizers. Pill bottles, cotton balls, and band-aids finally living harmoniously – imagine that!

9) Towel Racks

Say goodbye to the floordrobe with a chic towel rack. It keeps your towels off the floor and looking like a fluffy, inviting spa display. Luxury, here we come!

10) Hair Tool Organizer

Say hello to the unspoken hero of your bathroom, the Hair Tool Organizer! It's here to rescue your countertops from the wild jungle of cords, dryers, and straighteners. This fun yet practical companion ensures your hair tools each have their own VIP parking spot, making your morning styling routine smoother than your freshly straightened locks. Gone are the days of tripping over cords or playing hot potato with your straightener. Plus, it's a total lifesaver for your tools, helping to prolong their lifespan by preventing any unwanted drops or damage. Who knew organization could be such a hair-raising experience?

Organizing doesn't have to be a drag, folks. With these bathroom organizing products, you can make every square inch of your bathroom work for you. Plus, who knew being tidy could look so trendy? So go forth, conquer the clutter, and make your bathroom the sanctuary you deserve.

Copyright © 2023 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer and Virtual Assistant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

How to organize your social media and save time

Hey, busy entrepreneurs and business owners! I know you're juggling a million things, but that doesn't mean you can't rock your social media presence. Let's face it, social media is a must-have in the digital age, but it can be a real time-sucker if you don't have a plan. Here's a smart guide to organizing your social media management to save time.

Channel your inner S.M.A.R.T. goals guru

Before you dive headfirst into the social media jungle, let's get clear on what you're hunting for. Set some S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) objectives, and identify your target audience. This way, you'll know exactly which digital trees to bark up, and your social media efforts won't go to waste.

Be platform-picky

Quality over quantity, folks! Don't spread yourself too thin by trying to conquer every social media platform. Choose the ones that make the most sense for your audience and objectives. That way, you can focus on being fabulous where it matters most. Being platform-picky is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Time is money, honey! As a busy entrepreneur, your time is your most valuable resource. Spreading yourself across too many platforms can drain your time and energy, leaving you with less bandwidth for other essential tasks. By being selective and focusing on a few key platforms, you'll have more time to create engaging, high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.

  2. Hitting the bullseye: Different social media platforms attract different types of audiences and serve distinct purposes. To make the most impact, you need to be where your target audience hangs out. Identifying the platforms frequented by your potential customers and understanding their preferences will help you tailor your content and messaging for maximum engagement.

  3. Quality over quantity: The age-old saying holds true in social media management as well. Rather than trying to be everywhere and spreading your content thin, focus on creating top-notch content for the platforms that matter most to your audience. This approach allows you to make a stronger impression and build lasting relationships with your followers.

  4. Master the art: Each social media platform has its own unique features, algorithms, and best practices. Being platform-picky allows you to master the art of creating content that performs well on your chosen platforms. Instead of being a jack-of-all-trades and master of none, you can excel in the social media spaces where your brand truly belongs.

Embrace your inner social media psychic

No crystal ball needed! Predict the future by planning your social media content ahead of time with a content calendar. You'll be ready for holidays, special events, and promotions, and you won't be scrambling for content like a last-minute costume on Halloween. Being a "social media psychic" is all about anticipating your audience's needs and planning your content ahead of time. This approach ensures that your social media presence remains consistent, engaging, and relevant.

Automate like a boss

Let technology do the heavy lifting. Scheduling tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Metricool can help you keep your social media game strong without spending all day staring at screens. Schedule, monitor, analyze, and conquer - all with a few clicks!

Unleash your brand's inner voice

Your brand has a personality, so let it shine! Establish a brand voice that your audience will recognize and adore. Make sure everyone on your team is in the know and ready to spread the good word about your brand. A strong and consistent brand voice helps your audience recognize and connect with your brand on a deeper level. Start by identifying your brand's core values, traits, and characteristics. Think of your brand as a person – what kind of personality does it have? Is it witty, fun, and smart, or perhaps more serious and informative? Pinpointing these attributes will help you shape your brand voice.

Become a social media socialite

It's all about mingling! Social media is a two-way street, so don't just post and ghost. Monitor your accounts, respond to comments, and join in the conversation. It's time to charm the socks off your audience and make some lasting connections. Becoming a social media socialite is all about embracing the art of nurturing genuine connections with your audience. This means actively engaging with your followers by responding to comments, answering questions, and joining relevant conversations. Just like a skilled socialite, you'll make a point to listen, empathize, and share valuable insights while maintaining your brand voice. By cultivating these virtual relationships, you'll build a loyal, engaged community that not only supports your brand but also becomes an advocate for it, ultimately amplifying your message and expanding your reach.

Play detective with your data

What's working? What's not? Don your detective hat and analyze your social media performance. Keep tabs on engagement, reach, and conversions, and use those insights to refine your strategy. After all, the best entrepreneurs know how to learn from their (mis)adventures!

There you have it! By setting clear objectives, being picky with platforms, planning your content, automating the process, maintaining a consistent brand voice, engaging your audience, and analyzing your results, you'll be the talk of the (virtual) town in no time. Now, go forth and conquer the social media world with style!

Copyright © 2023 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer and Virtual Assistant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

How a Virtual Assistant can help you get organized as an entrepreneur

If you're a small business owner, it's likely that you've considered hiring a virtual assistant (VA). A VA can help with many of the day-to-day tasks that take up your time and energy. They can also provide valuable insight into how to improve your business processes and operations.

Data Entry

Data entry is a common task for virtual assistants to perform. It involves entering data into a computer, such as names, addresses, phone numbers and other information. A virtual assistant can do this for you in a variety of ways:

  • They may use software that allows them to type out the information directly from your website or social media pages.

  • They may pull information from an Excel spreadsheet you've already created and enter it into your database.

  • They may use Google Sheets to create an automated form where customers can fill out their own details before submitting them directly to you via email or text message (SMS).

Social Media Scheduling

Social media scheduling is a great way to save time for small business owners. This involves setting up a schedule of posts, which can then be shared across multiple social media platforms. A virtual assistant can help you with this process by creating a calendar and scheduling your posts accordingly.
Social media scheduling has many benefits:

  • It allows you to post content consistently without having to worry about missing any deadlines or forgetting when it's time for new content.

  • It allows you to focus on other aspects of running your business instead of spending hours each day posting on different platforms.

  • It saves money because hiring someone full-time would cost more than outsourcing this task.

Content Creation

Content creation is the process of creating content for your website, blog, or social media channels. This can include writing blog posts, creating and editing videos and graphics for social media posts and ads, or even creating emails that will be sent out to your list of subscribers.
Content creation is an important part of any business's marketing strategy because it helps you connect with your audience and build trust in your brand by providing them with valuable information they can use to improve their lives or businesses. But if you're not an expert writer or designer yourself (and most small business owners aren't), it can be hard to keep up with all the different pieces of content you need on a regular basis--especially when there are so many other things demanding your attention as well!

A virtual assistant can help with this by creating compelling blog posts for you based on keywords and topics that are relevant for your business.


Blogging is a great way to increase your business' visibility, build an audience and drive traffic to your website. It can also be time-consuming, especially if you're new to blogging or don't have the experience needed to create high-quality content that attracts readers.
A virtual assistant can help with this by creating compelling blog posts for you based on keywords and topics that are relevant for your business. They'll research keywords so that each post has a chance of ranking highly in search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo! (the "big three"). This will ensure that people who are looking for information about what you do find it when they search online.


Editing is the process of making a written document or recording more concise, cohesive and readable. It can involve:

  • Removing unnecessary words and phrases

  • Making sure that sentences are grammatically correct

  • Checking for consistency in style, tone and format (such as spelling out numbers)
    Editing is one of the most time-consuming tasks for small business owners who write their own content. A virtual assistant can help you by editing your work before it's published so that it meets your standards and will appeal to readers who might be searching online for information about your products or services.

Finding a Virtual Assistant

If you're interested in hiring a virtual assistant, the first step is finding one. There are many places to look for virtual assistants:

  • Online job boards such as LinkedIn and Indeed

  • Your personal network of friends and colleagues (if they have experience with VAs)

  • The VA community on Facebook or LinkedIn
    Once you've identified some potential candidates, it's important to evaluate them carefully before making your decision. Here are some things to consider:

Managing a Virtual Assistant

  • Set expectations.

  • Communicate effectively.

  • Ensure quality.

Tips for Working with a Virtual Assistant

  • Be clear about what you need. It's important to be specific when communicating with your virtual assistant, especially when it comes to deadlines and tasks. If there is any confusion about the details of a project, this can lead to delays in getting things done in a timely manner.

  • Set realistic deadlines for yourself and your VA so that everyone knows what's expected of them at all times, which will help prevent unnecessary stress on both ends of the equation.

  • Have a backup plan in case something goes wrong--this way if one person falls behind or gets sick (or has other commitments), there won't be any missed deadlines or problems completing projects on time!

Virtual assistants can be a great asset for small business owners. They can help you save time, get more done and focus on what matters most to you. The benefits of hiring a virtual assistant are numerous and include: More time for yourself, more money in your bank account and a better quality of life.

Copyright © 2022 by Tidy Closet, Professional Organizer and Virtual Assistant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

How to digitally declutter your life

If you haven't noticed by now, the world is digital. We don't use paper to write anymore, we don't send letters through the mail and we certainly don't call people on a landline phone. Our entire life has become digitized in some way or another; even if that just means our photos are stored digitally rather than on film! Yet as technology becomes more integrated into our lives, it can also become overwhelming; especially when it comes to cleaning up your digital footprint so that hackers cannot get access to your personal information or social media accounts are not compromised in any way shape or form. Here are six tips for organizing your digital declutter list:

Make a digital "sweep" list.

To begin, you'll need to create a list of all the things you want to declutter. This can be as simple as writing down each item on a piece of paper or using a digital document. If you don't know where to start, try making a list of everything that comes to mind when thinking about digital decluttering.

Once you've got your list ready, set aside some time for this project and make sure it doesn't overwhelm yourself with too many items on your list! Don't forget about passwords/security questions etc., either!

Kill your inbox.

The first step to decluttering your inbox is to delete/unsubscribe all emails that you don't need/want anymore. Then, set up filters and rules that will automatically file emails into specific folders. This will prevent you from having to manually file each email as it comes in, and it's an easy way to get started on the digital decluttering process.

Here are some ways you can do this:

  • Set up filters so that important messages go directly into designated folders, such as "Important" or "To Read." You can also create folders for different types of messages (e.g., "Client," "Co-worker," etc.).

  • Create rules so that emails from certain people or companies go directly into a particular folder--for example, if someone at work emails me about an upcoming meeting with my supervisor, I want those messages sent directly into a folder labeled 'Meetings.'

Clean up your contacts and social media lists to keep them relevant, active and up-to-date.

  • Delete contacts that are no longer active.

  • Delete social media accounts that you no longer use.

  • Delete emails that you no longer need (or at least archive them).

  • Update your contact lists regularly so they're up-to-date and relevant to what you do now in your life

Delete old text messages, voicemails and emails that you no longer need but are still sitting in some electronic archive system on your phone or computer.

Delete old text messages, voicemails and emails that you no longer need but are still sitting in some electronic archive system on your phone or computer.

This is a great way to declutter because it's easy to do and can solve the problem of having too much stuff on your devices. It may be hard for some people who don't like deleting things (I'm one of those people), but there's really no reason not to delete stuff if it doesn't serve any purpose anymore.

Delete or archive your read audio book titles.

If you keep books in your library that you have not finished ask yourself why you did not finish it and if it is really something you want to read n the future. Don't feel guilty for deleting a book that you did not read, if it does not support you in your present of future life it is a waste of your time.

Regularly change out saved passwords, logins, pins and security questions.

You can also use a password manager that generates strong ones for each site as well as remembers them automatically for you. This way you will only have one single set of codes that unlocks everything from Amazon Prime purchases to banking accounts and travel sites like AirBnB or Expedia!

Regularly change out saved passwords, logins, pins and security questions so they do not become vulnerable to hackers. Use programs like LastPass or Password Boss to help keep track of them all!

As you can see, there are many ways to declutter your digital life. If you feel overwhelmed by the thought of doing all of this at once, don't worry! Take it one step at a time and make sure the first thing on your list is making a sweep list so that you can keep track of what needs done when. Once that task is completed (and trust us when we say it will feel amazing), move onto something else like killing off those old emails.

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Organizer, Educator, and Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Use this, not that for organizing your home

Research shows that having an organized home is good for your mental health. The most common way we think about organizing our homes is by category. We have the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room, but what if you could organize your home by function? That's exactly what we do when teaching clients how to organize their homes effectively. Instead of having three separate rooms for cleaning products, food and clothing, all items are combined into one space. This helped keep everything in its place without having to move all around the house whenever something needs to be found or cleaned up! Here are a few things about organizing systems that can help you get started:

Velvet hangers vs. plastic hangers

Whether you're a clothes collector or just have a few pieces that need to be hung up, the best hangers for your garments will always be velvet. Why? Because velvet is better at keeping your clothes from getting stretched out and sliding off. Plastic hangers are cheaper but take up more space in your closet. Plastics also look cheap and feel slippery on top of that, which makes them feel like an insult to the beauty of your wardrobe (and yourself!).

Besides looking nicer than plastic and being more functional overall—velvet is super soft and adds some extra luxury—it's also more eco-friendly than its competitor because there's no plastic production involved in making it! This means less landfill waste once you're done with them too.

Related: How to organize your Closet

Clear containers vs. non-transparent containers

  • Use clear drawer inserts for small items. Clear containers are great for smaller items like buttons and paper clips. They're also a good way to organize things like jewelry and nail polish if you have small drawers in your bedroom or bathroom.

  • Use transparent containers for larger items. These can hold books, clothes and other items—but will also make it easier to find what you're looking for when they're stacked together with other similar materials (like old family photos).

Drawer dresser vs. open storage

Drawer dressers are great for storing clothes and other items. They can hold more than a hanging rack, and they provide a better visual of what you own.

Folding clothes vertically provides more space in the drawer, allowing you to store more of your wardrobe. You'll be able to see everything at once, which makes it easier to find what you're looking for when it's time to get dressed. It also gives you an overall view of how much space each type of clothing takes up in your closet as well as how many garments are actually missing from your wardrobe.

Folding clothes vertically provides more space in the drawer, allowing you to store more of your wardrobe.

Lazy Suzans vs. shelf organizer for herbs

If you have a lot of herbs, consider using a lazy Suzan instead. Lazy Suzan’s are the best way to store your spices and herbs because they make it easy to see what you have on hand. You don't have to dig through piles of stuff; just turn the lazy susan, and all your items will be visible at once.

Stackable boxes vs. open baskets

  • Stackable boxes are great at storing small and big items.

  • Cubbies or baskets are only good for storing larger items.

  • Stackable boxes are more convenient than cubbies, which means you can use them to optimize vertical space in your home.

There are a few things to know about organizing systems and how these work together

The best way to use these systems is together. Each one has its strengths and weaknesses that make it best when used in conjunction with the other two.

For instance, the Container Store's modular storage containers are great for storing things like cleaning supplies and toiletries, and they give your cabinets a whole new style upgrade.

Also try using an under-bed system from Amazon or The Container Store's rolling cart inserts (which fit perfectly into most under-beds) if your floor plan doesn't allow for any movement at all! But remember: Do whatever works best for YOU!

In addition to understanding how different organizing systems work together based on their uses, there are some general tips we recommend keeping in mind when deciding what kinds of organizers might work best for YOUR lifestyle:

  • Think about how much time/effort each type of organization requires before deciding whether or not it's worth investing money into purchasing them; also keep in mind whether there are other ways around needing these types of organizers by using alternatives instead (i.e., cardboard boxes as opposed).

Related: Pro’s and Con’s of decanting

The best organizing system is the one that works for you. Your home is a reflection of who you are, so it makes sense to personalize it as much as possible. Start by figuring out what kind of organizational style or system will work best based on your personality and lifestyle, then find some products that fit this need. You can also get ideas from other people who have already tried different styles to see if they would be right for you too!

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Organizer, Educator, and Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Why Visionboard making is more effective than New Years resolutions

Vision boards are a great way to get motivated because they allow you to visualize your goals.

Visualization is a very powerful tool that can help you achieve what you want in life. The process of creating a vision board is a form of visualization, as it helps you see the end result and reminds yourself of what you want.

A new years resolution is just one thing you want to change, cut out or accomplish in the next year and it often is abandoned within weeks.

New Years resolutions are often too ambitious or unrealistic. You tend to have a long list of things you want to change, cut out or accomplish in the next year and it often is abandoned within weeks. It doesn't have a visual reminder that would help keep you motivated through the hard times and challenges of sticking with your new habit for an extended period of time without losing focus. It's hard to measure and track progress because there may not be any tangible goals set in place from an outside source such as work or school.

When making vision boards, each item on the board represents something meaningful about yourself. Ask questions like, What are my values? How do I want others to perceive me? What personal qualities do I hope will develop over time into daily habits that will support the life I want to live?

Related: 7 Hacks to be productive and organized at the same time

A vision board should contain pictures and words that reflect what's important to you and will help motivate you to succeed.

  • A vision board should contain pictures and words that reflect what’s important to you and will help motivate you to succeed.

  • You can create a vision board for your career, health, finances, relationships, or any other area of your life where you want to achieve something.

  • Pick out images that represent the goals that are important to you. For example: if one of your career goals is “to be promoted at work” then maybe an image of someone being promoted would go on the board. If another goal is “to get fit, " perhaps an image of a jogging trail would be good. The more specific these visual representations are in terms of representing how achieving those goals would look in real life will make them even more effective at motivating us. They help us visualize what we want so much more clearly and powerfully than just writing down our desires does alone!

Keep the vision board where you see it daily, like on your closet wall or in an office, to help you remember your goals.

If you keep it in a place that is easily accessible and visible, then you will be more likely to look at it often. This will remind you of what you are working toward and motivate you to keep reaching for those goals!

Create a dream board today and watch your dreams come true tomorrow!

Creating a dream board is a great way to visualize your goals. Writing down and visualizing your goals helps you focus on them and makes them more real.

Being able to see your dreams in front of you can help motivate you when things get tough or when there are obstacles in the way of achieving your dreams. It also reminds you that something out there is greater than what is happening in your life right now!

We hope this article has inspired you to create your own dream board and make it a part of your life. If you want help creating an effective vision board, check out this guide on making one here.

Copyright © 2023 by Janine Morales, Professional Organizer, Educator, and Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Feature: 30 Organizing Tips to Maintain a Tidy Home

Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in: 30 Organizing Tips to Maintain a Tidy Home | Redfin

If your home is cluttered and chaotic, it can be hard to relax and spend time with your family and friends. However, by taking a few simple steps to organize your home, you can turn it into a peaceful oasis.

While getting started is often one of the hardest parts, maintaining your tidy home can be just as tricky. That’s why we’ve reached out to the top organizers from across the country for their best advice. Whether you live in an apartment in Boston, MA, or a house in New Haven, CT, use these tips to create a peaceful home.

Read the full article here: 30 Organizing Tips to Maintain a Tidy Home | Redfin

How to organize your closet

No one likes to think about their cluttered closet. But when it's organized, your closet can be a source of great joy. And when it's messy, you might never find the perfect pair of jeans that make your life complete. So let's get started!

Envision your ideal lifestyle

The first step to organizing your closet is to envision the life you want to live. Where do you see yourself in five years? What activities are most important to you and how much time will they take up? What type of work are you doing and how will you dress? What does your home look like inside and out?

Having a well-ordered closet can help improve your quality of life by making it easier for you to get ready in the morning.

Take all the clothes out of the space

  • Take all the clothes out of the space.

  • Don't worry about folding, organizing or cleaning your closet before you start. Just make sure about 90% of your clothes are washed and clean.

Touch every single item and ask if it sparks joy

To be sure you're getting rid of the right things, physically touch every single piece of clothing in your closet. If you can't remember when you last wore it or what it looks like on your body, take it out and put it on again. Ask yourself if this item still sparks joy in your life and whether or not it's worth keeping around.

Don't worry if some items don't make the cut at first; there's no need to get rid of everything now! You may find that once you start purging items from your closet and donating them to charity, other pieces will be worn more often in their place.

Related: How to organize your garage

Discard, donate and sell unwanted items

Once you've decluttered and organized your closet, it's time to put your newfound space to good use. If you have items that are still in good condition but no longer suit your needs or lifestyle, here are some ways to dispose of them:

  • Donate clothes and accessories (if they're not too stained or broken) to charity or a local shelter—they'll be able to make better use of the items than you will.

  • EBay is another great option if you want quick cash for unwanted belongings. Just do some research beforehand on how much similar pieces go for so you know whether yours are worth selling at all, and then list them accordingly!

  • If neither of those options sound appealing (and let's face it: who really wants their stuff ending up as someone else's treasure?), consider hosting a garage sale instead. You could sell everything from household decor items like vases or picture frames down to clothing and shoes; just set up tables in front of your house where people will come by during designated hours (usually morning), browse through what’s there and buy what catches their eye! This works best during warmer months when people are outside enjoying their weekends but it can also work well during cold winter months if there aren't many indoor events going on nearby.(

Fold your clothes

When you fold your clothes, they're easier to find, take up less space and won't wrinkle as much.

Folding your clothes is one of the easiest and fastest ways to create space in your closet. It involves folding them vertically and storing them in a drawer/dresser. Folding helps keep all of the pieces organized in one place so you can easily see all of your options at once instead of having to root through drawers or piles every time you need something.

Put things back in the closet

Once you've finished folding your clothes, it's time to organize them. When organizing your closet, think about where you'll be putting things. Are you going to hang up dresses and jackets? For dresses, I recommend velvet hangers because they save space and are non-slip. For Jackets, wooden hangers are best because they are sturdy enough to hold up heavy and bulky wear. If so, what about bulky clothes like sweaters and jeans? Do any of your clothes need special care instructions?

Finally, don't forget about shoes! Shoes can be a real pain when it comes to organization but having a designated spot for each pair makes finding the right pair easier. If you have many pairs of shoes and do not have enough space below your hanging clothes, consider getting a shoe rack or behind-the-door shoe organizer.

Related: 10 ways to be more organized and efficient

When you discard, donate, or sell unwanted items from your closet, you make room for new experiences.

Who doesn't want a closet that's easy to navigate, looks good and feels great? The first step towards achieving that is getting rid of the clutter in your life. When you discard, donate or sell unwanted items from your closet, you make room for new experiences. You will be able to see what you have with ease and only own clothes that you love. Your closet becomes a peaceful place where it's easy to find precisely what you're looking for — no more sifting through piles of fabric!

You can also look forward to feeling good about the clothes still hanging in your closet because they are only there because they bring joy into your life.

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Organizer, Educator, and Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Pros and Cons of Decanting

Decanting is a great way to organize your food and make it last longer. Decanting involves transferring food from its original container into another container that can be left in your pantry or cupboard. This allows you to keep track of how much is left in each item and provides a more uniform look for the pantry. In addition, decanting can extend the life of certain foods (like dry goods) by preventing them from being exposed to humidity and oxygen—two things that speed up spoilage. If this sounds like something you want to do, here are some pros and cons:

Decanting can make your pantry look more uniform.

Wine decanters are often used in restaurants to give an elegant presentation to wine. If you want your pantry to look more uniform and appealing, then you can decant items like olive oil, vinegar, spices and snacks in see-through containers that you may not have otherwise considered using.

Decanting can extend the life of your food and kitchen supplies.

Decanting can extend the life of your food and kitchen supplies by keeping them fresh, dry and free from moisture. If you have an airtight container, then it will keep the food inside fresh for a longer period of time. This is especially helpful if you want to store something in your refrigerator or freezer for a long time. Decanting helps keep dust and air away from flour or sugar so that they don’t get stale too quickly and lose their flavor

Related: How to organize your garage

Decanting allows you to keep track of how much of each item you have left.

Decanting allows you to keep track of how much of each item you have left. If a decanted ingredient is running low, or is about to expire, it will be easier for you to see and act accordingly.

It may take a long time to decant.

Decanting is excellent for organization, but it does take a lot of time and money.

The amount of time you spend depends on the size of your pantry. If you have a small one, then it might only take an hour or so to do all the decanting. If you have a large pantry with lots of shelves, then it could take days!

You'll also need some new containers and labels for storing them in your new system. So that adds up as well!

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Organizer, Educator, and Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

How to organize your garage

You know what's not fun? A messy garage. It can be a total eyesore, making it impossible to find anything in there. And if you don't have a sound system for organizing your tools and gear, you may even risk damaging them or hurting yourself trying to get to things! So let's get organized! In this article, we'll show you how to sharpen up your garage in no time at all by creating organization out of chaos.

Create a high shelf for boxes.

If you have a high shelf, it's a good idea to use this space to store boxes of items. You can stack the boxes on top of one another if they're not too heavy, but if they are then using box dividers can help keep them from tipping over. Try not to put anything else on your storage containers unless it's lightweight enough not to cause problems (for example, paper towels and toilet paper don't weigh much).

Organize your power tools.

  • Put your power tools in a toolbox, and hang them on the wall where you can easily get to them.

  • For hand tools, consider getting a toolbox or a caddy to store them in. You can also use pegboards (which are great for organizing small tools) or tool belts (which are especially handy if you have a lot of space).

Use clear bins to sort small items.

  • Use clear bins to sort small items. Separate your garage into zones, like one for tools and one for holiday decorations. Then use clear bins to store the things in each zone. If you don't want the contents of your bins to be visible, use solid-color bins instead of clear ones and label them with a label maker so that you can see what's inside when you look at them from afar.

  • Use small tools in a toolbox or on pegboard hooks hanging from the ceiling or wall. Keep screws, bolts, nails and other small tools in labeled plastic bags so they're easy to find when it's time to assemble something new; if you have too many different sizes of screws or bolts lying around without any identifying labels on them (or worse yet—in random drawers), this can lead to confusion later when you go looking for one specific size by sight alone! Pegboard hooks are also great because they allow items like tape measures etcetera hang straight down rather than getting tangled up with other things like buckets etcetera that may be nearby but not intended as part of whatever project is currently underway."

    Related: 7 Hacks To Be Productive and Organized at the Same Time

Add hooks near the door.

  • Add hooks near the door. Hooks are great for hanging coats, hats, bags and backpacks. You can mount them on the wall or ceiling in front of your garage door so that you can grab what you need while walking out of the house.

  • Hooks can be made from metal (like this one), plastic or wood. If you want to add storage hooks in a room of your home where they will be used often (like in a mudroom), it might make sense to invest in some quality ones that will last longer than cheap plastic versions at your local hardware store.

Add a garage workbench.

A work bench is a great place to store tools and supplies, as well as get work done. You can use it for projects like gardening or automotive repair. If you don't have room for more than one toolbox, consider finding an old dresser or chest of drawers to turn into an old-fashioned style tool chest that you can use to house your most frequently used tools.

You can also make your own workbench by building a sturdy platform out of wood planks, bricks and cinder blocks. Be sure that the surface is level and strong enough to support whatever weight you'll be placing on it (and any extra weight from sitting down). For more inspiration on how to build a garage workbench, check out this tutorial by The Family Handyman!

If you need something less permanent than wood but still want something sturdy enough for heavy lifting jobs, metal storage cabinets are another option worth considering since they're often built with enough internal shelving space so that everything inside them has its own little home within their cabinets' walls rather than just floating around all over the place like some kind of jumbled mess

Related: Is Minimalism for you?

Use a wall-mounted tool organizer to de-clutter your toolbox.

To keep tools organized and easily accessible, use a wall-mounted tool organizer to de-clutter your toolbox.

  • Keep your tools in one place, rather than all over the garage.

  • Keep them clean and dry.

  • Get rid of old tools you don't use anymore.

Put your holiday decorations in labeled bins.

  • Label the bins.

  • Use plastic bins and clear bins, as they are easy to move around, stack, and clean.

  • The best way to organize your holiday decorations is by putting everything in labeled bins that you can easily pull out when it's time to decorate or clean. The best place for these items is near the entrance of your garage so that they're handy when you need them during the holidays, but not cluttering up too much space at all other times during the year. If you have room in an out-of-the-way corner where these items would be easy enough to store throughout the year without taking up too much room (like under a stairwell) then consider using this space instead!

Use pegboards to store sports equipment, hardware and tools.

Pegboards are an inexpensive way to store tools and hardware. They're easily found at any hardware store, and they come in a variety of sizes. You can even make your own by cutting pegboard sheets into manageable sizes, then attaching them with screws or nails.

For small items like nails and bolts, use plastic bins drawers that you can find online. These are perfect for storing nuts and bolts in one place so they don't get lost among larger tools and supplies in your garage—and they'll keep your garage organized while saving space!

You can create organization out of chaos with these tips.

One of the most common questions we get from our readers is, "How do I organize my garage?"

Garages are great catch-alls for all the stuff that doesn't really have a home in your house. The problem is that when you try to store things in here, it gets disorganized and messy quickly. But don't worry! You can create organization out of chaos with these tips:

  • Don’t be afraid to get creative! If you don’t like the way something looks or feels, change it! Try putting together a DIY rack or shelf on Pinterest—you might just find yourself with something better than anything store-bought!

  • Don’t be afraid to try new things! Many products are designed specifically for garages and other large storage spaces—like pegboards, hanging hooks (like Command Hooks), bins, and more—so take advantage of them! And if they don’t work out so well? No biggie—you can always change them later on down the road. Whether it's hanging up pegboards or using command hooks instead of screwing into walls directly (which isn't ideal), keep an open mind when making changes around your home; experimentation may lead toward some exciting results--and eventually, lead to success at organizing your garage once and for all!"

There are many ways to organize your garage and make it more efficient. By following these tips, you can start making your garage a space where you love to spend time working and playing.

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Organizer, Educator, and Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.

Experience Gift Ideas

For those of us who are more inclined to buy gifts that offer a lasting memory rather than useless trinkets, there's a lot to be said for giving an experience. And no matter what kind of person you're buying for, there's bound to be something on this list that they'll love.


A massage is a great way to relax and unwind. Massage can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve your immune system, help with muscle tension and pain, encourage better sleep patterns, make you feel more positive about yourself and others.

Masterclass subscription

Masterclass is a new online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses covering everything from comedy to music. You can learn about writing for television and film, start your own podcast, or even master the art of acting.

The $180/year subscription includes dozens of classes from top industry professionals like James Corden, Jimmy Fallon and Steve Martin that you can enjoy whenever you want. They also have free videos on their YouTube channel if you don't want to pay for it all at once!

Masterclass has over 1 million students worldwide so there's bound to be something for everyone no matter what skill level they're at currently. I personally tried out their course on how to write comedy scripts because I wanted something lighthearted in my life after being laid off recently - wouldn't you know it? It turns out this was one of their most popular classes ever so maybe try finding something else instead!

Cooking class

A cooking class is a great experience gift for someone who loves to cook. If you know someone who likes to whip up something new for dinner, a cooking class is the perfect way to develop their skills and learn how to make things they've never tried before. Cooking classes can take place from anywhere from small kitchens in your local area, all the way up through large culinary schools and even professional chefs in some cases.

You'll be able to choose from a wide variety of types of classes depending on what you're looking for. For example, if you want to learn how to make healthier meals, there are plenty out there that focus solely on that topic. Or maybe you're more interested in learning about different cultures' food? There are many options available as well (including some vegetarian-friendly ones). You'll also likely have access to additional materials like recipes and guides that will help guide your practice after the class has ended!

Gym membership

A gym membership is a great gift for anyone! Gym memberships can be paid monthly or per visit, and many gyms offer different classes such as yoga and spin classes. If you want to get better at something specific like lifting weights, there are personal trainers available as well.

City trip

City trips are a great way to spend your time, especially if you have an adventurous spirit. If you haven't already done so, pick out a new city that interests you and plan to visit it this year.

You can do lots of things in a city. Here are some ideas:

  • Explore the city's museums and art galleries

  • Eat at restaurants in different neighborhoods

  • Go shopping at local stores and markets (or take advantage of online shopping)

  • Take advantage of public transportation services


Cruises are a great way to see the world with your family or friends. Cruises can be romantic, relaxing, and fun for all ages. Depending on the cruise you choose, you may have access to a variety of activities that take place on board such as swimming pools, spas, game rooms, theaters and more!

Wine or beer tasting

A wine or beer tasting is a great way to learn more about the finer things in life. It's also a fun activity that can be done with friends.

Here's how to choose a wine or beer-tasting experience:

  • Look for a venue that offers tastings from small, local vineyards and breweries.

  • Check online reviews and make sure you're comfortable with the company before you book your first appointment.

  • Try not to schedule an appointment on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays—these are slow days for most businesses.

What should you expect from an experience like this? Most venues offer small samples of six different wines (or beers) for around $25-$35 per person—not bad considering that on any given night at many bars in New York City there are bottles of wine priced well above $25! Be sure not only ask questions but also listen carefully because it's easy to miss something while chatting with friends during such an intimate situation as sipping on delicious vintages together!

Escape room

So you've been invited to an escape room. You don't know what that is, but it sounds like fun. There are several popular types of escape rooms:

  • The classic: You're locked in a room with your friends and have 60 minutes to solve puzzles and find clues to escape from the room before time runs out.

  • The horror-themed: These can be more frightening than traditional escape rooms, with more traps and monsters lurking in the shadows. Some even involve actors who come through to scare you!

No matter which type of experience you choose, here are some tips for getting ready for your event:

  • Practice teamwork – It's often said that working together is better than working alone; if two heads are better than one, then five heads must be better than two! Take time beforehand so everyone gets used to working together as a team; this will help when things get difficult during gameplay itself later on down the line when solving all those puzzles together really matters most.

Painting class

There are many painting classes available to you in your area. Most of these are offered at local art studios, but there are also some that take place at home with a professional artist. You may choose to take the class alone or with friends and family. Classes can be geared toward children or adults, as well as beginners or advanced students.

Painting is fun because it allows you to express yourself without any predetermined rules; whatever comes out of the brush is what's right for you!


  • What is a ResortsPass?

  • ResortsPass is an online booking and reservation system that allows you to book your next trip at any of our partner resorts. You can book directly through the Resortpass website or by calling our concierge team at 1-888-201-6967.

  • How do I make a reservation for a Resortpass?

To make reservations at one of our participating resorts, visit Select the location you would like to visit by clicking "Select Location" and then scroll down until you reach the city where you want to stay (the top cities are listed first). Once you have selected your desired city, select whether this is going to be a vacation trip or just a weekend getaway by clicking either "Vacation" or "Weekend Getaway." Next, choose how long - in days - that this trip will last from Monday through Sunday (inclusive). Finally, click "Go!"

Amusement park

If you're looking for an experience gift for your child, then an amusement park is a great choice. These parks typically have rides and attractions that children love, such as roller coasters, water rides, and other fun activities. You'll find amusement parks in many different sizes and shapes to choose from. Some are more family-friendly than others, while some are geared toward teenagers or adults only. Some parks also focus on specific interests (such as theme parks), while others will have several different types of attractions all under one roof!

The cost of an amusement park depends on which type of attraction you choose to visit; if it's during the summer months when most people want to go hang out at these places anyway then expect higher prices due to increased demand!

There are many experience gifts to give, and you can tailor them to the person receiving them.

You might be wondering what type of experience gift to give. You can tailor the experience gift to fit your friend’s personality and interests. For example, if you know someone who is a sports lover, consider getting them tickets for their favorite team or a season pass to their local gym/fitness center. A wine lover would love an afternoon at a vineyard! Is your brother-in-law just starting his own business? A corporate mastermind session will help him learn from others who have been in his situation before and give him confidence that he can succeed! If you want to get outside of the box, consider an afternoon spent learning about gardening or cooking together at The Cookbook Store in Portland, Oregon.

If you're not sure how much time they'll spend on it right away…you could even start with something small like this book called "1000 Awesome Things" by Neil Pasricha . It's filled with positive things people can do every day--it's like having Oprah as your own personal cheerleader!

7 Hacks To Be Productive and Organized at the Same Time

Are you currently struggling to stay organized and productive at work? Most people find it challenging to stay on track with responsibilities, especially when they have so many things on their plate. Extreme disorganization can lead to stress and anxiety, which may slow your productivity and impact your physical and emotional health. 

Finding ways to manage time and organize responsibilities is the key to work efficiency. But before we can find a solution to your unproductivity, we must first find the root of the issue. 

What Hinders Productivity

Several things may interfere with your productivity. Most of these issues aren’t so noticeable because society has accepted them as the norm. If you regularly do the following, you’re probably not living up to your potential at work. 


Productivity is not simply finishing dozens of tasks in a short period. It’s finishing tasks as efficiently and accurately as possible without wasting valuable resources like time. Multi-tasking will only make you feel busier but it won’t help you get your responsibilities done faster. It can negatively affect your quality of work, increase your stress levels, and even cause memory problems. 


Multiple studies have shown that sleeplessness can compromise a person’s alertness, memory, problem-solving skills, and decision-making. These elements play important roles in achieving optimal productivity. 


Exercise is an often overlooked factor in a healthy and productive life. Physical activity releases serotonin in the brain which helps alleviate stress and elevate mood. Productively dealing with stress can help you overcome barriers in your workflow. 

Tips To Be More Productive and Organized

Ready to be more productive and organized? Here are seven tips that you can use to get started:

Tip 1: Create a schedule.

Know what you want to achieve for the day and the week. Write everything in your calendar so you can monitor your progress. It can be easy to forget tasks and responsibilities when you don’t have them written down. A schedule will keep you accountable and ensure you don’t forget your goals. 

Tip 2: Automate repetitive tasks. 

Replying to emails, sending quotes, and responding to customer FAQs are just a few examples of repetitive tasks that you can automate. If you haven’t already adopted automation in your work operations, now is the time to start. AI technologies can now achieve all sorts of tasks, from creating content that helps boost conversion to writing templates to politely decline a business offer

Tip 3: Delegate efficiently. 

You can’t expect to complete all your responsibilities alone. Productive people know when it’s time to delegate tasks to more capable people. 

For instance, when washing laundry, you want to tackle the simpler items like t-shirts and socks at home and leave the more complicated items such as dresses and tuxedos to the professionals. Doing everything alone can result in errors that may cost you your entire wardrobe. You can save money on laundry by knowing when to delegate your tasks. 

The same thing goes for the rest of your responsibilities.

Tip 4: Avoid procrastination. 

Most people procrastinate as a way to cope with challenging and negative emotions such as insecurity, self-doubt, anxiety, and boredom. The best way to defeat procrastination is to find the cause of your negative emotions. Once you’ve identified what’s causing you to feel this way, you can manage it and respond to it in a new way. 

Tip 5: Schedule breaks.

Rest plays a major role in workplace productivity. Studies show that scheduled work breaks can help lower stress and increase productivity. While there are merits to pushing your limit, some tasks can be too overwhelming. Breaks will give you space to calm down and collect your thoughts. It can be as short as five to 15 minutes — nothing too excessive. 

Tip 6: Change your routine when necessary.

It’s natural for people’s habits and routines to change over time. If some elements of your current routine aren’t working for you anymore, consider replacing them with other habits that can boost your productivity. 

For instance, you used to work out in the mornings but recently you’ve found that it leaves you feeling drained later in the day. You may consider moving your workouts to the afternoon or evening. That way you still have enough energy to tackle tasks at work.

Related: 10 ways to become more organized and efficient

Tip 7: Learn to say ‘no.’

Productive and organized people know that their time is precious. You need to be critical about giving it away to people and activities. Otherwise, you’ll end up wasting your time on unnecessary things. Learn to say no to things that won’t ultimately add value to your life or that won’t help you achieve your goals. 

Final Thoughts

Everybody desires to be productive and organized. Some people have a knack for organizing while others struggle to find a suitable setup to encourage productivity. Luckily, there are methods and hacks you can use to simplify the process. Above are just a few techniques that can help you organize your days better. Give them a go and see how easily you can change your life for the better. 

What is toxic productivity

There's a difference between being productive and being toxic in the workplace. While we all want to be more productive, it can often come at the price of our health or relationships. Toxic productivity is when you're working so hard, you start to negatively impact your health or your work environment. In this post, we'll explore what exactly toxic productivity is, how it affects you long-term and what causes it in the first place.

What is toxic productivity?

What exactly is toxic productivity, and how can you tell if it's a problem?

  • Working too hard. Working long hours, taking work home with you on the weekends and generally feeling that no task is ever done—toxic productivity comes from being obsessed with work.

  • Not taking time off. Giving into the temptation of working all weekend because there's something left to do can lead to a lack of balance in your life and stress overload as well as burnout over time.

  • Not getting enough sleep. It may seem obvious that getting enough rest will help us be more productive at work, but many people fail to realize that proper sleep habits are just as important for health as eating well or exercising regularly (and maybe even more so). Lack of sleep can lead to feelings of malaise during the day and will make it harder for your brain to focus on complex tasks like analyzing data or writing code or designing an app prototype. In fact, studies have shown that people who get seven hours of sleep each night perform better than those who don't get any shut-eye at all!

Is toxic productivity only about working too hard?

You might have heard of toxic productivity, but you're probably not sure what it is. It's the idea that you can work hard, but if your working style isn't sustainable or healthy, then it's not really productive at all.

Let's start with the basics: toxic productivity is about working too hard in a way that doesn't help you achieve your goals. But let's go a little deeper and look at some examples of how this happens and why it matters.

What are the signs of being overly productive?

  • You work long hours, even on weekends.

  • You’re working through your lunch break.

  • Your relationships with colleagues, friends and family are strained and you have no time for collaboration, relaxation or team meetings.

  • Your personal life is a mess, and you don’t know how to fix it because you are always working on something at work.

  • Your work life is also a mess, because you've never had time for organization or planning ahead of time (or even later in the day).

    Related: 10 Ways to become more organized and efficient

You find that it's hard to get anything done without feeling like there isn't enough time in the day to do it all—and this makes you feel guilty and stressed out constantly!

How does toxic productivity affect you long-term?

If you're experiencing signs of toxic productivity, it's time to take action. It can lead to burnout and other negative health effects, including:

  • Poor sleep quality. If you're working long hours but not taking time for yourself, you may be skipping out on quality sleep. Instead of sleeping for eight hours at night, your body will become exhausted and start shutting down in the middle of the day when it realizes there's no way that it can get enough rest if it goes straight into another workday. This leads to a vicious cycle where fatigue causes poor health habits throughout the day that then lead to more fatigue the next day—and so on.

  • Low energy levels and bad nutrition habits. When we don't get enough sleep or eat well during the day due to our busy schedule, we feel tired and lethargic during work hours because our bodies are too sluggish from stressors like lack of sleep/nutrition balance (which is why so many people turn towards caffeine). But once we’ve had our fill of caffeine through coffee or energy drinks throughout the shift—and maybe even some sugary snacks later on—we'll crash later that afternoon instead of being able to enjoy a healthy dinner with family members after work! In fact, some workers skip meals altogether but that can lead to hunger cravings, especially for sugars and carbs.

Toxic productivity can lead to burnout and other negative health effects.

According to WebMD “Burnout is a form of exhaustion caused by constantly feeling swamped. It's a result of excessive and prolonged emotional, physical, and mental stress. In many cases, burnout is related to one's job. Burnout happens when you're overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to keep up with life's incessant demands”.

It can also cause stress because you're constantly running around trying to get things done in order to meet deadlines before they occur or complete tasks so they'll be done faster than if you took your time doing them. This leads us back into our first point about accomplishing things simply for the sake of accomplishing them - that's not always necessary!

Related: What does living sustainably mean?

It's important to be productive, but it's also important to take care of yourself. If you feel like you're taking on too much or getting burned out, look for ways to reduce your workload and take breaks throughout the day. Remember that there is no way to be super productive without being healthy—and vice versa!

Copyright © 2022 by Janine Morales, Professional Organizer, Educator, and Consultant in San Diego and surrounding areas.